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研究生(外文):Geng Hao Liu
論文名稱(外文):AN EXPLORATION ON THE ESSENCE OF THE STOMACH, SPIRIT, AND ROOT OF PULSE: viewpoints of Chinese medical classics and cardiovascular physiology
指導教授(外文):J. S. You
外文關鍵詞:Stomachspiritand root of pulseClinical criteria of pulse determiningCardiovascular physiology
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Pulse examination is an important tool in traditional Chinese medicine for diagnosis, prescription, and prognosis. Despite many different approaching systems of pulse examination, “the stomach, spirit, and root of pulse” are simple but useful approaching models.
We try to identify the descriptions of stomach, spirit, and root of pulse from the Inner Classic (Nei Jing) and the Classic of Difficult Issues (Nan Jing), and then apply the principle of “exegesis through the Classic itself” and referring to opinions of later medical scholars, in order to recover the clinical criteria for determining the stomach, spirit, and root of pulse, and clarify its meaning. Furthermore, we try to explain the possible mechanisms of the stomach, spirit, and root of pulse according to cardiovascular physiology, and verify its significance through research in journal literature.
The clinical method of determining the root of pulse is to “gently lift fingertip, in the same position, after pressing fully to the deep level at the cubit pulse,” and the definition of pulse with root is “rapidly forceful rebounding with full shape” when slightly lifting fingertip. Physiologically, the root of pulse means the changes before and after the critical point in hemodynamics, which is created by lifting fingertip slightly. The possible projective physiological signal is diastolic blood pressure or cardiac output.
The stomach of pulse is not a specific pulse manifestation, but the characteristics of calm and gentle pulse sensation. A pulse with stomach qi is described as “weak but slippery pulse.” The “weak pulse,” which represents “stability” instead of ups and downs, means the pulsation has gone through the buffer system in the body. The “slippery pulse,” which is “continuous with clear margins” as opposed to intermittent or fuzzy, means the pulsation has gone through the modification of the high-frequency stomach qi. Physiologically, the stomach of pulse reflects the ability of autoregulation. The possible projective physiological signal is blood pressure variability.
The spirit of pulse has broad meanings, sometimes including the contents of the root and stomach of pulse. When it specifically reflects spiritual awareness, the two aspects can be described in, which are “arrival and departure” and “appearance and end.” In the aspect of “arrival and departure,” pulse with spirit means “structured and ranked pulsation” without disorder. In the aspect of “appearance and end,” pulse with spirit means “steady” without rash. Physiologically, the spirit of pulse is close to the concept of entropy. The possible projective physiological signal is heart rate variability.
指導教授推薦書 i
口試委員會審定書 ii
國家圖書館授權書 iii
長庚大學授權書 iv
誌謝 v
中文摘要 viii
英文摘要 x
目錄 xii
圖表目錄 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機及目的 1
1.1.1脈診之於中醫 1
1.1.2「脈有要訣,胃神根三字而已」 4
1.2研究方法 6
1.2.1脈診操作 6
1.2.2現代生理 6
第二章 脈之根柢 8
2.1重要性 8
2.2操作探討 11
2.2.1現代諸家對根柢的操作 11
2.2.2追尋《內》《難》本義 16
2.3生理上的意義 24
2.4小結 32
第三章 脈之胃氣 34
3.1胃氣概念的起源及內涵 34
3.2重要性及操作探討 38
3.2.1歷代醫家對脈之胃氣的操作 38
3.2.2由真藏脈來理解有胃之脈 42
3.3生理上的意義 48
3.3.1現代諸家對胃氣的認識 48
3.3.2胃氣與血液動力學 50
3.4小結 60
第四章 脈之神氣 62
4.1「神」所代表的意義 62
4.2操作探討 70
4.2.1胃氣、根柢之外的含義 73
4.3生理上可能的意義 84
4.3.1節律與心率變異度(heart rate variability) 85
4.3.2熵(Entropy) 91
4.4小結 94
第五章 脈之胃、神、根之間的關係 96
5.1胃氣與根柢間的關係 96
5.1.1先天與後天之異,代償與分配之別 96
5.1.2「別於陽者,知病處也;別於陰者,知死生之期」 99
5.2胃、神、根三者之間的關係 101
5.2.1胃、神、根之於人體 102
5.2.2由脈動見胃、神、根 104
5.3小結 110
第六章 建議與結論 112
6.1建議:論古今參照的可行性 113
6.2結論:脈之「胃神根」於中醫概念及心血管生理學的探討 116
參考文獻 119

第二章 脈之根柢
2.1(表)歷代醫家對脈之根柢在部位的認識及表述 12
2.2(圖)脈之根柢操作示意圖 22
2.3(表)脈之根柢的概念、醫理、臨床操作及現代生理意義 33
第三章 脈之胃氣
3.1(表)脈之胃氣的歷代描述特點分類 39
3.2(表)以「建立法」與「排除法」歸納脈之胃氣的描述 41
3.3(表)《內》《難》關於脈之胃氣的整理分析 43
3.4(表)平脈與真藏脈之別—以春脈(肝脈)為例 45
3.5(圖)平脈之「陰陽」成分以脈波圖示 47
3.6(表)脈之胃氣的概念、醫理、臨床操作及現代生理意義 61
第四章 脈之神氣
4.1(表)脈有神的諸家定義歸類 71
4.2(表)脈之神氣的概念、醫理、臨床操作及現代生理意義 95
第五章 脈之胃、神、根之間的關係
5.1(圖)由血流自動調節能力之研究理解人體代償及脈之胃、根的關係 98
5.2(表)《內經》中脈之「陽、陰」與「診斷、預後」的論述整理 100
5.3(表)脈之「胃神根」於中醫、系統及生理概念下之對照 103
5.4(圖)正常脈波示意圖 105
5.5(圖)以血壓概念看待一次脈動中上升支、下降支組成之異 107
5.6(圖)脈動的根、胃、神,與不同維度的生理指標 109
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