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研究生(外文):Fa Tsair Leu
論文名稱(外文):Factors Related to Strategies of Using Generic Drugs in Different Levels of Hospitals
指導教授(外文):H. M. Tseng
外文關鍵詞:generic drugsdrug procurementthe Pharmaceutical Affairs Committeepharmaceutical marketing
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結論與建議: 在大型醫院學名藥進藥時均有資格規範。包含有產品需符合BA/BE;PIC/S;DMF等,本資格除用以醫院進藥申請外,從健保局對學名藥品的核價規則中發現,學名藥品項若經過BA/BE試驗,其核定健保價格為原開發廠藥品價格的八成至九成,致使學名藥品與原廠藥品價格相對接近。有助於競爭力提升及廠商整體形象發展;除此之外,本土藥廠應投入更多研發及臨床試驗經費,增添學名藥臨床數據,藉以說服臨床處方醫師。最後,對醫院決策人士之經營,若能邀請參訪符合規範的藥廠,使其瞭解學名藥在產製品管、退換貨及物流配送的努力,對學名藥在醫院之進用與採購,亦有莫大助益。
Since 1995, the actual percentage of insuring is over 99% after Taiwanese government started the National Health Insurance. However, it is also a burden for the pressure of medical expense arising behind this policy. Therefore, it is very important to utilize and adjust the medical expense, and make resource become more effective. According to the research, adapting generic is helpful for reducing medicine cost. So many countries in the world mostly use policy strategies or finance support to encourage doctors and patients accept generic to decrease medicine cost.
Most local pharmaceutical companies focus on the manufacture and sales of generic, but their business scope is not only really large, but also use price war and cheaper marketing strategy. Nevertheless, price is not the only factor for hospitals and medical centers to choose generic。Excluding the price, there are other factors, like the reputation of the pharmaceutical companies, product quality, marketing promotions, logistics, sales channel, and etc. might affect the decision maker.
Therefore, the hypothesis of this research is different-level hospitals have various concerns to purchase generic.
This research is based on the questionary. The target is the decision-maker of medicine in different-level hospitals. 250 questionaries are provided from Mar to Apr, 2012 and recalled 182. Recall rate is 72.8%. 173 questionaries are effective; 9 questionaries are invalid. Those questionaries are analyzed by descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and canonical analysis. Then some information is shown as below:
In some larger hospitals, generic is needed doctors to apply to medicine committee. The final decision is made by medicine committee. National Health Insurance subsidy and profit margin are two important factors for hospitals to pick generic. Decision-making timing for hospitals to exchange original drug for generic happens when Bureau of National Health Insurance adjusts the medicine price. Medical center and area teaching hospital pay more attention on “the reputation of pharmaceutical companyeded d“product quality.f pharmaceutical com focus on the product cost. Stable supply system, refund policy, and on-time delivery also affect hospitals to choose generic.
Conclusion &; Suggestion:
Large-scale hospitals have qualification standard when choosing medicine, including BA/BE, PIC/S, DMF, and etc. Those qualifications help hospitals to pick medicine and arise competence and reputation of pharmaceutical companies if generics pass BA/BE. Those kinds of medicine are around 80%~90% price of branded drug. Besides, local pharmaceutical companies should invest on research &; development and clinical trial application expense to increase clinical data of generic and persuade doctors. Last, it is also helpful to invite decision-maker to visit qualification pharmaceutical companies and understand the effort of production, refund and logistics.
長庚大學碩士學位論文指導教授推薦書 i
長庚大學碩士學位論文口試委員審定書 ii
國家圖書館授權書 iii
長庚大學授權書 iv
致謝 v
中文摘要 vi
Abstract viii
目錄 x
表目錄 xi
圖目錄 xii
第一章、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二章、文獻探討 7
第一節 全球及台灣製藥產業分析 7
第二節 台灣地區醫院藥品採購制度及流程與藥事委員會組織 20
第三節 影響醫院選擇藥物之要素 29
第四節 結論 36
第三章、研究設計與方法 37
第一節 研究步驟 37
第二節 研究對象 38
第三節 研究工具 38
第四節 資料分析方法 39
第四章、研究結果 40
第一節 樣本之基本資料 40
第二節 資料分析結果 46
第五章、討論與建議 52
第一節 研究結論 52
第二節 研究限制 54
第三節 研究建議 55
參考文獻 57
附錄 61


表 1 2009年全球暢銷前20大專利藥 61
表 2 2009年全球感染用藥主要暢銷產品 62
表 3 Piperacillin / Tazobactam抗菌譜 63
表 4 醫院招標類別 64
表 5 各系統醫院採購招標制度整理 65
表 6 醫院屬性之描述性統計 41
表 7 學名藥申請資格及程序之描述性統計 42
表 8 Piperacillin / Tazobactam在醫院使用情形之描述性統計 44
表 9 受訪者基本資料之描述性統計 45
表 10 影響醫院考量以學名藥取代原廠藥,影響因子之強弱統計表 46
表 11各層級醫院進用學名藥卡方分析表 48
表 12 各層級醫院以學名藥取代原廠藥影響因子之變異數分析表 49

圖 1 全球藥品市場規模變化 8
圖 2 全球藥品市場在區域分布變化 8
圖 3 藥品分類市占率變化 9
圖 4 1997~2009年藥費成長趨勢 14
圖 5 1999~2009年各類藥品占藥費支出佔比 15
圖 6 2005~2009年全球抗感染用藥市場及成長率 17
圖 7 2009年抗感染用藥區域市場分佈 17
圖 8 2009年抗感染用藥各類產品市場佔有率 18
圖 9 台大醫院進藥申請作業流程 68
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