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研究生(外文):Wen-chin Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A Survey Study on the Motivation and Health Image of Hot Spring Customers in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Image of Motivation and HealthHealth ServiceWellness TechnologyHot Spring Industry
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隨著休閒產業的全球化、多樣化和健康休閒導向化,單一服務功能的產業已漸漸無法滿足人們。根據世界衛生組織21世紀人類健康的新策略之「健康促進」觀念,Pilzer 進一步指出,健康產業將從現今疾病產業中脫穎而出,成為新時代潮流,此時以身、心、靈之自癒療法為核心的spa產業,將因而受惠快速成長。溫泉是台灣發展蓬勃且獲利豐厚的新興spa產業,現今台灣溫泉產業正面對國際化的挑戰,而消費人口群之消費動機和健康服務意象將直接影響台灣溫泉產業的發展潮流。
調查結果顯示,本研究受訪者,男性略高於女性、未婚者居多、21-40 歲的學生居多、平均月收入以20,000元以下者佔多數;在健康自覺方面,以「現在的我心理健康良好」認同度最高,其次為「現在的我精神狀態良好」,而認同度最低為「現在的我體能狀況良好」;在身、心、靈健康方面,以「聆聽音樂」認同度最高,其次為「觀賞電視或電影」,而認同度最低為「參與宗教活動」;在輔助療法概念方面,則以「水中運動」認同度最高,其次為「按摩指壓或推拿」,而認同度最低為「能量治療能量石水晶屋光療電療」;在休閒娛樂方面,以「享受休閒渡假的樂趣」認同度最高,其次為「享受清淨自然環境」,而認同度最低為「追求時尚潮流的生活」;在健康促進方面,以「改善疲憊及恢復體能」認同度最高,其次為「舒緩情緒壓力」,而認同度最低為「尋求復健保健」;在溫泉健康促進方面,以「舒解工作的壓力」認同度最高,其次為「消除疲勞」,而認同度最低為「滿足追隨時尚潮流的渴望」;在溫泉區健康服務方面,以「按摩」認同度最高,其次為「養生美食」,而認同度最低為「醫學美容」。此外,比較不同社經背景與不同構面意象之間的差異情形,結果顯示男性比女性的健康自覺高;已婚者在「健康自覺」、「身心靈健康」、「休閒娛樂」三方面的意象程度高於未婚者,但對「輔助療法概念」的意象,則是未婚者較高;年齡層之差異調查結果顯示,在「健康自覺」方面,「61歲以上」比「21-40歲」及「40-60歲」較高,而「輔助療法概念」方面則是「21-40歲」及「40-60歲」比「未滿20歲」較高;不同職業則在「輔助療法概念」、「休閒娛樂」、「健康促進」、「溫泉健康促進」、「溫泉區健康服務」皆有顯著差異;不同平均月收入則在「健康自覺」、「身心靈健康」、「輔助療法概念」、「健康促進」、「溫泉健康促進」、「溫泉區健康服務」方面呈現顯著差異。最後本研究進一步再比較不同構面之間的相關聯性,結果發現在「健康促進」與「溫泉健康促進」之間的相關聯性最高,其次為「休閒娛樂」與「健康促進」,而相關聯性最差為「健康自覺」與「輔助療法概念」;在「溫泉的浸泡經驗次數」與「北、中、南、花東溫泉區」對各構面之迴歸分析之結果發現,只有「溫泉的浸泡經驗次數(概念)」對「輔助療法概念」有顯著差異,其他的構面並無顯著關係。
The trends of leisure and recreation are toward globalization, diversity and healthy services. The “Health Promotion” concept is a new strategy of the World Health Organization in 21st century for human health. Pilzer indicated that the health industry will become a new trend and the spa center will get more benefit and rapid growth. The hot spring is a very precious resource in Taiwan. However, the hot spring still developed as tourist and leisure but lack of the related research about spa with health promotion in Taiwan. The research was focus on the globalized impact factors about the motivation and the health image to know the relationship between health services and motivation of hot spring customers.
In this study, we were assuming that Taiwan''s hot springs consumer’s motivation and health image play an important influence role of the development trend of Taiwan''s hot spring industry in the 21st century. We were also focus the field on the hot springs industry how to combine the health services and practices to creative a new health service strategy. The study used quantitative research questionnaires. The main research area of this study was in the Gu-Guan, Guanziling Creek and Chih-Pen hot spring areas. The questionnaire dimensions were included in the concepts of health promotion, the concepts of complementary therapy, spa tour motivations, the concepts of spa health promotion and spa health services. The total valid questionnaires are 500 customers; the valid rate was 83%.
