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研究生(外文):Guan-He Chen
論文名稱:混合溶劑DETA + PZ水溶液吸收二氧化碳反應動力學數據量測研究
論文名稱(外文):Kinetics of Absorption of Carbon Dioxide into Aqueous Solutions of Diethylenetriamine and Piperazine
指導教授(外文):Meng-Hui Li
外文關鍵詞:absorptionkineticspiperazinecarbon dioxidediethylenetriamine
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本研究主要探討二氧化碳與DETA水溶液及混合溶液PZ/DETA水溶液的吸收反應動力學,實驗是使用濕壁柱來量測二氧化碳的吸收,系統濃度範圍DETA (530 wt%) + H2O以及PZ (4 wt%) + DETA (26 wt%) + H2O、PZ (8 wt%) + DETA (22 wt%) + H2O和PZ (12 wt%) + DETA (18 wt%) + H2O三個系統,溫度是30、35和40°C。而研究的實驗結果以混合擬一級及兩性離子機構的反應動力學模式來探討,反應機構模式的參數由實驗結果以數值迴歸方法得到。
研究結果發現混合溶劑DETA + PZ水溶液能有效增加系統吸收二氧化碳的吸收速率。
The reaction kinetics for the absorption of CO2 into aqueous solutions of Diethylenetriamine (DETA) and into mixed aqueous solutions of DETA and Piperazine (PZ) were investigated by a wetted wall column at 30, 35 and 40°C. The systems studied were: DETA (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 wt%) + H2O and DETA (26 wt%) + PZ (4 wt%) + H2O, DETA (22 wt%) + PZ (8 wt%) + H2O, DETA (18 wt%) + PZ (12 wt%) + H2O. The physical properties such as density, viscosity, Henry’s constant and diffusivity of the studied systems were also measured. Due to the reactivity of CO2 to the amine system, an N2O analogy was used to estimate the solubility and diffusivity of CO2 in the aqueous amine solutions.
From the kinetics measurements, the absorption rates of CO2 in the aqueous blended DETA/PZ solutions were found to be significantly faster than in conventional amine systems. The reaction rate constants were calculated by applying a hybrid model which combines a pseudo-first-order model with a zwitterion mechanism. This model was found to satisfactorily represent the absorption of CO2 in both the aqueous DETA and aqueous blended DETA/PZ systems. It can be concluded that the results of this study can be used in the design of absorption processes which employ aqueous solutions of DETA or DETA/PZ as absorbents.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 醇胺的使用 2
1-3 DETA與PZ的熱物性質 3
1-3.1 Diethylenetriamine 3
1-3.2 Piperazine 4
1-4 醇胺水溶液混合及添加PZ的文獻探討 4
1-4.1 DETA + H2O系統 5
1-4.2 PZ + H2O系統 5
1-4.3 PZ + MDEA + H2O系統 6
1-4.4 PZ + AMP + H2O系統 7
1-5 研究動機 8
第二章 二氧化碳與醇胺的反應機構 12
2-1 CO2與各級醇胺水溶液以及PZ的反應機構 12
2-1.1 CO2與水的反應 12
2-1.2 CO2與一、二級醇胺的反應 13
2-1.3 CO2與三級醇胺的反應 15
2-1.4 CO2與PZ的反應 16
2-2 CO2與醇胺溶液的吸收模式探討 17
2-2.1 物理吸收模式 17
2-2.2 單一醇胺化學吸收模式 19
2-2.3 快速擬一級(Fast pseudo-first order)反應的解析解 24
2-3 本實驗所使用的動力學模式 30
2-3.1 CO2 + DETA + H2O 30
2-3.2 CO2 + DETA + PZ + H2O 30
2-4 N2O類比理論 32
2-5 物理性質數據之迴歸模式 34
2-5.1 密度計算的迴歸模式 34
2-5.2 黏度計算的迴歸模式 35
2-5.3 亨利常數計算的迴歸模式 36
2-5.4 擴散係數計算的迴歸模式 38
第三章 實驗 40
3-1 實驗藥品 40
3-2 密度的量測 40
3-3 黏度的量測 41
3-4 亨利常數的量測 43
3-5 擴散係數的量測 44
3-6 二氧化碳吸收的量測 46
第四章 結果與討論 50
4-1 CO2 + DETA + H2O 50
4-1.1 密度和黏度的量測結果 50
4-1.2 亨利常數的量測結果 59
4-1.3 擴散係數的量測結果 65
4-1.4 CO2 + DETA + H2O化學吸收的量測結果 70
4-2 CO2 + DETA + PZ + H2O 80
4-2.1 密度和黏度的量測結果 80
4-2.2 亨利常數的量測結果 87
4-2.3 擴散係數的量測結果 91
4-2.4 化學吸收的量測結果 95
第五章 結論 108
符號說明 109
參考文獻 112

