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研究生(外文):Guo-Wei Wu
論文名稱(外文):Antimicrobial Brass Films Prepared by High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering on Fabric
指導教授(外文):Ju-Liang He
外文關鍵詞:antimicrobialhigh power impulse magnetron sputteringbrassfilm
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工業快速興起,生活品質不斷提升,機能性紡織品異軍突起,其中又以抗菌紡織品具有發展潛力,可直接隔絕外來病菌的感染。而無機抗菌材料以無污染、安全性佳及效果持久等優勢被廣泛應用;諸多抗菌材料中,擁有強抗菌能力的銀,由於成本高居不下而無法普及化,然而,低成本的銅亦有不耐蝕性的缺點,因此選用兼具抗菌、耐蝕及低成本的黃銅來取代。為了能在低軟化點(Glass transition temperature, Tg)的聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯(Poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET)纖維布料賦予抗菌能力,本研究利用高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍(High power impulse magnetron sputtering, HIPIMS)於PET 纖維布料製備抗菌黃銅薄膜,探討不同氧氣電漿前處理及沉積時間的微觀形貌、晶體結構、耐摩擦色牢度及抗菌性能等。
研究結果顯示:利用HIPIMS 製備抗菌黃銅薄膜成戊Q覆於PET纖維布料;從微觀形貌觀察得知,鍍膜厚度隨沉積時間增加而增厚,當沉積時間為10 min 的鍍膜厚度可達238 nm;在成份組成鑑定結果發現,鍍膜的Cu/Zn 重量百分比比值皆與靶材1.86 接近,故確認此鍍膜為黃銅;並進一步以XRD 確認目標相結構為ㄛ菄熄擊氶F而耐摩擦色牢度結果可知,經過電漿前處理確實提升纖維與鍍膜間的附著性,主因於氧氣轟擊纖維表面形成鍵結較強的官能基;被覆鍍膜的纖維經拉力試驗後,其拉力值高於纖維本身,歸因於較硬的金屬被覆於纖維上,必須施予更大的力使其斷裂;抗菌性能方面,沉積時間為1 min 就達到良好殺菌及抑菌效果,而水洗20 次後仍然保有抗菌性能。故本研究結果滿足業界開發新產品的需求,為醫療保健紡織產業帶出更大的經濟效益。
With the rapid development of industry and continuous promotion of living quality, functional textiles are suddenly thriving. Among them, antibacterial textiles can be directly quarantine infection of allochthonous bacillus possesses potentiality to grow. The predominance of inorganic antibacterial agents has non-pollution, good security, lasting effect and
others are widely used. In many antibacterial materials, it can''t be popularized by using expensive silver even though it has strong
antibacterial ability. However, low-cost copper have no corrosion resistance yet. Therefore, brass include antibacterial, corrosion resistance
and low-cost to replace them. In this study, antibacterial brass films are deposited onto poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) by utilizing High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS) in order to have low glass transition temperature point (Tg) of PET fabric to appended antibacterial
ability, and explore microstructure, crystal structure, durability and antibacterial by different oxygen plasma pretreatment time and deposition time.

The results show that antibacterial brass films prepared by HIPIMS were successfully coated onto PET fabric. Morphology observed that the coating
thickened with increasing deposition time and obtained 238 nm when the deposition time reached for 10 min. The ingredient composition of
appraisal results indicated that of the Cu/Zn ratios were close to the 1.86 of target. Therefore, coatings confirmed were brass and further affirmed the phase structure for α phase using X-ray diffraction spectrum (XRD). From
the results of color fastness to rubbing, the adhesion between fiber and coating had been reliable raised through plasma pretreatment. The main reason was fibrous surface formed a strong bond of functional group after bombarding. The tensile value of coated fiber was higher than the fiber itself through tensile test. It was attributed to the hard metal coated onto the
fiber that must lend greater force to make it fracture. Aspect of antibacterial performance, the deposition time of 1 min achieved good bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect. And it still retained antibacterial ability after washing
20 times. Above results satisfy the needs of the industry to develop new products and bring greater economic benefits for the healthcare textile industry.
總 目 錄
誌 謝 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract IV
總 目 錄 VI
圖 目 錄 VIII
表 目 錄 XI
符號說明 XII
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 抗菌概述 4
2.1.1 抗菌名詞及定義 4
2.1.2 抗菌材料及機制 4
2.1.3 細菌 11
2.1.4 細菌細胞之解剖構造 12
2.1.5 影響細菌生殖的因素 14
2.1.6 革蘭氏陽性菌與陰性菌 15
2.1.7 金黃色葡萄球菌 18
2.1.8 大腸桿菌 19
2.2 纖維的抗菌加工 21
2.3 濺鍍法被覆抗菌薄膜技術 25
2.3.1 濺鍍製程 25
2.3.2 抗菌薄膜的現階段發展 31
2.3.3 高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍法原理與優勢 36
2.4 研究動機 43
第三章 研究方法 44
3.1 高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍黃銅鍍膜的製備 45
3.1.1 高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍系統參數調控 45
3.1.2 纖維布料製備及前處理 47
3.1.3 鍍膜製備 48
3.2 顯微形貌與晶體結構分析 48
3.2.1 微觀形貌觀察 48
3.2.2 成分組成鑑定 49
3.2.3 晶體結構分析 50
3.3 耐摩擦色牢度試驗 51
3.4 耐洗染色堅牢度試驗 52
3.5 抗菌性能評估 52
3.6 拉力試驗 55
第四章 結果與討論 56
4.1 高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍系統參數最適化 56
4.2 不同氧氣電漿前處理時間的級數及微觀形貌 60
4.3 不同沉積時間的SEM、EDS及XRD 64
4.4 不同沉積時間及水洗次數的外觀表現 70
4.5 不同沉積時間及水洗後的抗菌性能 72
4.6 施鍍前後所得抗拉強度 75
第五章 結論 76
參考文獻 78
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