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研究生(外文):Hsu, Pojung
論文名稱(外文):The Assembly Detection of Linear Transmission Mechanism for A Five-Axis Machine Tool
指導教授(外文):Lai, Yuanlung
口試委員(外文):Lai, YuanlungChi, HuaweiChen, Jianhorng
外文關鍵詞:Geometric errorCNC machine toolsLinear transmission
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本研究針對技術人員利用現場規範建構組裝機台。考慮未來加工模式的可攜帶性與精密性,發展可重組式或具可拆解性之小型精密機台(DPMT, decomposibility precision machine tool),以因應小零件精密加工之需求。此DPMT結合兩大機器模組:兩軸旋轉機構及三軸線性機構。若能讓線性傳動機構的優點高剛性與高精密在重組後可輕易保留,配合旋轉機構的優點複雜幾何與切削能力,如此將構成一台精密的五軸加工機,可達到滿意之加工零件表面平滑度,也由於減少更換夾具的次數而提高其加工精度。在設計過程中配合TRIZ矛盾矩陣設計目標上所產生的矛盾問題。我們先分析工具機的幾何誤差成因,並在組裝的過程中,在每個組裝步驟中制定嚴謹的安裝動作與檢核標準,以有效降低可能的累積誤差。所有的機械設備,從設計開始到零件的製作組立、再到伺服的運動控制,甚至機械的操作使用。工程師都要面臨誤差問題的挑戰,無論問題何時產生、如何產生、面對最終機械使用的精度要求,就需要工程師們去探究每個階段誤差的原因與如何防止或消除的方法。尤其是五軸工具機,其機械運動的幾何關係相較於一般的三軸機複雜許多,所以更需要深入了解,才能在組裝的階段佔得先機。
According to the general specifications, a machine constructive standard for technicians hands-on shop is established in this paper. Considering the future manufacturing process model portability and precision, the development of reassembly or decomposibility small Precision Machine (DPMT, decomposibility precision machine tool) is build to cope with the demand for small parts precision machining. This DPMT combine with two major machine modules: two axes of rotating mechanism and three axes of linear mechanism. The linear drive mechanism with the advantages of high rigidity and high precision can be easily retained after the reassembly of DPMT; with the advantages of rotating flexibility with complex geometries, cutting ability, so will constitute a precision five-axis machine tool. Machining parts will up to satisfactory surface roughness and also by reducing the number of replacement fixtures and improve its accuracy. The TRIZ contradiction matrix to create new ideas. We first analyze the origins of machine tool geometric errors, and in the assembly process, during each assembly step in the development of rigorous inspection of installation operations and standards to effectively reduce the possible accumulation of errors. For all machine equipments, no matter what processes there will be, all the participating engineers will face the challenge of errors. Those processes include the initial design, component production and assembly,servo motion control and even machine operation. No matter when and how a problem will occur, when it comes to the final precision requirement for the machine application, there must be someone to investigate the reason for the error of every stage and the measure about how to avoid or eliminate. In particular five-axis machine tools, its geometric relation of machinery movement is much more complicated than a normal 3-axis machine. Thus, a deeper understanding is required to win the leading advantage of the equipment performance and quality in the assembly stage.
In this study, base on ISO230 specification, combine with three-axis machine tools assembly detection experience, summarize a procedure standard to construct small precision CNC machine tools for unskillful technicians.
中文摘要 ............................................................................................ -iii-
ABSTRACT........................................................................................ -iv-
目錄..................................................................................................... -vi-
圖目錄 .............................................................................................. -viii-
表目錄 ................................................................................................ -xi-
第一章緒論 ....................................................................................... - 1 -
1.1 前言...................................................................................... - 1 -
1.2 研究動機與目的.................................................................. - 1 -
1.3 文獻回顧.............................................................................. - 2 -
1.4 論文架構.............................................................................. - 3 -
第二章 CNC工具機類型................................................................ - 6 -
2.1 何謂數值控制工具機.......................................................... - 6 -
2.2 何謂五軸工具機.................................................................. - 8 -
2.2.1 五軸加工相關產業應用............................................ - 8 -
2.2.2五軸工具機機構類型................................................. - 9 -
2. 3 已開發之五軸加工機介紹............................................... - 10 -
2.4 五軸原型機........................................................................ - 15 -
2.5 工具機幾何誤差................................................................ - 17 -
2.6 五軸工具機誤差................................................................ - 17 -
第三章 系統化設計..................................................................... - 24 -
3.1前言..................................................................................... - 24 -
3.2 設計目標............................................................................ - 30 -
3.3 易製造裝配設計................................................................ - 31 -
3.4 TRIZ.................................................................................... - 36 -
3.4.1 TRIZ簡介................................................................. - 36 -
3.4.2 矛盾矩陣表方法...................................................... - 37 -
3.5 使用創新方法改良設計-案例.......................................... - 45 -
第四章 三軸組裝檢驗規劃......................................................... - 50 -
4.1 前言.................................................................................... - 50 -
4.2 X軸組裝檢測..................................................................... - 54 -
4.3 Y軸組裝檢測..................................................................... - 62 -
4.4 Z軸組裝檢測..................................................................... - 66 -
第五章 五軸組裝檢驗規劃......................................................... - 69 -
5.1 前言.................................................................................... - 69 -
5.2 X軸組裝檢測規範制定..................................................... - 69 -
5.3 Y軸組裝檢測規範制定..................................................... - 76 -
5.4 Z軸組裝檢測規範制定..................................................... - 79 -
5.5 兩軸向組裝檢測規範制定................................................ - 82 -
第六章 結論與未來展望 ............................................................. - 89 -
6.1 結論.................................................................................... - 89 -
6.2未來展望............................................................................. - 92 -
參考文獻 ......................................................................................... - 93 -
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