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研究生(外文):Lee, chen-chieh
論文名稱:大蒜異味消除之探討- 以牛奶、 荷蘭芹與蜂膠為例
論文名稱(外文):The studies of deodorizing effect of Milk、 Parsley and Propolis against foul-smelling of Garlic
口試委員:張自忠、 饒文娟 、 徐令儀
中文關鍵詞:大蒜、 牛奶、 荷蘭芹、 蜂膠
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大蒜是一種遍產於各地的植物,其球莖可提高免疫能力、具殺菌及降低血液 大蒜是一種遍產於各地的植物,其球莖可提高免疫能力、具殺菌及降低血液 大蒜是一種遍產於各地的植物,其球莖可提高免疫能力、具殺菌及降低血液 大蒜是一種遍產於各地的植物,其球莖可提高免疫能力、具殺菌及降低血液 大蒜是一種遍產於各地的植物,其球莖可提高免疫能力、具殺菌及降低血液 中膽固醇和血脂功能、並避免胃癌發病與延緩老化等效,所以成為人們廣泛使 中膽固醇和血脂功能、並避免胃癌發病與延緩老化等效,所以成為人們廣泛使 中膽固醇和血脂功能、並避免胃癌發病與延緩老化等效,所以成為人們廣泛使 中膽固醇和血脂功能、並避免胃癌發病與延緩老化等效,所以成為人們廣泛使 中膽固醇和血脂功能、並避免胃癌發病與延緩老化等效,所以成為人們廣泛使 用的食材和調味料。然而,大蒜入口後特有異臭又常帶給服者困擾因 用的食材和調味料。然而,大蒜入口後特有異臭又常帶給服者困擾因 用的食材和調味料。然而,大蒜入口後特有異臭又常帶給服者困擾因 用的食材和調味料。然而,大蒜入口後特有異臭又常帶給服者困擾因 用的食材和調味料。然而,大蒜入口後特有異臭又常帶給服者困擾因 用的食材和調味料。然而,大蒜入口後特有異臭又常帶給服者困擾因 用的食材和調味料。然而,大蒜入口後特有異臭又常帶給服者困擾因 用的食材和調味料。然而,大蒜入口後特有異臭又常帶給服者困擾因 用的食材和調味料。然而,大蒜入口後特有異臭又常帶給服者困擾因 此,找出消除它惱人的異味讓食用者不失禮儀更放心服當為實課題。 此,找出消除它惱人的異味讓食用者不失禮儀更放心服當為實課題。 此,找出消除它惱人的異味讓食用者不失禮儀更放心服當為實課題。 此,找出消除它惱人的異味讓食用者不失禮儀更放心服當為實課題。 此,找出消除它惱人的異味讓食用者不失禮儀更放心服當為實課題。 此,找出消除它惱人的異味讓食用者不失禮儀更放心服當為實課題。 此,找出消除它惱人的異味讓食用者不失禮儀更放心服當為實課題。 此,找出消除它惱人的異味讓食用者不失禮儀更放心服當為實課題。 此,找出消除它惱人的異味讓食用者不失禮儀更放心服當為實課題。 此,找出消除它惱人的異味讓食用者不失禮儀更放心服當為實課題。 研究內容包括三部分 :ㄧ是透過官能品評法,探討嚼食大蒜後飲用異味消除劑 (牛奶與荷蘭芹 )所需的時間與份量 ;二是以無臭滴定方式,測出異味消除劑 二是以無臭滴定方式,測出異味消除劑 二是以無臭滴定方式,測出異味消除劑 二是以無臭滴定方式,測出異味消除劑 (荷蘭 芹與蜂膠 )消除大蒜異味至可接受程度所需的份量 ;三是藉由分子模擬解釋荷蘭 芹與蜂膠消除大蒜異味可能的機轉。結果顯示,嚼食 結果顯示,嚼食 結果顯示,嚼食 2公克 大蒜後,其異臭味在飲用牛奶 大蒜後,其異臭味在飲用牛奶 大蒜後,其異臭味在飲用牛奶 大蒜後,其異臭味在飲用牛奶 150mL ,5分鐘後即顯出 分鐘後即顯出 減輕效果, 20 分鐘後異味已減低到 50% ,27.1 分鐘後幾乎嗅聞不到口氣異味。而 嚼食荷蘭芹 30 公克, 公克, 3分鐘後即有減輕, 分鐘後即有減輕, 6分鐘後口氣異味已減低到 50% 以下, 以下, 9.25 分鐘後,就完全聞不到異臭味。無滴定實驗結果顯示當達消除大蒜至 分鐘後,就完全聞不到異臭味。無滴定實驗結果顯示當達消除大蒜至 分鐘後,就完全聞不到異臭味。無滴定實驗結果顯示當達消除大蒜至 分鐘後,就完全聞不到異臭味。無滴定實驗結果顯示當達消除大蒜至 分鐘後,就完全聞不到異臭味。無滴定實驗結果顯示當達消除大蒜至 分鐘後,就完全聞不到異臭味。無滴定實驗結果顯示當達消除大蒜至 分鐘後,就完全聞不到異臭味。無滴定實驗結果顯示當達消除大蒜至 分鐘後,就完全聞不到異臭味。無滴定實驗結果顯示當達消除大蒜至 分鐘後,就完全聞不到異臭味。無滴定實驗結果顯示當達消除大蒜至 分鐘後,就完全聞不到異臭味。無滴定實驗結果顯示當達消除大蒜至 可接受程度時,荷蘭芹 及蜂膠與大蒜滴液的容積比分別是 6.7:1 與10:1 。而荷蘭 芹及蜂膠能夠消除大蒜異味原因,可是成份中所含的木犀草素( 芹及蜂膠能夠消除大蒜異味原因,可是成份中所含的木犀草素( 芹及蜂膠能夠消除大蒜異味原因,可是成份中所含的木犀草素( 芹及蜂膠能夠消除大蒜異味原因,可是成份中所含的木犀草素( 芹及蜂膠能夠消除大蒜異味原因,可是成份中所含的木犀草素( luteolin )與 槲黃素 (Quercetin) 有關。經由理論化學計算,木犀草素( luteolin )與槲黃素 (Quercetin) 分子結構中的 catechol 氧化生成的 o-quinone 與大蒜臭味含硫成份 diallyl disulfide 及n-acetyl cysteine 進行 1,4 -位置的親核性加成反應,由 於反應消耗掉含硫臭味成份,可能是除大蒜異的原因之ㄧ。

