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研究生(外文):Mei-Hung Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Entrance Paths to Colleges on Students’ Academic Performance in Required Courses
指導教授(外文):Chang-Chou Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Entrance SystemData MiningEnrollment StatusAcademic Achievement
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The aim of the research is to discuss the difference in academic achievement and learning course among students who are admitted to university via different entrance systems. In order to reach the research goal, students who were admitted to Department of International Business, Chung Yuan Christian University during the academic years from 2004 to 2007 were used as the samples. Based on their enrollment status, the samples were divided into “Senior High School Student,” “Vocational High School Student” and “Others” categories. The grades of seventeen compulsory subjects including Economics, Business Mathematics, Accounting, Statistics, International Trade Theory, Business Management, Marketing, Monetary Banking, International Trade Practice and International Finance were used as the student’s academic achievement in university. Moreover, t-test and one of the data mining methods, clustering analysis, were applied with hope to find out the characteristic description and analysis of the student source in order to provide reference to teachers when assisting students.
During the four academic years observed, the empirical results showed the grades of the first year compulsory subjects of Economics(1), Accounting(1) and Accounting(2) for students in the “Senior High School Student” category were significantly different from those in the "Vocational High School Student" category. Yet, the grades for other subjects were not significantly different among students in these two categories. Furthermore, based on the entrance systems, the students were divided into “Examination Entrance” and “Recommendation Entrance” for the statistical analysis. The results showed students in the “Examination Entrance” category had significantly better grades in Monetary Banking(1) than students in the “Recommendation Entrance” category. However, students in the “Recommendation Entrance” category had better grades in Accounting(1) than students in the “Examination Entrance” category. Although the research results may not be used to represent the norm of the general education system, the results may provide reference to university departments for the establishment of the number/proportion of admissions of students from various entrance systems and to teachers for the improvement of the teaching and assistance methods.
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究動機1
1.2 研究目的2
1.3 研究的範圍與限制2
第二章 文獻回顧3
2.1 文獻回顧3
2.2 資料探勘技術4
第三章 研究架構與方法7
3.1 資料樣本結構7
3.2 研究架構8
3.3 研究方法10
3.3.1 K-means分群法12
第四章 分析結果14
4.1 資料之敘述統計14
4.2 學生學習成就差異分析14
4.3 不同地區高中生學習成就之差異分析22
4.3.1 來自高中生之各科成績分析22
4.3.2 不同地區高職生各科成績分析28
4.3.3 中壢高商與非中壢高商學生學習成就差異分析 34
4.4 非桃園地區高中考試生與推甄生之學習成就差異比較39
4.4.1 來自非桃園地區高中生之各科成績分析39
4.5 指考生與推甄生之學生學習成就之差異分析43
4.5.1 原始資料之敘述統計43
4.6 指考生學習差異分析49
4.6.1 指考生之各科成績分析49
第五章 結論53
參考文獻 54
圖 3-1 中原大學國貿系學生來源結構圖8
圖 3-2 入學管道圖9
圖 3-3 研究方法流程圖11
圖 3-4 集群分析(K-means法)流程圖12
圖 4-1 不同入學管道學生之學習成就表現 15
圖 4-2 中原國貿系桃園地區高中生與非桃園地區高中生之學習表現24
圖 4-3 桃園地區高職與非桃園地區高職之成績表現30
圖 4-4 中原國貿系中壢高商與非中壢高商之學習表現 34
圖 4-5 中原國貿系考試入學生與推薦甄選生之學習表現45

表 3-1 中原大學國貿系學生來源結構表7
表 4-1 中原大學國貿系高中生與高職生之各科平均成績16
表 4-2 高中、高職生對於平均學業表現的顯著性差異檢定17
表 4-3 高職生平均成績優於高中生之檢定結果18
表 4-4 學生來源變項-高中與高職之統計檢定19
表 4-5 高中生、高職生集群分析結果21
表 4-6 學生來源變項-桃園地區高中與非桃園地區高中之學習表現23
表 4-7 桃園區高中、非桃園區高中對於平均學業表現的顯著性差異檢定25
表 4-8 桃園地區高中與非桃園地區高中集群分析結果 26
表 4-9 桃園地區高職與非桃園地區高職之學習表現29
表 4-10 桃園區高職、非桃園區高職對於各科成績之檢定結果31
表 4-11 桃園地區高職與非桃園地區高職之集群分析 32
表 4-12 不同入學管道學生之學習成就表現35
表 4-13 壢商生、非壢商生對於平均學業表現的顯著性差異檢定 36
表 4-14 壢商與非壢商的集群分析結果38
表 4-15 非桃園地區高中考試生與非桃園地區推甄生平均學業表現的顯
表 4-16 非桃園地區推甄生平均成績優於非桃園地區高中生之檢定結果41
表 4-17 非桃園地區高中考試生與非桃園地區高中推甄生集群分析結果42
表 4-18 學生樣本數統計表43
表 4-19 不同入學管道學生之學習成就表現44
表 4-20 考試、推甄生對於平均學業表現的顯著性差異檢定46
表 4-21 考試生平均成績優於推甄生之檢定結果47
表 4-22 考試入學與推甄入學集群分析結果48
表 4-23 考試入學管道之桃園與非桃園地區的學習表現的顯著性差異檢定50
表 4-24 考試入學管道之桃園與非桃園地區之集群分析結果51
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