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研究生(外文):Shi-min Wang
論文名稱(外文):Antioxidant properties of Hypsizigus marmoreus and the white mutant of Hypsizigus marmoreus by microwave extraction
指導教授(外文):Yu-Ling Lee
外文關鍵詞:H. marmoreuswhite mutant of H. marmoreusantioxidant propertiesmicrowave extracted
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本研究係針對鴻喜菇[Hypsizigus marmoreus, Peck. Bigelow, HP]與美白菇(white mutant of Hypsizigus marmoreus, WHP)子實體為實驗材料進行萃取,以不同時間熱水及微波萃取(10、30及60分鐘),以及熱水(對照組)和不同微波功率處理(100、200、及400 W)後再使用熱水萃取,並將所得萃取物,進行多醣含量、多醣分子量、抗氧化成分及抗氧化活性分析。
在不同加熱時間下,鴻喜菇(HP)與美白菇(WHP)經熱水萃取(HWE)及微波萃取(MWE),隨萃取時間增加萃取率有下降趨勢,萃取率以熱水萃取高於微波萃取。HP與WHP的總醣含量會隨熱水萃取時間增加而增加。反之,微波萃取則隨萃取時間增加而降低。在多醣分子量分析上,HP熱水及微波萃取30分鐘後,其多醣分子量最大分別為19.6 × 103 Da及23 × 103 Da;WHP隨萃取時間增加多醣分子量也越大16.7 × 103 Da ~27 × 103 Da。在抗氧化性質方面,HP與WHP分別經熱水萃取30分鐘後,濃度在10 mg/mL時抗氧化力最高,分別為74.85及83.42%,而微波萃取隨時間增加抗氧化力有增加趨勢,HP與WHP在濃度10 mg/mL,萃取時間60分鐘,其抗氧化力為88.21及87.90%,整體而言,在不同時間下微波萃取物之抗氧化力比熱水萃取高。在不同時間下,熱水與微波萃取HP皆以萃取60分鐘所得之萃取物還原力最高(0.59及0.84);WHP熱水萃取物隨萃取時間的增加還原力也隨之提高,當濃度10 mg/mL時,還原力由0.77增加至0.82,若WHP在相同濃度下以微波萃取30分鐘其萃取物,還原力最高為0.79。在清除DPPH自由基能力方面,HP與WHP經不同時間熱水與微波萃取後,在10 mg/mL下,微波萃取清除DPPH自由基能力(42.73~55.65)方面,較熱水萃取(39.96~46.83%)高。在捕捉羥自由基能力,濃度20 mg/mL下,HP和WHP皆以熱水效果高於微波萃取。在螯合亞鐵離子能力方面,HP與WHP經不同時間熱水與微波萃取,濃度在10 mg/mL下螯合能力都高達95%,因此,熱水及微波萃取,皆讓此兩種菇具有良好螯合能力。在抗氧化成分方面,WHP抗壞血酸含量比HP高,HP以熱水萃取10分鐘即測得抗壞血酸0.03 mg/g;WHP在熱水萃取物與微波萃取物,其抗壞血酸含量高達0.06~0.11 mg/g及0.48~0.54 mg/g。在總酚類化合物含量上,以微波萃取HP 10分鐘後其含量最高7.88 mg/g,WHP則以熱水與微波分別萃取10分鐘,分別達10.35及10.36 mg/g。在麥角固醇含量上,以不同時間熱水萃取HP為3.26~3.58 mg/g,WHP分別以熱水萃取60分鐘及微波萃取30分鐘時含量最高,分別為4.37及4.31 mg/g。
另外,經不同微波功率處理後,HP與WHP隨功率增加萃取率跟著提高,其中以400 W萃取率最接近熱水萃取46.87及51.57%。總醣含量則以100 W微波萃取含量最高24.22及25.74%。HP與WHP萃取物之多醣分子量也隨功率增加而越大,其分子量範圍23 × 103~51.3 × 103Da,且WHP大於HP。抗氧化力分析上, HP經不同微波功率萃取,在20 mg/mL下(95.75~96.66%),較熱水萃取(94.34%)高,WHP在不同微波功率萃取下,濃度為5 mg/mL時,隨功率增加抗氧化力有增加的現象,分別為45.80、51.48及至54.09%,在相同濃度熱水萃取為48.24%。在濃度為10 mg/mL時,還原力隨功率增加有增加的趨勢,HP分別為0.72、0.80及0.83,而WHP為0.86、0.86及1.03。在清除DPPH自由基能力方面,當濃度在20 mg/mL時,隨者微波功率增加,其清除率有下降的趨勢,HP清除率由83.13降至78.73%。相反的,WHP在相同濃度下,則隨瓦數增加清除率有提高的現象,由78.51提高到85.92%。HP在微波200 W,濃度20 mg/mL下,具有較佳的捕捉羥自由基能力為43.05%,WHP則為400 W較高(40.76%)。HP與WHP濃度20 mg/mL經不同微波功率萃取物之螯合能力皆高達99%。HP與WHP在不同微波功率下抗壞血酸含量為0.02~0.07 mg/g。HP隨微波功率增加總酚含量也有提高,(14.54提高到15.70 mg/g),但熱水萃取含量則仍最高(16.16 mg/g),另外,WHP以微波400 W含量最高15.76 mg/g。HP之麥角固醇含量微波功率以200 W含量最高(4.92 mg/g),WHP以100 W含量最高(2.80 mg/g)。
This research used Hypsizigus marmoreus (Peck.) Bigelow, white mutant of Hypsizigus marmoreus fruit bodies to study two parts, the first part is used of various times of hot-water-extracted and microwave extracted, and the second part is used of various watts of microwave extracted. Then, to evaluate the polysaccharide content, polysaccharide molecular wight analysis and antioxidant properties of those extracts.