The respondents of this study have shown, men were slightly more than women, mostly were unmarried, 21 - to 40-year-old students and the average monthly income below NT$ 20,000 were major groups. In terms of the concepts of health promotion, the field of personal health conditions, the personal recognition of "I feel that my mental health is good" was the highest degree, followed by "now I am in good spirits", but the "physical condition" was agree to the lowest, following in the field of personal body, mind and spiritual health conditions, the degree of "listen to music" was the highest , followed by "watching TV or movies", but the "participate in religious activities" was the lowest. In terms of the concepts of complementary therapy, the degree of "underwater exercise" was the highest, followed by "massage or treat pain by massage", but the "energy therapy" was the lowest. In terms of the concepts of spa tour motivations, the field of recreation, the personal recognition of “liesure fun" was the highest degree, followed by "immersion in nature", but the "enjoy the fashion trends" was agree to the lowest, following in the field of spa health promotion, the degree of "improve the fatigue and restore physical" was the highest, followed by "relieve emotional stress ", but the "rehabilitation or health care" was the lowest. In terms of spa health services, the degree of " massage " was the highest, followed by " health food ", but the " cosmetic medicine " was the lowest.
In addition, the differences between the socio-economic backgrounds, the results have shown that men on health conscious were high more than women; married on the "health conscious" and "physical & mental health", "recreational concepts" three image were high more than the unmarried, but the concept of "complementary therapy", it was higher unmarried. Age differences in the findings have shown that the 61 years old on health conscious were high more than 21-40 years old and 40-60 years old people, but the concept of "complementary therapy", the 21-40 years old and 40-60 years people were higher under 20 years old. Occupations different were significant shown on the concepts of "complementary therapy", "recreational concepts", "health promotion" and "spa health promotion". Income different were significant shown on the concepts of "health conscious" and "physical and spiritual health, the concept of "complementary therapy", "health promotion", "spa health promotion" and "health service".
Finally, the study was further compared the relationship between the different dimensions. The results have shown that between the "health promotion" and "hot spring health promotion" mostly significant, followed by "recreational concepts" and "health promotion". Regression compared with the "immersion experience" and "location of hot spring areas", the results significant were finding only between the "immersion experience" and "complementry therapy", but the other dimensions were no significant relationship.
Overall, in study has conclusion that consumers'' socio-economic backgrounds and hot spring industries providing health services are positive relative with consumers’ motivation and health image. The research results can provide a reference of the competent authorities to develop the industrial development policy, combined with a reference to practices of health service so that up to enhance the goal of international competitiveness. Comprehensive the results have shown that the spa with health services will be a key factor of hot spring industrial trends in Taiwan.
中文摘要 V
英文摘要 VIII
誌謝 XII
圖目錄 XVI
表目錄 XVII
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景與動機 1
第二節、 研究目的 4
第三節、 研究假設 5
第四節、 研究範圍 6
第五節、 研究流程 7
第六節、 重要名詞解釋 8
第二章、 文獻回顧 10
第一節、 健康與健康促進 10
第二節、 養生與保健 15
第三節、 溫泉健康促進 19
第四節、 旅遊保健 25
第五節、 多元保健技術 35
第三章、 研究方法 38
第一節、 研究架構 38
第二節、 問卷設計 38
第三節、 信度與效度 41
第四節、 資料收集方法與步驟 42
第五節、 資料分析方法 43
第四章、 結果與討論 45
第一節、 次數分配 45
第二節、 不同社經背景與不同構面意象之間的差異分析56
第三節、 不同構面之間的相關聯性 59
第四節、 迴歸分析 60
第五章、 結論與建議 64
第一節、 結論 64
第二節、 建議 69
參考文獻 71
中文文獻 71
英文文獻 74
附錄一:問卷設計(初稿) i
附録二:專家建議書 ix
附錄三:問卷信度 xxiv
附錄四:問卷設計(完稿) xxix

圖 1 - 1 研究假設圖 6
圖 1 - 2 研究流程圖 7
圖 3 - 1 研究架構圖 38

表 2-1 溫泉基準 22
表 3- 1 構面區分 43
表 4- 1社經背景次數分配表 46
表 4- 2健康自覺次數分配表 47
表 4- 3身、心、靈健康次數分配表 48
表 4- 4輔助療法概念次數分配表 49
表 4- 5溫泉區旅遊動機次數分配表 51
表 4- 6溫泉健康促進次數分配表 52
表 4- 7溫泉區健康服務次數分配表 53
表 4- 8溫泉使用經驗與嗜好次數分配表 55
表 4- 9不同社經背景對不同構面意象的差異性分析表 58
表 4- 10 皮爾森(Pearson)相關分析表 60
表 4- 11 迴歸分析—溫泉的浸泡經驗次數表(概念) 61
表 4- 12 迴歸分析表—溫泉的浸泡經驗次數(健康) 62
表 4- 13迴歸分析表—北、中、南、花東溫泉區(概念) 62
表 4- 14迴歸分析表—北、中、南、花東溫泉區(健康) 63
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