Table 1- 1 Commonly used alkanolamines 10
Table 1- 2 Literature review on the reaction of CO2 with aqueous blended amine solutions 11

Table 4- 1 Densities and viscosities of DETA + H2O solutions 52
Table 4- 2 Parameters of equation for the density of pure DETA and H2O 55
Table 4- 3 Parameters of Redlich-Kister-type equation for the density DETA + H2O 55
Table 4- 4 Parameters of viscosity equations a 56
Table 4- 5 Estimated solubility of CO2 in DETA + H2O using N2O analogy 62
Table 4- 6 Parameters of the Henry’s constant equation 63
Table 4- 7 Estimated diffusivity of CO2 in DETA + H2O using N2O analogy 67
Table 4- 8 Parameters of the diffusivity equation 68
Table 4- 9 Kinetics data obtained for CO2 in DETA + H2O solutions 73
Table 4- 10 Kinetic data for the absorption of CO2 in DETA + H2O solutions 74
Table 4- 11 Diffusivity of amines in solutions used to calculate instantaneous enhancement factor for CO2 in DETA + H2O solutions 75
Table 4- 12 Kinetic constants of DETA aqueous solutions 76
Table 4- 13 Parameters of kinetic constants in DETA aqueous solutions 77
Table 4- 14 Densities and viscosities of DETA + PZ + H2O solutions 81
Table 4- 15 Parameters for the densities of pure fluids 83
Table 4- 16 Parameters of the densities equation 83
Table 4- 17 Parameters of the viscosities equation a 84
Table 4- 18 Estimated solubility of CO2 in DETA + PZ + H2O using N2O analogy 88
Table 4- 19 Parameters of the Henry’s constant equation 89
Table 4- 20 Estimated diffusivity of CO2 in DETA + PZ + H2O using N2O analogy 92
Table 4- 21 Parameters of the diffusivity equation 93
Table 4- 22 Kinetics data of CO2 in aqueous DETA + PZ solutions 98
Table 4- 23 Kinetics data for the absorption of CO2 in aqueous DETA + PZ solutions 99
Table 4- 24 Diffusivity of amine in solutions used to calculate instantaneous enhancement factor for CO2 in aqueous DETA + PZ solutions 100
Table 4- 25 Compare results in aqueous DETA + PZ solutions for Eq. 4-8 101
Table 4- 26 Kinetic constants of aqueous DETA + PZ solutions 102
Table 4- 27 Kinetic parameters of aqueous DETA + PZ solutions 103

Figure 1- 1 Diethylenetriamine (DETA) 4
Figure 1- 2 Piperazine (PZ) 4

Figure 2- 1 Enhancement factor for second order reaction plotted against Hatta number (Drew et al., 1981) 27
Figure 2- 2 Liquid-phase concentration profiles for mass transfer with chemical reaction film theory (Drew et al., 1981) 28
Figure 2- 3 Enhancement factor for second order reaction for Hatta number greater than 3 (Van Krevelen and Hoftijzer, 1948) 29

Figure 3- 1 Schematic drawing of physical gas absorption apparatus 48
Figure 3- 2 Schematic drawing of wetted-wall column apparatus 49

Figure 4- 1 Density of aqueous DETA solutions at 30-70°C 57
Figure 4- 2 Viscosity of aqueous DETA solutions at 30-70°C 58
Figure 4- 3 Solubility of N2O in H2O as a function of temperature 61
Figure 4- 4 Solubility of N2O in aqueous DETA solutions 64
Figure 4- 5 Diffusivity of CO2 in H2O as a function of temperature 66
Figure 4- 6 Diffusivity of N2O in aqueous DETA solutions 69
Figure 4- 7 Pseudo-first-order apparent reaction rate constant for the reaction of CO2 with DETA + H2O solutions 78
Figure 4- 8 Arrhenius plot of k2,DETA as function of temperature 79
Figure 4- 9 Density of aqueous DETA + PZ solutions 85
Figure 4- 10 Viscosity of aqueous DETA + PZ solutions 86
Figure 4- 11 Solubility of N2O in aqueous DETA + PZ solutions 90
Figure 4- 12 Diffusivity of N2O in aqueous DETA + PZ solutions 94
Figure 4- 13 Pseudo-first-order apparent reaction rate constant for the reaction of CO2 with DETA + PZ + H2O solutions 104
Figure 4- 14 The calculated kapp as function of concentration of PZ at 18 wt% DETA at 40°C 105
Figure 4- 15 The calculated kapp as function of concentration of DETA at 8 wt% PZ at 40°C 106
Figure 4- 16 Specific apparent reaction rate constant change as function of CDETA 107
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