In the various time, the extraction yields of H.marmoreus hot water extracted is the highest as 48.98 % after 10 minutes heating, and that of white mutant of H. marmoreus is 43.31%. In the total sugar content, H.marmoreus and white mutant of H. marmoreus microwave extracted are higher as 33.28 and 31.83% after 10 minutes heating. Using gel filtration, the molecular weights of hot water and microwave extracted from H.marmoreus after 30 minutes heating are higher as 19.6 × 103 and 23 × 103 Da. The molecular weights of polysaccharides from white mutant of H. marmoreus are increased with heating time increasing and those are range of 16.7 × 103 ~27 × 103 Da. Using the conjugated diene method, the hot water extracted from H. marmoreus and white mutant of H. marmoreus after 30 minutes heating are higher antioxidant activity at 10 mg/mL and those are 74.85 and 83.42%, respectively. At 10 mg/mL, the microwave extracted from H. marmoreus and white mutant of H. marmoreus after 60 minutes heating are higher as 88.21 and 87.90% , respectively. The reducing powers of hot water and microwave extracted after 60 minutes are 0.59 and 0.84 at 10 mg/mL for H. marmoreus, respectively. The microwave extracted from white mutant of H. marmoreus after 30 minutes heating is 0.79 at 10 mg/mL. The scavenging abilities on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals of the hot water and microwave after various time heating from H. marmoreus are the range of 42.73~55.65% at 10 mg/mL. The chelating ability on ferrous ion, hot water and microwave extracted form H. marmoreus and white mutant of H. marmoreus are to reach 95% at 10 mg/mL.
In antioxidant components, ascorbic acid contents of the hot water extracted and microwave extracted after 30 minutes heating from H. marmoreus and white mutant of H. marmoreus are the range of 0.06~0.11 mg/g and 0.48~0.54 mg/g. In total phenols content, microwave extracted after10 minutes heating from H. marmoreus is the highest as 7.88 mg/g. The hot water and microwave extracted after 10 minutes heating from white mutant of H. marmoreus are higher as 10.35 and 10.36 mg/g, respectively. In addition to ergosterol contents, the hot water and microwave extracted after 30minutes from white mutant of H. marmoreus are 4.37 and 4.31, respectively.
The extraction yields of H.marmoreus and white mutant of H. marmoreus hot water extracted is the highest as 54.45% and 52.05%, followed 400 watts 46.87% and 51.57%, respectively. total sugar contents of H.marmoreus and white mutant of H. marmoreus at 100 watts microwave extracted are 24.22 and 25.74%. The molecular weights of polysaccharides from H. marmoreus and white mutant of H. marmoreus used various watts microwave extracted are the range of 23 × 103 ~51.3 × 103 Da. Using the conjugated diene method, the antioxidant activities of various power of microwave extracted from H. marmoreus are 95.75~96.66% at 20 mg/mL. Then, the microwave extracted at 100, 200 and 400W from white mutant of H. marmoreus are 45.80, 51.48 and 54.09%, respectively. The reducing powers of 100, 200 and 400W microwave extracted are 0.72, 0.80 and 0.83 at 10 mg/mL for H. marmoreus and 0.86, 0.86 and 1.03 for white mutant of H. marmoreus, respectively. In addition, the scavenging ability on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals of H. marmoreus are dreased with the power increasing. The various power extracted from H. marmoreus and white mutant of H. marmoreus after are higher chelating abilities on ferrous ion and are to reach 99% at 10 mg/mL. The total phenol contents of various power for H. marmoreus and white mutant of H. marmoreus are the range of 13.82~15.76 mg/g. In the ergosterol contents, H. marmoreus at 200 power t is the highest as 4.92 mg/g and white mutant of H. marmoreus at 100 power is the highest as 2.80 mg/g.
