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研究生(外文):Jyun-Jie Wang
論文名稱(外文):Study on Deposition Effect of Different Dry Masonry Work
指導教授(外文):Te-Hsing Chang
外文關鍵詞:Channel testManning coefficientDry masonry working method
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近年來國內積極推動近自然工法,但在近自然工法之設計上常引用國外相關設計案例,或僅根據設計者經驗為主,較缺乏水理或力學分析之基礎,因此設計上仍存在諸多不確定性。國外文獻及國內實際案例中,部份河川堤岸保護工程中常採用「乾砌石工法」,此方法確實能達到降低流速及減緩水流對堤岸沖刷之效果,但各塊石間縫隙所填塞砂石,其填塞量與粒徑大小、分佈等,常影響到乾 砌石之穩定性。
In recent years, procedures involving nature-working methods were widely used in Taiwan. However, their designs most frequently drew directly on cases that took place overseas or were based on the designers’ previous experiences. Such designs lack hydraulic and dynamic mechanical analysis. The designs, therefore, can be full of uncertainties. According to studies conducted overseas and domestic engineering cases, embankment construction structures that are filled with rocks in accordance with dry masonry work can help reduce the velocity of the rivers and alleviate scour to the riverbanks. However, the amount and size of the rocks and their distribution will also have an impact on the stability of the rock-filled dam.
To examine the hydraulic phenomenon in different masonry structures, this research adopts hydraulic model test as the study method to discuss the sediment accumulation in three dry masonry structures -- inverse-scale structure, positive-scale structure and vertical-scale structure. The research simulates the early-stage, middle-stage and the stage when the sediment accumulation reaches dynamical stable balance after the construction, to study the index variations including mean flow velocity and approach velocity of stone surfacing and examine the change in Manning coefficient. Finally, when the sediment accumulation reaches dynamical stable balance, take out the rocks filled in the dam in separate sections and analyze the filling capacity, sizes of rocks and distribution in each section for future references.
The results of the hydraulic model test show that when more rocks are added, the mean flow velocity in all three masonry structures slowly increases (water depth gradually decreases). In addition, the range of velocity change is the largest near the surface where dry masonry work was applied to. It is because the gaps in the dry masonry structure are gradually filled with rock deposits and the Manning coefficient therefore lowers. In terms of the total amount of sediment, in all three masonry structures, higher amounts of larger rocks deposit in the front section and the amounts decrease by more than 10 percent in the latter section. However, smaller amounts of finer rocks are seen in the front section, compared with the latter one. The results show that larger rocks accumulate in the front section and allow smaller ones deposit in the lower reaches; the phenomenon leads to apparent discrepancy in sediment distribution in upper and lower reaches.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機與目的 2
1-3研究方法與內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1砌石工法 5
2-2木梢沉床和柳枝工 7
2-3 砌石工法部分相關案例介紹 8
2-4曼寧係數相關研究 11
2-4-1渠道曼寧係數相關公式 11
2-4-2剛性構造物渠槽曼寧係數相關研究 12
2-4-3植生曼寧係數相關研究 13
2-5泥沙沖刷、推移相關研究 13
第三章 理論背景與研究方法 16
3-1因次分析 16
3-2曼寧係數理論 17
3-2-1坡度面積法 17
3-2-2面積分離法 18
3-2-3潤周等效性法 20
3-3實驗設備 20
3-4試驗模型尺度比 23
3-5試驗設計 24
3-6試驗模型製作與材料準備 28
3-7試驗步驟 30
3-7-1水深流速試驗步驟 30
3-7-2水力填砂及沖刷試驗步驟 31
第四章 試驗結果與討論 33
4-1不同乾砌石工之水理分析 33
4-1-1流況分析 33
4-1-2曼寧係數n值 39
4-2三種不同乾砌石工之沖淤分析 43
4-2-1砂石填縫量 44
4-2-2淤砂前後流況分析 46
4-2-3淤砂前後曼寧係數之分析 51
4-2-4砂石之粒徑分布 51
第五章 結論與建議 58
5-1結論 58
5-2建議 60
參考文獻 61
附錄1符號表 64
附錄2 實驗照片 66

表4-1 逆魚鱗乾砌石工之流速 36
表4-2 順魚鱗乾砌石工之流速 37
表4-3 垂直魚鱗乾砌石工之流速 38
表4-4 逆魚鱗乾砌石工之曼寧係數值 40
表4-5 順魚鱗乾砌石工之曼寧係數值 41
表4-6 垂直魚鱗乾砌石工之曼寧係數值 42
表4-7 三種乾砌石填砂量 45
表4-8 三種乾砌石工各斷面填入砂量 45
表4-9 沖淤試驗之流速 48
表4-10 沖淤試驗之n值51
表4-11 三種乾砌石工模型前段(10-12m)粒徑分布結果 53
表4-12 三種乾砌石工模型中段(12-14m)粒徑分布結果 54
表4-13 三種乾砌石工模型後段(14-16m)粒徑分布結果 55


圖1-1 研究流程圖 4
圖2-1 砌石護坡工 5
圖2-2 拋石護坦工 6
圖2-3 砌石牆 6
圖3 1 上下游斷面能量示意圖 18
圖3-2 試驗渠槽 21
圖3-3 調整坡度馬達 21
圖3-4 兩部30 hp抽水馬達 21
圖3-5 不銹鋼整流網 21
圖3-6 葉片式尾水板 21
圖3-7 不銹鋼流量量槽 21
圖3-8 移動式指針 22
圖3-9 Sontek三維流速儀 22
圖3-10 三維流速儀資料擷取器 22
圖3-11 二維流速儀22
圖3-12 三維流速儀固定架 22
圖3-13 不同斷面位置之流速側視圖 25
圖3-14 渠槽進行模型試驗段 25
圖3-15 三種乾砌石工模型試驗佈置平面圖 26
圖3-16 逆魚鱗乾砌石佈置側視圖 27
圖3-17 順魚鱗乾砌石佈置側視圖 27
圖3-18 垂直魚鱗乾砌石佈置側視圖 27
圖3-19 木樁敲定完成 29
圖3-20 柳枝工編柵完成 29
圖3-21 逆魚鱗乾砌石模型 29
圖3-22 瞬魚鱗乾砌石模型 29
圖3-23 垂直魚鱗乾砌石模型 29
圖3-24 混合之砂石 29
圖3-25 試驗步驟流程 32
圖4-1 逆魚鱗乾砌石工等流速分布圖 34
圖4-2 順魚鱗乾砌石工等流速分布圖 34
圖4-3垂直魚鱗乾砌石工等流速分布圖 34
圖4-4 三種乾砌石工填砂示意圖 44
圖4-5 各斷面砂石填縫之效果 46
圖4-6 逆魚鱗沖淤前後流速變化圖 49
圖4-7 順魚鱗沖淤前後流速變化圖 49
圖4-8 垂直魚鱗沖淤前後流速變化圖 49
圖4-9 逆魚鱗沖淤前後水深變化圖 50
圖4-10 順魚鱗沖淤前後水深變化圖 50
圖4-11 垂直魚鱗沖淤前後水深變化圖 50
圖4-12 三種乾砌石模型前段粒徑分布圖 56
圖4-13 三種乾砌石工模型中段粒徑分布圖 56
圖4-14 三種乾砌石工模型後段粒徑分布圖 57
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