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研究生(外文):Chun-Fu Jhong
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Market Reaction to Going Concern Opinion
指導教授(外文):Chang Hui-Shan
外文關鍵詞:audit opiniongoing concernmarket reaction
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This research aims to examine whether the announcements of going concern opinion in interim financial reports generate negative market reactions as annual financial reports, and to further investigate the effect of initial going concern opinion in interim financial reports and the content of going concern opinion on market reactions for companies which receive a going concern opinion in annual financial reports. Additionally, we also examine whether institutional investors possess information advantages. The research samples are the companies which receive an initial going concern opinion during 1999 to 2010. The empirical results show that, no matter annual financial reports or interim financial reports, we find significantly negative market reactions to companies initially receive a going concern opinion. In addition, if a company initially receives a going concern opinion in Q3 financial reports, and subsequently receives the same type of opinion in annual financial reports, the negative market reactions would be more moderate. We find that the reaction is more negative if the going concern opinion cites a financing problem or a specific reason of going concern. Furthermore, the market reaction gets more negative as the level of institutional ownership increases before the date of earnings announcements.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖表目錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 查核需求 4
第二節 繼續經營疑慮審計意見 5
第三節 研究假說 8
第三章 研究方法 11
第一節 實證模型 11
第二節 研究樣本 16
第四章 實證結果 18
第一節 期中報表與年報之累積異常報酬分析 18
第二節 實證結果分析 31
第五章 結論與建議 37
第一節 研究結果 37
參考文獻 40

圖1-1 市場指數調整模式─年報首次與再次收到之累積異常報酬 24
圖1-2 平均調整模式─年報首次與再次收到之累積異常報酬 24
圖1-3 風險調整模式─年報首次與再次收到之累積異常報酬 24
圖2-1 市場指數調整模式─年報查核報告有(無)具體說明之累積異常報酬 29
圖2-2 平均調整模式─年報查核報告有(無)具體說明之累積異常報酬 29
圖2-3 風險調整模式─年報查核報告有(無)具體說明之累積異常報酬 29

表1 變數定義及預期方向 14
表2-1 首次收到繼續經營疑慮意見發生在半年報之累積異常報酬 19
表2-2 首次收到繼續經營疑慮意見發生在Q3季報之累積異常報酬 20
表3-1 首次收到繼續經營疑慮意見發生在年報之累積異常報酬 22
表3-2 首次收到繼續經營疑慮意見發生於期中而年報再次收到之累積異常報酬 23
表3-3 年報首次與再次收到之累積異常報酬平均數差異檢定 25
表4-1 首次收到繼續經營查核意見有說明具體(年報) 27
表4-2 首次收到繼續經營查核意見無說明具體(年報) 28
表4-3 年報查核報告有(無)具體說明之累積異常報酬差異檢定 30
表5 迴歸樣本之年報累積異常報酬 31
表6 敘述性統計 32
表7 相關係數 33
表8 累積異常報酬與繼續經營疑慮之迴歸分析 35
表9 實證結果彙總 38

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