Garlic (Allium sativum L. ) is a popular plant, it is easily planted in every place of the
world. Its bull-lantern can increase human beings immunocompe-tence, be good to
disinfect and to decrease cholesterol and plague in blood. In the meantime, it can help to avoid stomach cancer and delay human beings maturing, etc. So, garlic has become an important and be widely used as foods materials and condiments during cooking. However, garlic could cause a foul-smelling after eating, which perplex eaters quite a lot. Thus, it becomes important to find a solution which can clear garlic special smell and let people are pleased to enjoy it without being impolite when getting together with friends. The study consisted of three parts: The first part was to measure the time and quantity of milk and raw parsley when they removed the garlic foul-smelling after bite by sensory evaluation; The second part was to check the accept-area of these two deodorants( parsley and propolis) that removed the malodor effect by odorless titration test; The third part was to explain the mechanism of deodorizing garlic’s foul-smelling effect by molecular simulation from parsley and propolis.Depend on the examined data, the bad odor would be definitely reduced in 5min; after 20min, the odor of garlic would remove by 50%; after 27.1min, the foul would disappear. when ate 2g. garlic and combined drinking 150mL milk. The same case found in parsley, when ate 2g. garlic and combined eating 30 g. parsley . The bad breath would be vanished obviously after only 3min. When extended to 6min. the odor of garlic would consume below 50%; After 9.25min, the stink of garlic would disappear clearly. The odorless titration test showed the extract volume ratios of parsley and propolis to garlic were 6.7:1 and 10:1 respectively when the garlic foul-smelling was reduced to the acceptable odor by deodorants. The deodorizing effects may attribute to the reactions of luteolin and quercetin luteolin and quercetinluteolin and quercetin luteolin and quercetin luteolin and quercetin luteolin and quercetin luteolin and quercetinluteolin and quercetin luteolin and quercetin , two componends in parsley and propolis, with diallyl disulfide and n-acetyl cysteine, two foul-smelling components in garlic. The foul-smelling decreased when the reaction occurred by consumption of the sulfur cantaing ingredient in garlic.

第一章 前言….……….…….……….………….……….……………………….….1
第一節 研究動機….…….……….…….……..………….….……………….…2
第二節 研究目的….………….…….…….…….…….……..…………….……3
第二章 文獻回顧….…….…….…………………..….…….…….…………………..4
第一節 大蒜之性味….…….…….…………….…….…….…………………...4
第二節 口腔異臭味….…….…….…….……………..….….…………………13
第三節 大蒜異味消除劑:牛奶、荷蘭芹、蜂膠……………………...………..16
第三章 材料與方法…..…………………………………………..…………………25
第一節 實驗材料….…….…….…….…….…….…….…...............25
壹 樣品原料….…….…….…….…….………...….…..…………………25
貳 實驗設備與器材….…………………………………….......……………26
第二節 實驗方法….…….…….…….………….…….……....………………27
壹 實驗架構…. …….…….…….…….…….…….……....…………….27
貳 異臭味消除之官能品評….…….…….…….….……....………………29
叄 滴定實驗………………………………………....……....…………….31
第三節 資料處理與分析….…….…….…….…….…………....………..…32
第四章 結果與討論….…….…….…….………………….……...……………34
第一節 異臭味消除劑牛奶與荷蘭芹之官能品評….……………...…………..34
第二節 蒜液滴入荷蘭芹與蜂膠之滴定檢測….…………………...…………..40
第三節 異臭味消除之可能原因探討….…….….………...…..………………41
第五章 結論….…….…….…….…….….……………………….…………....47

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