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研究生(外文):Yan-jing Chen
論文名稱(外文):Analyzing and Planning Manufacturing Resource Allocation for a Pull Production System
指導教授(外文):Yau-Ren Shiau
外文關鍵詞:genetic algorithmmanufacturing resource planningpull production system
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In recent years, customer demand has been changed from demand stable to instable, and product categories more numerous. So that guide enterprises toward customer-oriented business model. Enterprises in the face of the demand uncertainty of the production environment in order to create competitive advantage using the push-type production system has been unable to meet market demand. Instead, demand-driven for pull production systems become an important, then production process has been changed from a single to multi-stage processing of the current production patterns and production system is composed by numerous of process, that is Products with multiple quality characteristics. However, enterprises have limited resources cause company will face to processes should choose which classes workstations and inspection station configuration for cost-effective production system problems. It can be seen enterprise manufacturing resource planning and allocation is very important.
This paper assumes the production system is imperfect. By analyzing the resources allocation, purchase parts and other considerations and resource constraints derived the cost of internal models for the study included the reasonable expectations of the total production cost model. And find the optimal exhaustive method to compare based on test and verify the developed genetic algorithm. To find more efficient access to the minimum expected total cost of production under the best manufacturing resource planning and allocation, in order to help decision-makers can effectively and clearly the assessment of a reasonable basis.
Finally, this study developed a genetic algorithm compare the results of exhaustive method, both algorithms of the best configuration the average total production cost of up to 99.26% of the performance of similarity, and heuristic save 98.01% average execution time. In this study demonstrate the development of genetic algorithm can be more efficient access to the minimum expected total cost of production under the best manufacturing resource planning and allocation, in order to help decision-makers can effectively and clearly the assessment of a reasonable basis.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 2
1.4 研究流程與架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 推式與拉式生產 5
2.2 不完美生產系統 8
2.3 品質成本 10
2.4 基因演算法 11
第三章 研究方法 13
3.1 系統描述: 14
3.2 模式分析與構建 17
3.2.1研究假設 17
3.2.2符號定義 18
3.2.3製造能力分析 20
3.2.4作業流程分析 22
3.2.5成本分析 31
3.2.6模式建立 35
第四章 演算法之構建與案例驗證 36
4.1模擬工具 36
4.2窮舉法之分析與構建 36
4.3.決策因子分析 40
4.4基因演算法之分析與構建 42
4.4.1 EVOLVER 42
4.4.2 基因演算法參數設定分析 43
4.4.3 EVOLVER 基因演算法之設定程序 44 設定編碼 45 初始族群的設定 45 族群數、交配率、突變率和終止條件 45 適應值函數 46
4.5案例分析與驗證 48
4.5.1參數設定 48
4.5.2案例描述 49
4.5.3測試案例結果 49
4.5.4測試案例結果分析 50
第五章、結論與未來發展 53
5.1結論 53
5.2未來發展 54
參考文獻 55
附錄一、10組測試案例設定 59
附錄二、50組測試案例結果 67
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