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研究生(外文):Wei-wen Tseng
論文名稱(外文):A study on bioconverting bagasse into hydrogen
指導教授(外文):Kuo-shing LeePing-jei Lin
外文關鍵詞:xylose fermentation hydrogen productionglucose and xylose fermentative hydrogen productBagasseenzymatic hydrolysisimmobilized enzymes
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纖維物質水解方面,首先以反應曲面法(response surface methodology, RSM)找出蔗渣鹼處理之最適化條件為NaOH 2.5%、浸泡時間10 h,並進一步於最適酵素水解之條件20 g BTB/L (BTB: base treated bagasse)、pH 5.0獲取還原糖產量約15 g/L (產率為0.753 g RS/g BTB),其中包含葡萄糖11 g/L、木糖3.3 g/L。另外測試數種固定化酵素之方法企圖重複利用水解酵素以降低成本,但結果並不如預期。
在醱酵產氫方面,首先以CSTR (continuous flow stirred tank reactor)反應器探討木糖濃度對產氫之影響,結果顯示最佳之基質濃度為15 g COD/L,其HPR (H2 production rate)、HPE (overall H2 production efficiency)及HY (H2 yield)分別為0.212 mol/L/d、34.2%及7.44 mmol H2/g COD。而後以模擬蔗渣水解產物之葡萄糖/木糖(C6/C5))配比3:1進行各種操作策略之試驗,結果顯示當基質濃度為10 g COD/L、HRT 6 h呈現較佳之產氫表現,其HPR、HPE及HY分別為0.327 mol/L/d、39.1%及8.20 mmol H2/g COD。另以UFR (upflow reactor)反應器進行C6/C5=3/1 (20 g COD/L)之各種不同的HRT產氫實驗,改善CSTR系統木糖利用率不佳的問題,結果顯示其各試程之HPE仍不及CSTR系統。
Waste fiber material by the enzymatic hydrolysis of sugars to dark fermentative hydrogen of this study, the two parts of the divided into fiber material hydrolysis and fermentation hydrogen production.
In terms of fiber material hydrolysis, at first, we find the optimal conditions for alkali pretreatment of bagasse including NaOH 2.5%, and soaking time of 10 h by using response surface methodology (RSM). Then, the enzymatic hydrolysis substrate concentration is 20 g BTB/L (BTB: base treated bagasse) and pH 5.0 that is the optimal enzymatic hydrolysis conditions.That can gets reducing sugar about 15 g/L, which contains glucose 11 g/L, and xylose 3.3 g/L. Another, we try the immobilized enzymes attempt to reuse the hydrolytic enzymes to reduce costs, but the results are not as expected.
In terms of fermentative hydrogen, at first,we confer that xylose concentration of hydrogen production by continuous flow stirred tank reactor (CSTR), then the results showed that the optimum substrate concentration of 15 g COD / L,and the H2 production rate (HPR), overall H2 production efficiency (HPE) and H2 yield (HY) is 0.212 mol/L/d, 34.2% and 7.44 mmol H2/g COD, respectively.
And then, we have tests of various operating strategies by the simulate bagasse hydrolyzate, and the substrate including glucose and xylose that ratio is 3:1. The results showed that when the substrate concentration 10 g COD/L, HRT 6 h presents a better performance of hydrogen production., and the HPR,HPE and HY is 0.327 mol/L/d, 39.1% and 8.20 mmol H2/g COD, respectively. Another, we use upflow reactor (UFR) to improve the problem of a poor the CSTR system xylose utilization of a variety of HRT hydrogen production experiment, and the results showed that process of HPE is not better then the CSTR system.
