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研究生(外文):Tasi-ni Li
論文名稱(外文):Dynamic Parameter Range for VDT workstation-For Keyboard Distance
指導教授(外文):Ming-Shiun Lu
外文關鍵詞:SPSS regression equationvisual display terminalsEMG
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現今社會電腦在日常生活中愈來愈普遍,但長時間操作也容易產生累積性傷害,尤其對於長期使用電腦的專業研發工程師、作家等文字工作者、教授學者、美工設計師、建築設計者、總機監管人員等人而言,背部肌肉靜態負荷更隨時間日趨增加,在不知不覺中也讓身體陷於姿勢不良所造成的相關疾病中。故建立良好的電腦工作站(visual display terminals)不僅可預防電腦作業的危害,亦能提升電腦使用者的工作績效。
Computers are becoming more and more common in the daily life of today’s society, but long-term use can easily lead to accumulated health risks, especially for long-term computer users like professional research engineers, scholars, writers, professors, graphic designers, building architects, and switchboard supervisors, whose back muscle stress grows with time, unknowingly letting the body deteriorate to poor health due to improper body positions. Thus, developing proper visual display terminals do not only prevent computer-related health risks, but also increases the computer user’s productivity.
With product innovation and development, we could consider designing a dynamic visual display terminal system that can automatically adjust the desktop, seat, keyboard, screen height and angle, over time, to achieve the demands of a dynamic workstation in order to avoid the bodily injuries and burden of staying in the same posture for a long time. This study first tests a portion of the above, by selecting the user’s typing distance as the main goal of this study, focusing on the distance between the seat and keyboard to construct a prediction model for reliability, with all other related distance and height factors referring to other countries’ literature. We measure the user’s stature, sitting height, shoulder height, shoulder to elbow length, elbow to wrist length, buttock to knee length and hand length, to test the most comfortable distance, close and far, to use the keyboard, including EMG measurement, for evidence that subjective comfort and the EMG measurement are consistent. Statistical analysis revealed 3 sets of regression equations, which uses certain measurements of the body to produce the most comfortable distance range for the user. Lastly, we use experiment testing procedures to confirm the reliability of this study. If there is an opportunity to develop this set of modules, you can refer to this report’s measurement scope and process for the benefit of the designing the Dynamic visual display terminals.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iiii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構與流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1電腦工作站手部與肌肉活動 4
2.1.1手部機能探討 4
2.1.2手部與上肢相關肌肉 4
2.1.3本研究主要量測之人體尺寸 5
2.2電腦工作站造成的傷害 8
2.2.1 相關肌肉骨骼病變 8
2.2.2姿勢造成傷害 9
2.2.3工作區造成傷害 10
2.2.4鍵盤滑鼠造成傷害 10
2.3電腦工作站環境之相關數值-尺規定義 10
2.4肌電圖(EMG)相關研究 11
2.4.1肌電圖的產生 11
2.4.2鍵盤與肌電位之相關研究 12
第三章 研究方法與步驟 13
3.1實驗設備 13
3.2實驗作業及變數 14
3.3研究步驟 15
3.4驗證實驗 19
第四章 數據分析 20
4.1迴歸分析 20
4.1.1打字距離-近 22
4.1.1打字距離-中(舒適) 25
4.1.3打字距離-遠 28
4.2指伸肌與斜方肌之EMG分析 30
4.2.1指伸肌與各距離之相關性 32
4.2.2斜方肌與各距離之相關性 34
4.3實驗驗證 36
第五章 結論與未來發展 39
5.1結論 39
5.2未來發展 40
第六章 參考文獻 41
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