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研究生(外文):Tsung-Lin Yu
論文名稱(外文):The study of arsenic removal using iron-manganese coated sand derived from water treatment sludge
指導教授(外文):Meng-Wei Wan
外文關鍵詞:groundwaterquartz sandadsorptionpentavalent arsenic
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本試驗是以淨水廠產出之鐵錳污泥所改質之石英砂(Fe-Mn sludge sand, FMSS)作為吸附劑,探討FMSS在不同克數、不同pH及水公司實場地下水原水中對As(V)的吸附作用。在不同克數及不同pH之試驗使用人工配製原水,砷濃度約為500ppb上下進行試驗。結果顯示隨吸附劑量增加,對砷之去除率隨之提升,但吸附劑對砷之單位吸附量卻隨吸附劑量之增加而減少。此外,在低pH的環境下有助於去除水體中的As(V),pH為12之試驗顯示砷之去除率極低,主要因FMSS在高pH下因高於其等電位點,導致表面帶負電性。而高pH下存在水中砷之物種亦帶負電荷,電性斥力導致砷不易被吸附。在實場含砷地下水之試驗部分,次氯酸鈉的添加可以加速對砷之吸附,並較未加氯者有較高之砷去除率。評估Freundlich及Langmuir等溫吸附模式後,發現單層吸附之Langmuir模式較為符合FMSS對砷之吸附作用;另外吸附動力學之評估,顯示本吸附較符合擬二階動力吸附,屬化學性吸附。
In this study, the adsorptive removal of arsenate from aqueous solution using iron-manganese coated sand (FMSS) derived from drinking water treatment sludge was investigated. Under a constant initial concentration of 500 ppb, the effect of mass of FMSS (0.125 to 0.4 g), contact time (1 to 23 h) and initial pH (pH 4 to 12) on the % removal and adsorption capacity of As(V) was examined. Results showed that as the mass of FMSS was increased, the adsorption capacity decreases and % As(V) removal were observed to increase as well. Meanwhile, the adsorption capacity and % As(V) removal would both increase due to increase in contact time and as the initial pH becomes more acidic. The removal of As(V) was observed to decrease as the pH becomes more basic. This is due to the negative surface charge of FMSS at pH 12, which is above its isoelectric point. Under a basic pH, the existing forms of As(V) are HAsO42- and AsO43-, which is also negatively charged. The approaching ions of As(V) will exert a repulsive form towards the surface of FMSS, therefore lower removal and adsorption capacity were obtained. The equilibrium data was analyzed using the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm, where the Langmuir model correlated well with the experimental data. This implies that the adsorption of As(V) onto FMSS could be described as a monolayer adsorption onto binding sites with the same energy levels. Kinetic equations such as pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order equation were used to evaluate the kinetics data. The experimental data agreed well with pseudo-second order equation, which implies that chemisorption is the rate controlling step. This indicates the formation of a covalent bond between As(V) and binding sites of FMSS by sharing a pair of electrons. The removal of As(V) from real groundwater samples were studied, where a higher % removal could be achieved by application of a pre-treatment method, which is oxidation using NaOCl.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究緣起 1
1.2研究動機及目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 砷之危害及流變 5
2.1.1 砷化學 6
2.1.2 砷污染流佈現況 13
2.1.3 砷之用途與危害 20
2.2 水中砷去除技術評析 25
2.2.1 含砷廢水處理技術 25
2.2.2 自來水中砷之去除技術 27
2.3等溫吸附模式(Adsorption isotherm model) 33
2.3.1 Langmuir Isotherm 36
2.3.2 Freundlich Isotherm 37
2.4吸附動力學 37
2.4.1擬一階吸附動力模式(Pseudo-first order kinetic model) 38
2.4.2擬二階吸附動力模式(Pseudo-second order kinetic model) 39
2.5物理/化學吸附 40
2.5.1物理吸附(physical adsorption) 40
2.5.2化學吸附(chemical adsorption) 41
第三章 研究材料及方法 42
3.1實驗架構及流程 42
3.2 鐵錳污泥覆膜石英砂之製備 43
3.3實驗方法與步驟 44
3.4 鐵錳污泥之特性分析 45
3.5實驗器材及設備 47
3.5.1 實驗藥品 47
3.5.2 實驗儀器設備 48
第四章 結果與討論 49
4.1 FMSS之基本特性 49
4.1.1改質濾料表面型態分析 49
4.1.2表面元素成份之分析 53
4.2石英砂與FMSS對As(V)之吸附效果評估 55
4.3 FMSS對As(V)之吸附效果評估 56
4.3.1 本試驗之最適添加劑量 56
4.2.2不同起始砷濃度對FMSS吸附砷去除之影響 58
4.2.3 等溫吸附模式與吸附動力學 60
4.3不同pH下之吸附結果 70
4.4自製FMSS應用於北港地下水除砷之結果 72
第五章 結論與建議 75
5.1結論 75
5.2建議 76
參考文獻 77
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