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研究生(外文):Mei-Chuan Pai
論文名稱(外文):Nursing leadership and Related Factors –A Case Study of an institute
外文關鍵詞:NursingNursing leadershipLeadership
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本研究採橫斷式相關性研究設計,以立意取樣方式,針對北部某醫學中心之工作三年(含)以上護理人員共590人為研究對象,進行結構式問卷資料收集,問卷內容包含基本資料、工作經驗及護理人員領導能力共50題三部份,領導能力題目以Likert五分尺度量表評估,加總計算求得領導能力總分,總分愈高代表領導能力愈好。本研究共發出490份問卷回收479份,問卷回收率97.76%,有效問卷426份有效問卷回收率86.94%,收集資料後再以SPSS for Window 17.0軟體進行統計分析。
研究結果顯示護理人員整體護理領導能力平均值為(19.26 ± 2.432)分;領導能力之五項面向得分中,以臨床照護能力得分最高(4.21 ± .449分)而次之為臨床領導技巧(3.88 ± .513分),以自我發展與專業發展能力最低(3.32 ± .26分)。個人特質、接受專業教育訓練與擔任行政實務年資對領導能力有不同的影響,例如:護理人員接受過行政訓練課程、擔任行政實務的經驗、工作年資,對護理領導能力有顯著不同的影響;領導能力與工作滿意度呈正相關(r=.344,p<.01)。經多元迴歸分析顯示護理人員之整體護理領導能力受到基本資料中參加兩種或以上臨床專業訓練課程和年齡因素之影響(F=16.106,p=.000),參加兩種或以上臨床專業訓練課程越多者及年齡越大者,其整體護理領導能力也越好。
The duty of the nursing staff in the medical teamwork is to take care the patients, but the lack of manpower of nursing staff was an issue from many hospitals nowadays. The aim of this research is to understand the condition of the leadership of nursing staff and related variant from medical centers in the north of Taiwan.
This research is designed by cross-section survey and purposive sampling aiming at the nursing staff who have already worked more than 3 years (included 3 years) from medical centers in the north of Taiwan in totally 590 underwent structured questionnaire and questions about leadership by Likert 5-Piont Scale which summed the total scores and the higher score represent better leadership. This research totally issued 490 questionnaire and recovered 479 of them with a Overall response rate 97.76%, effective questionnaires 426 and effective response rate 86.94%, the collected data were analyzed and made statistic with SPSS for windows 17.0.
The result showed the average leadership score from all the nursing staff was (19.26±2.432); The one scored the highest from the five aspects of managing patient care (4.21±.449) and then the skill of clinical leadership (3.88±.513), the development of the individual and development of the profession scored the lowest (3.32±.26). There are different effects on leadership from personal character, received education and training of professionalism and the seniority in administrative practices. According to multiple regression analysis, the overall nursing leadership is affected by two or more clinical professionalism training courses and effect of age. The research offered the reference material for human resource development to the nursing administer and hoping to improve the leadership among nursing staff, elevating the stability of the nursing staff in the organization.
致謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章 前言
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 4
第四節 研究問題 4
第五節 研究假設 5
第六節 名詞界定 5
第二章 文獻回顧
第一節 領導能力之相關概念 9
第二節 護理人員領導能力之相關研究 12
第三章 研究方法
第一節 實地訪談與研究架構 20
第二節 研究設計 23
第三節 研究工具發展及信效度檢定 25
第四節 研究步驟 32
第五節 資料處理與統計方法 34
第六節 研究對象的權利及保護 38
第四章 結果與討論
第一節 護理人員的個人特質 39
第二節 護理人員之工作經驗 41
第三節 護理人員之護理領導能力現況 44
第四節 護理人員之基本資料對護理領導能力之差異 49
第五節 基本資料對護理領導能力之相關性 57
第六節 基本資料對護理領導能力之影響力 59
第七節 討論 64
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 70
第二節 研究限制與建議 72
中文部分 75
英文部分 78
附錄一、問卷內容專家效度名單(依專家性是筆劃排序) 82
附錄二、專家效度評分結果內容效度指標CVI值與建議 83
附錄三、問卷研究受訪同意書 85
附錄四、護理領導能力問卷調查 88
附錄五、護理領導能力因素分析結果 92
附錄六、馬偕紀念醫院人體試驗委員會通知 95
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1. 廖美南、胡瑞桃、葉美玉、陳素微(2005).某教學醫院護理人員之臨床護理能力及其相關因素之探討.長庚護理,16(4),369-381。[Liao, M. N., Hu, S. T., Yeh, M. Y. & Chen, S. W. (2005). Nursing clinical competence and related factors of nurses in a teaching hospital. Chang Gung Nursing, 16(4), 369-381]
2. 陳國瑚、陳麗如、蘇喜(2006).護理人員對護理工作認知與離職傾向之探討.臺灣公共衛生雜誌,25(3),177-188。[(2006). Exploring the Attitudes of Nursing Staffs toward Job Perception and Turnover Intention. 25(3), 177-188]
3. 陳施妮、陳光琦、孫嘉玲、鄧秀蘭、陳佩英(2008).從主管及護理人員角度評價兩性護理能力.實證護理,4(2),99-106。[Chen, S. N., Chen, K. C., Sun, J. L., Teng, H. L. & Chen, P. Y. (2008). A comparison of nurses'' and supervisors'' views on the relative competencies of female and male nurses. Journal of Evid
4. 陳施妮、陳光琦、孫嘉玲(2007).台灣地區兩性護理人員護理能力特性分析.領導護理,8(2),1-13。[Chen, S. N., Chen, K. C. & Sun, J. L. (2007). The analysis of gender-based characteristics of nursing competency in Taiwan. Leadership Nursing, 8(2), 1-13]
5. 徐南麗、李茹萍、李芸茹、賴正芬、彭台珠(2003).護理人員進階制度實施後主客觀護理能力差異之比較.志為護理-慈濟護理雜誌,2(1),53-62。[Hsu, N. L., Lee, R. P., Lee, Y. J., Lai, C. F. & Peng, T. C. (2003). A comparison between objective and subjective nursing competence in post implementing clinical ladder systems. T
6. 王梅貴、周傳姜(2009).護理人員跨科訓練之生活經驗.護理雜誌,56(2),33-41。[Wang, M. K. & Chou, C. C. (2009). The life experiences of nurses receiving cross-training. The Journal of Nursing, 56(2), 33-41]
7. 白玉珠、徐南麗、汪蘋(1999).某醫學中心護理人員自評之護理能力及個人特質相關性研究.護理研究,7(3),209-220。[Pai, Y. C., Hsu, N. & Wang, P. (1999). Relationships of self-assessed nursing competencies and individual characteristics in a medical center. The Journal of Nursing Research, 7(3), 209-220]
8. 汪蘋、洪世欣、謝佑珊、尹祚芊(2003).醫學中心基層護理人員臨床專業能力進階制度實施經驗分享.護理雜誌,50(2),30-36。[Wang, P., Hung, S. H., Shieh, Y. S. & Yin, T. J. C. (2003). Sharing the experience of implementation a clinical ladder system in a medical center. The Journal of Nursing, 50(2), 30-36]
9. 吳姿蓉、鄧慶華、池美華、曾淑梅、袁素娟(2007).某醫學中心護理人員護理能力及其相關因素之探討.中山醫學雜誌,18(2),303-316。[Wu, T. J., Teng, C. H., Chih, M. H., Tseng, S. M. & Yuan, S. C. (2007). Nursing competencies and Its related factors in amedical center. Chung Shan Medical Journal, 18(2), 303-316]