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研究生(外文):CHEN, YU-PING
論文名稱(外文):Sintering Lightweight Aggregate Using Renewable Resources
外文關鍵詞:waste liquid crystal glassreservoir sedimentsTaguchi experimental design method
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It is well known that using lightweight aggregate (LWA) may make lightweight aggregate concrete (LWC). Comparing with normal weight aggregate concrete (NC), LWC possesses many advantages such as lightweight, lower thermal conductivity, and better fire and seismic resistance. In view of the fact that synthetic LWA produced from industrial waste is a viable new source of structural aggregate material. For this reason, this study aimed to produce lightweight aggregate using renewable resources. The experimental work was divided into two parts. In the first part, experiments were conducted to investigate the initial valuation of development of firing and large-scale production techniques for ordinary lightweight aggregate using sludge from industrial parks wastewater treatmentplants. In the second part, the waste liquid crystal glass was used as an additive. It was incorporated with reservoir sediments to produce lightweight aggregates. Taguchi method with an L16(45) orthogonal array and five controllable 4-level factors (i.e., cullet content, preheat temperature, preheat time, sintering temperature, and sintering time) was adopted. Then, in order to optimize the selected parameters, the range analysis and analysis of variance the mathematical statistics were used to explore the effects of the experimental factors on the performances (particle density, water absorption, and bloating index) of the produced lightweight aggregates.
The analysis result showed that the sludge from industrial parks wastewater treatment plants was not in the limits of the expandable region of the ternary diagram due to the low content of SiO2. Therefore, they can only be used as additives. By contrast, the reservoir sediments can be used as primary resource materials for lightweight aggregates that can achieve not only technical benefits, but also can result in good social and ecological benefits. On the other hand, the results showed that it is possible to produce high performance lightweight aggregates by incorporating waste liquid crystal glass with reservoir sediments. Moreover, Taguchi method is a promising approach for optimizing process condition of synthetic lightweight aggregates using recycled glass cullet and reservoir sediments and it significantly reduces the number of tests.
中文摘要 I
目錄 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
照片目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 研究內容 4
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2-1 輕質骨材之種類 8
2-2 輕質骨材之發展 10
2-2-1 美國地區 10
2-2-2 日本地區 12
2-2-3 中國大陸地區 17
2-2-4 英國地區 18
2-2-5 德國地區 19
2-2-6 挪威地區 19
2-2-7 台灣地區 20
2-3 輕質骨材之產製 21
2-3-1 輕質骨材之燒製作業流程 21
2-3-2 輕質骨材之燒結與燒脹機理 24
2-3-3 影響輕質骨材燒成之因素 27
2-4 輕質骨材之應用 31
2-4-1 非結構性應用 33
2-4-2 結構性應用 34
2-5 水庫淤泥之再利用 41
2-5-1 台灣水庫淤積現況 41
2-5-2 水庫集水區之地質概況調查 44
2-5-3 水庫淤泥LWA 46
2-6 廢水污泥之再利用 47
2-6-1 工業廢水之處理 47
2-6-2 工業污泥之處理與性質 48
2-6-3 污泥最終處置之現況 52
2-7 廢玻璃之再利用 55
2-8 實驗設計法 56
2-8-1 實驗法簡介 56
2-8-2 實驗設計法之應用 58
2-9 田口實驗設計法 59
2-9-1 田口法簡介 59
2-9-2 直交表 61
2-9-3 訊號/雜音比 62
2-10 輕質骨材之規範 65
第三章 研究方法與試驗計畫 68
3-1 研究方法 68
3-1-1 普通輕質骨材之燒製研究 68
3-1-2 高性能輕質骨材之燒製研究 70
3-2 試驗計畫 70
3-2-1 料源性質分析 71
3-2-2 輕質骨材之實驗室燒製 74
3-2-3 工業污泥再製輕質骨材之量產可行性及應用性評估 77
3-2-4 量產生產工法之研擬 79
3-2-5 輕質骨材性質之分析 80
3-2-6 輕質骨材強度標號試驗法 84
3-2-7 全距分析 86
3-2-8 變異數分析 88
第四章 污水處理廠污泥摻配水庫淤泥燒製輕質骨材 92
4-1 研究構想 92
4-2 原料採樣與基本性質分析 94
4-3 工業污泥再製輕質骨材之燒製研究 98
4-3-1 實驗室燒製 98
4-3-2 燒製結果與分析 104
4-4 量產可行性及應用性評估 108
4-4-1 量產配方 108
4-4-2 量產流程 108
4-4-3 骨材物理性質試驗與分析 110
4-4-4 強度標號試驗與分析 111
4-4-5 TCLP溶出檢測及戴奧辛含量分析 113
4-5 量產工法之研擬 114
第五章 廢玻璃與水庫淤泥混配燒製高性能輕質骨材之研究 117
5-1 研究構想 117
5-2 試驗材料性質 118
5-3 試驗設計 121
5-3 實驗室燒製結果與分析 123
5-3-1 試驗結果 123
5-3-2 全距分析 130
5-3-3 變異數分析 135
5-3-4 微孔隙分析 140
第六章 結論與建議 142
6-1 結論 142
6-2 建議 144
參考文獻 145
著作目錄 153
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