摘要 i
Abstrct ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機與目的 2
第二章 原理與文獻回顧 5
2-1 生質能源 5
2-1-1 生質能概述 5
2-1-2 生質氫能 6
2-2 纖維物質 6
2-3 纖維物質預處理 8
2-3-1物理法 8
2-3-1-1蒸氣爆裂法 8
2-3-1-2水熱法 9
2-3-2 化學法 10
2-3-2-1鹼前處理 10
2-3-2-2酸前處理 10
2-3-2-3其他 11
2-3-3生物法 11
2-4 纖維素酵素水解 12
2-4-1外切型纖維素分解酵素 13
2-4-2內切型纖維素分解酵素 15
2-4-3葡萄糖苷酵素 16
2-5 固定化酵素 17
2-5-1 固定化酵素之理論 17
2-5-2 固定化技術與方法 18
2-6 反應曲面法 20
2-7 生物產氫 21
2-7-1 光合作用 22
2-7-2光醱酵 25
2-7-3暗醱酵 27
2-8 環境因子對暗醱酵產氫之影響 29
2-8-1 進料基質種類與濃度 30
2-8-2水力滯留時間(HRT) 31
2-8-3有機負荷 32
2-8-4營養鹽及微量金屬 32
2-8-5溫度 32
2-8-6 pH值 33
2-9 暗醱酵產氫系統 35
2-9-1 CSTR 35
2-9-2 UASB 36
第三章 實驗材料與方法 38
3-1 藥品試劑與培養基 38
3-1-1纖維物質材料 38
3-1-2暗醱酵產氫之碳源 38
3-1-3緩衝鹽類 38
3-1-4無機鹽類 38
3-1-5其他 39
3-2 碳源濃度 40
3-2-1 木糖醱酵產氫之不同碳源濃度配方 40
3-2-2葡萄糖與木糖共醱酵產氫之不同碳源濃度配方 40
3-3 分析儀器及方法 41
3-3-1液相組成分析 41
3-3-2氣相組成分析 42
3-3-3還原糖分析 43
3-3-4菌量分析 43
3-3-5緩衝溶液配置 44
3-4 纖維物質組成分析 45
3-4-1全纖維素測定 45
3-4-2纖維素測定 45
3-4-3酸不可溶性木質素含量測定 45
3-4-4酸可溶性木質素含量測定 46
3-4-5醇苯萃取物測定 46
3-5 纖維物質前處理 47
3-5-1常溫鹼浸泡 47
3-5-1-1實驗裝置與方法 47
3-5-1-2實驗設計 47
3-6 前處理過之纖維物質進行酵素水解 49
3-6-1各前處理操作之酵素水解實驗評比 50
3-6-2 基質濃度對酵素水解的影響 50
3-6-3 還原糖產率 50
3-7 固定化酵素 50
3-8 厭氧醱酵批次產氫 51
3-9 厭氧醱酵產氫 52
3-9-1產氫污泥及培養基配方 52
3-9-2 CSTR之產氫操作 53
3-9-3 UFR之產氫操作 53
第四章 結果與討論 54
4-1 蔗渣經前處理之酵素水解 54
4-1-1常溫鹼處理 54
4-1-2基質濃度對酵素水解之影響 59
4-1-3 pH對酵素水解之影響 59
4-2 固定化酵素 61
4-2-1固定化方法 61
4-3 木糖醱酵產氫 64
4-3-1 木糖於不同基質濃度之醱酵產氫 64
4-3-2 木糖於不同基質濃度下醱酵產氫之動力學分析 69
4-4 葡萄糖與木糖共醱酵產氫 69
4-4-1葡萄糖與木糖於不同HRT之共醱酵產氫 69
4-4-2 葡萄糖與木糖於不同基質濃度之共醱酵產氫 (HRT 12 h) 73
4-4-3葡萄糖與木糖於不同基質濃度之共醱酵產氫 (HRT 6 h) 79
4-4-4葡萄糖與木糖於不同HRT之共醱酵產氫(10 g COD/L) 82
4-4-5 有機負荷 87
4-4-6以UFR進行葡萄糖與木糖之共醱酵產氫 88
4-4-6-1 系統以HRT 12 h啟動 88
4-4-6-2 系統以HRT 6 h啟動 89
第五章 結論 95
參考文獻 98
附錄一 110
附錄二 113
附錄三 115
誌謝 117







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