Overall, H. marmoreus and white mutant of H. marmoreus are used various times and watts extracted, their hot water of microwave extractions exhibit various levels of the antioxidant properties. Total sugar, ergosterol, total phenol and antioxidant activity of microwave extracted by various times for HP and WHP are increased. In addition, antioxidant activity, reducing pwoer and chelating ability of microwave extracted by various watts are increased. Then, the results show that microwave extraction method maybe used as a new choice.
表次 xii
圖次 xiv
參考表 xv
參考圖 xvi
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻整理 3
一、菇類之機能性 3
(一)營養特性(一次機能) 3
(二)嗜好特性(二次機能) 4
(三)生理特性(三次機能) 4
(四)文化特性(四次機能) 4
二、食用菇類之介紹 5
三、微波介紹 5
(一)微波加熱原理 6
(二)微波材質 8
(三)微波加熱與一般加熱之比較 8
四、自由基與抗氧化性質 8
(一)自由基與活性氧的產生 8
(二)自由基與活性氧的種類 10
1. 超氧自由基(superoxide anion radical, O−2•) 10
2. 過氧化氫(hydrogen peroxide, H2O2) 10
3. 氫氧自由基 (hydroxyl radical, HO•) 12
4. 單線態氧(singlet oxygen, 1O2) 12
5. 一氧化氮(nitric oxide,.NO) 12
6. 脂質過氧化物(Lipid peroxide, ROO) 13
(三)天然抗氧化物的種類及作用機制 14
1. 抗氧化劑作用原理及機制 15
(1)自由基終止劑(Free radical terminator) 15
(2)還原劑或氧清除劑(Oxygen scavenger) 15
(3)金屬螯合劑(Chelating agent) 15
(4)單重態氧抑制劑(Singlet oxygen inhibitor) 16
2. 天然抗氧化物質 16
(1)類黃酮(Flavonoids) 16
(3)類胡蘿蔔素 18
(4)生物鹼類化合物(alkaloids) 18
(5)抗壞血酸(Ascorbic acid) 20
(6)酚酸類化合物(Phenolic acid) 20
(7)香辛料及抽出物(Spice and it’s extracts) 20
六、微波目前應用於食品之相關研究 21
七、實驗架構 22
参、材料與方法 23
一、實驗材料 23
(一)鴻喜菇與美白菇 23
(二)試藥 23
二、實驗方法 24
(一)鴻喜菇與美白菇樣品之製備與儲藏 24
1.第一部份:不同微波加熱時間處理 24
(1)鴻喜菇與美白菇子實體粉末製備 24
(2)鴻喜菇與美白菇熱水萃取物製備 24
(3)鴻喜菇與美白菇微波萃取物製備 24
2.第二部分不同微波功率處理 24
(1)鴻喜菇與美白菇子實體粉末製備 24
(2)鴻喜菇與美白菇熱水萃取物製備 24
(3)鴻喜菇與美白菇微波萃取物製備 25
(二)微波功率計算方式 25
(三)鴻喜菇與美白菇子實體不同萃取物之生理活性物質含量測定 25
(四)鴻喜菇與美白菇子實體不同萃取物之抗氧化性質分析 28
(五)統計分析 30
肆、結果與討論 31
第一部分 31
一、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同時間下熱水及微波萃取物之萃取率 31
二、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同時間下熱水及微波萃取物之總醣含量測定 31
三、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同時間下熱水及微波萃取物之多醣分子量 34
四、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同時間下熱水及微波萃取物之抗氧化力 34
五、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同時間下熱水及微波萃取物之還原力 36
六、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同時間下熱水及微波萃取物之清除DPPH之能力 38
七、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同時間下熱水及微波萃取物之清除羥自由基能力 40
八、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同時間下熱水及微波萃取物之螯合亞鐵離子能力 42
九、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同時間下熱水萃取物抗氧化性質之EC50 44
十、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同時間下微波萃取物抗氧化性質之EC50 46
十一、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同時間下熱水及微波萃取物中抗壞血酸、生育醇、總多酚類與麥角固醇含量 49
第二部分 52
一、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同微波功率下萃取物之萃取率 52
二、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同微波功率下萃取物之總醣含量 52
三、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同微波功率下萃取物之多醣分子量 52
四、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同微波功率下微波萃取物之抗氧化力 56
五、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同微波功率下微波萃取物之還原力 58
六、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同微波功率下微波萃取物之清除DPPH之能力 58
七、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同微波功率下微波萃取物對清除羥自由基能力 61
八、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同微波功率下微波萃取物對螯合亞鐵離子之能力 63
九、鴻喜菇與美白菇在不同微波功率下微波萃取物抗氧化性質之EC50 63
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