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研究生(外文):Ya-Chun Lu
論文名稱(外文):Optical Inspection for an Automatic PCB Drill Bits Re-Sharpening Machine
指導教授(外文):Kuan-Yu Chen
外文關鍵詞:Hough transformsoptical inspectionOpenCVPCB drills regrinding
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由於消費性電子產品朝向輕薄短小及多功能設計的發展趨勢,使得電路佈線愈趨細微且印刷電路板(printed circuit board, PCB)的鑽孔孔徑愈趨微小,因此微型鑽頭成為PCB製程中的重要耗材之一。一般而言,全新的PCB微型鑽頭可供研磨三次循環使用,隨著資訊科技的發達,微型鑽頭再研磨的需求量與重要性在PCB產業中與日俱增。然而,現今大多數的微型鑽頭仍依賴人工進行研磨與檢驗,當人力成本與流動性增加時,為穩定產品供貨與降低成本,自動化再研磨機台的研發已迫在眉睫。本文的研究目的即在運用數位影像處理技術發展PCB微型鑽頭再研磨自動化機台的光學檢測系統,其中包含研磨前後二個階段的光學檢測。研磨前的檢測主要在於精確計算刃面的直線角度,以供後續研磨機構進行研磨;研磨完成後的檢測除了可辨別良劣之外,當再研磨的微型鑽頭無法通過檢驗時,本文發展的檢測系統尚可根據刃面影像進行錯誤分類,以提供機台進行設定調整的參考。

The recent trend in consumer electronics focuses on the development of products that are lightweight and multifunctional. Furthermore, both the circuit assembly and the diameter of a PCB’s (printed circuit board) drill bit are getting much smaller. As a result, micro drill bits become high-value consumable materials. In general, a brand new PCB micro drill can go through three cycles of regrind and reuse. With the advance of information technology, drills regrind has become increasingly important and been in high demand in the PCB manufacturing. However, most regrind and inspection of micro drill bit are conducted manually. When the cost of labor and staff turnover rate goes up, it is critical to develop automatic machine for PCB drill regrind. The subject of this dissertation is on the development of automatic machine for PCB drill regrind and optical inspection by utilizing digital image processing; it includes the inspection conducted both before and after each drill regrind. The inspection conducted before grinding focuses on making precise calculation of drill bit’s point angle for future grinding administered by other manufacturers. After each grinding is completed, another inspection is carried to determine whether grinding is performed successfully. If the produced micro drill bit fails the inspection, the method proposed in this dissertation will classify any failure according to the drill bit image; the result analysis can be used to adjust machine settings accordingly.
摘要 i
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究目的 1
1.2文獻回顧 1
1.3研究方法 3
1.4論文架構 4
第二章 影像處理及霍夫轉換 5
2.1二值化影像分析 6
2.2影像膨脹及侵蝕 7
2.2.1影像斷開 9
2.2.2影像閉合 10
2.3影像邊緣化 11
2.3.1 Canny 13
2.3.2 Sobel 15
2.3.3 Laplacian 16
2.4霍夫轉換 18
2.4.1直線偵測 19
2.4.2 圓形偵測 21
第三章 分類法則 23
3.1粗分類 24
3.1.1角度判斷 25
3.1.2直線數目判斷 25
3.1.3面積大小判斷 26
3.1.4四分點判斷 27
3.2細分類 28
3.2.1各線段夾角 32
3.2.2直線數目 32
3.2.3面積比較 33
3.2.4四分點判斷 34
第四章 微型鑽頭及軟硬體系統架構 36
4.1微型鑽頭 36
4.2機械結構 38
4.3 感測系統 39
4.3.1 攝影機 39
4.3.2環形光源 40
4.3.3鏡頭 41
4.4 軟體環境 43
第五章 實驗結果與討論 46
5.1角度判斷實驗 47
5.2鑽頭分類實驗 56
5.2.1 分類實驗第一部分 59
5.2.2 分類實驗第二部分 62
5.3 討論 67
第六章 結論與未來展望 70
參考文獻 72
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