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研究生(外文):Lu-Yan Chiu
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Preparation, Electrochromic Properties and Lithium Conduction Mechanism of Flexible Atmospheric Pressure Plasma-Synthesized LixNiOyCz Thin Film
指導教授(外文):Yung-Sen Lin
外文關鍵詞:thin filmoxidelithium nickelElectrochromicatmospheric pressure plasma
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本研究是利用常壓電漿系統製備氧化鋰鎳(LixNiOyCz)變色薄膜,其優點較以往其他製程更為快速便利,可在常壓下進行鍍膜,無需昂貴真空系統,不需耗能抽真空,也不必等待真空時間,基板也不受真空腔體限制,可大可小視需要而定,應用範圍廣泛,鍍膜速率也快,符合工業上量產和製程Roll to Roll的需求。

研究中所製備的氧化鋰鎳薄膜,其變色效率(Coloring efficiency)在陽極變色材料中,相對上比較高的,在實際作為互補式電致色變元件當中也展現出極佳的穩定性與性能,使得氧化鋰鎳薄膜近年來在電致色變領域當中獲得廣為研究材料之ㄧ;製備電致色變材料的方法很多,舉凡工業上金屬鍍層的製程皆可使用,但要達到大規模商業化且低成本的生產是影響電致色變材料能否廣泛利用的關鍵。

故本論文研究是使用常壓電漿製備可撓式氧化鋰鎳電致色變薄膜(PET/ITO/ LixNiOyCz),常壓電漿系統操作參數為不同的鋰鎳混和比例、不同的氧氣流量的變化。製備出的氧化鋰鎳薄膜利用循環伏安法、階梯電位法及紫外光-可見光譜儀、探討其電化學、光學及電致色變性質。以冷場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, FESEM)分析薄膜厚度與表面型態,再利用X射線光電子能譜儀 (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope, XPS )分析表面化學元素與組成。

Because of Green House Effect in recent years, Global Warming become seriously. Energy saving and carbon reduction is the most important issue. Several countries in Europe and U.S.A. have been put into the development of alternative energy materials and seeking effective energy-saving methods. Electrochromic materials are popular with attention materials. The needs of the market, conductive plastic substrate has the advantage of light, thin, impact resistant and flexible.
This study is the use of atmospheric pressure plasma system in the preparation of lithium nickel oxide (LixNiOyCz) thin film. The advantage of faster and more convenient than the other process ,it can be coated at atmospheric pressure. No expensive vacuum systems, no time wasting while waiting for the vacuum to finish. There are no limitations to the size of the substrate dictated by vacuum chambers. There could be wide range of applications for it. In line with the demand for industrial production and process Roll to Roll.
We prepared lithium nickel oxide, the color efficiency in the anode material were relatively high. An electrochromic device exhibits excellent stability and performance. It had made the electrochromic lithium nickel oxide thin film materials a popular field of research and has been widely studied in recent years .There are many ways to produce electrochromic materials. Wide use of electrochromic materials will contribute to achieving large-scale commercialization of low cost production.
Study the effects of different operating parameters such as the variation of Oxygen flow rate and Li percent. PET/ITO/ LixNiOyCz, produced by the atmospheric pressure plasma, and probes into the electrochemical properties, optical properties and electrochromic properties by utilizing three methods: the cyclic-voltamogram method, the step method and the UV-VIS spectroscopy method. A Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope was used to analyze the film thickness and its surface morphology. Moreover, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscope was applied to the analysis of the chemical configuration in the LixNiOyCz thin film.
The results of this study prove the successful coating of a fine electrochromic property of lithium nickel oxide (LixNiOyCz) thin film on the PET/ITO plastic substrate by the atmospheric pressure plasma process. The transmittance change can reach to 53% under a wavelength of 550nm, and after 200 cycles of testing by the cyclic-voltamogram method, the LixNiOyCz thin film still had good stability. It showed a great developmental and production potential.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
總目錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xii
符號說明 xiii
第一章 前 言 1
1-1概述 1
1-2研究動機及目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2-1電致色變(Electrochromic,EC) 6
2-1.1電致色變發展史 7
2-1.2電致色變材料種類 8
2-1.3電致色變元件結構 11
2-2氧化鋰鎳薄膜介紹 14
2-2.1氧化鎳薄膜 14
2-2.2 氧化鎳薄膜變色機制 15
2-2.3 氧化鎳薄膜之結構 16
2-2.4 氧化鋰鎳薄膜 17
2-2.5氧化鋰鎳薄膜之結構 18
2-2.6 氧化鋰鎳薄膜製備方法 20
2-3 交流阻抗分析 22
第三章 實驗原理、步驟及方法 25
3-1實驗流程 25
3-2 實驗材料 27
3-3 實驗儀器設備 28
3-4 電致色變氧化鎢鋰薄膜製備 29
3-4.1 實驗基材前處理 29
3-4.2 常壓電漿鍍膜系統 30
3-5 薄膜之電化學性質探討 34
3-5.1循環伏安法分析 34
3-5.2 交流阻抗分析 37
3-5.3 階梯電位響應時間分析 38
3-6 薄膜之電致色變性質探討 40
3-6.1 薄膜之光學性質探討 40
3-6.2 光學密度計算 41
3-6.3 著色效益計算 41
3-6.4 鋰離子(Li+)之值入/遷出值計算 43
3-7 薄膜基本性質分析 45
3-7.1 X光繞射分析 45
3-7.2 薄膜厚度測量 45
3-7.3 薄膜沉積速率分析 46
3-7.4 X光光電子能譜 46
第四章 結果與討論 47
4-1可撓式氧化鋰鎳薄膜電致色變性質 47
4-1.1 不同鋰、鎳混合百分比之影響 47
4-1.1.1 循環伏安曲線分析 47
4-1.1.2 可見光穿透率之影響 50
4-1.1.3 階梯電位與響應時間之影響 52
4-1.1.4 光學密度與著色效益計算 54
4-1.1.5 鋰離子植入/遷出係數X值計算 56
4-1.1.6 交流阻抗分析 58
4-1.1.7 鋰離子初鍍膜遷出電量分析 61
4-1.2 不同氧氣流量之影響 63
4-1.2.1 循環伏安曲線分析 63
4-1.2.2 可見光穿透率之影響 65
4-1.2.3 光學密度與著色效益計算 67
4-1.2.4 鋰離子植入/遷出係數X值計算 69
4-2可撓式氧化鋰鎳薄膜物性 71
4-2.1 不同鋰、鎳混和百分比之影響 71
4-2.1.1 薄膜厚度及沉積速率 71
4-2.1.2 薄膜表面型態分析 73
4-2.1.3 薄膜表面之化學元素及成份分析 75
4-2.1.4 X光繞射分析 80
4-2.2 不同氧氣流量之影響 81
4-2.2.1 薄膜厚度及沉積速率 81
4-2.2.2 薄膜表面型態分析 82
4-2.2.3 薄膜表面之化學元素之成份分析 84
4-2.2.4 X光繞射分析 89
第五章 結論 90
參考文獻 92
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