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研究生(外文):Yen-Wen Lai
論文名稱(外文):Impacts study for character and caring capabilities with the course activities in e-HO
指導教授(外文):Ching-Jong Liao
外文關鍵詞:Career DevelopmentGeneral EducationInterdisciplinary LearningCharacter CapabilityCaring Capability
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In recent years, the government actively advance character education and social care services, aimed at improving people's moral quality, areating a more harmonious society. Indeed, character and care are very important for personal accomplishment. In recruitment, attitude is one of the important indicators of character capacity that accompany is seeking alter in a candidate. In traditional online learning system, learners interact only with the materials delivered is the particular platform. The lack of interactivity among hear students devices little learning interests in them. In the present study, tue investigated a PinPin-Propriety learning activity to character and care in e-Ho as a holistic learning environment constructed in Chung Yuan Christian University for integrate and cross-disciplinary learning in general education. A series of eight-week long activity was designed to foster some major character capacities, including honesty and responsibility, respect and attitude, as well as cognition and conformity.

The experiment was implemented via the difference study between the pretest and posttest among 716 participants. After eight-weeks activity and ruling out those with uncompleted participants and void samples , we were left with 226 effective samples for own analysis. Via paired sample t-test , we investigated the impacts of the activity upon all the factors involved in this survey. By the shift among the numbers of high, middle and low score groups between the pretest and posttest, we than estimated if capacities is character and care have been upgraded after this PinPin-Propriety activity. Our results showed that no significant difference has surfaced in the scale of character caution.Nonetheless, significant difference had emerged for all the rest four scales involved in the present study, indicating this PinPin-Propriety activity has derived in the present study, indicating this PinPin-Propriety activity has derived some significant impacts in upgrading the capacities of character and care. The results found to be involved in the curriculum activities before and after the test results in five dimensions character recognition of no significant impact, has a more significant impact on the character recognition can not be through activities, its four dimensions significant effect, through curriculum activitieshave an impact on the character and care.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 待答問題 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 品格能力 4
一、 品格的定義 4
二、 品格教育 5
三、 品格能力之衡量 6
第二節 關懷與服務能力 7
第三節 成果導向教育與能力指標 8
一、 成果導向教育 8
二、 中原大學能力指標的實施 9
第三章 研究方法 11
第一節 研究架構 11
第二節 實驗設計 12
一、 研究變項: 12
第三節 研究流程 13
一、 預備階段 13
二、 實驗階段: 15
三、 實驗結束階段 15
四、 研究流程圖 16
第四節 實驗樣本 17
一、 教學樣本 17
二、 訪談樣本的選擇 17
第五節 研究工具 17
一、 品格與關懷量表 17
二、 訪談 18
三、 信度與專家效度 19
第六節 資料處理 20
一、 量化資料處理 20
二、 質性資料處理 21
第四章 結果與討論 22
第一節 前測樣本結構分析 22
第二節 因素分析 23
第三節 實驗結果 24
一、 資料篩選 24
二、 樣本結構分析 24
第四節 資料分析與討論 25
一、 品格與關懷能力之現況分析 25
二、 不同背景變項在品格與關懷能力差異分析 27
三、 相依樣本t檢定 36
四、 分組 38
第五節 質性資料 41
第五章 結論與建議 43
參考文獻 44
英文文獻 44
中文文獻 45
附錄一 前測問卷 47
附錄二 後測問卷 49

圖3-1研究架構圖 12
圖3-2研究流程圖 16
圖4-1誠實與負責比較圖 39
圖4-2尊重與態度比較圖 39
圖4-3品格認知比較圖 39
圖4-4品格認同比較圖 39
圖4-5關懷與服務比較圖 40

表2-1品格教育之定義... 5
表2-2中原大學能力指標定義 9
表3-1實驗設計表 12
表3-2活動規劃表 13
表3-3問卷: 品格與關懷量表 17
表3-4專家名單 19
表3-5信度檢定結果 19
表3-6實驗組前/後測成績之比較 21
表4-1前測樣本基本資料分析表 22
表4-2因素分析結果表 23
表4-3後測樣本結構分析表 25
表4-4前測敘述性統計表 26
表4-5前測性別-敘述性統計表 26
表4-6前測性別對各構面差異表 26
表4-7後測樣本基本分析表 27
表4-8後測敘述統計表 29
表4-9後測性別對各構面差異表 30
表4-10後測未修課班級性別對各構面差異表 30
表4-11後測修課班級性別對各構面差異表 31
表4-12後測年級對各構面差異表 31
表4-13品格認知對年級差異的SCHEFFE事後檢定表 32
表4-14後測未修課班級年級對各構面差異表 32
表4-15後測未修課班級年級差異的SCHEFFE事後檢定表 33
表4-16後測修課班級年級對各構面差異表 33
表4-17後測觀看他人發表文章對各構面差異表 34
表4-18每週觀看他人發表文章對其構面差異的SCHEFFE事後檢定表 35
表4-19每週觀看他人發表文章對其構面差異的SCHEFFE事後檢定表 35
表4-20後測參與者評價對各構面差異表 36
表4-21前後測成對樣本T檢定 36
表4-22前後測男生成對樣本T檢定 37
表4-23前後測女生成對樣本T檢定 38
表4-24前後測分組比較表 40
表4-25資料編碼及代號 41
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