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研究生(外文):Seak-Phoon Goh
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Online Conformity Behavior and Brand Loyalty-Moderating Effects of Online Reference Group and Product Type
指導教授(外文):Kuang-Wen Wu
外文關鍵詞:brand loyaltyonline conformitysocial intelligence
  • 被引用被引用:3
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Nowadays, it is becoming more convenient to shop online. More and more consumers have been enjoying online shopping and it has become a trend. Furthermore, consumers normally take notice of other people’s opinions when making decisions, and they may change their initial decisions if these opinions are contrary to their own. Even the purchasing environment may be isolated; there are no interruptions, but the conformity behavior will still occur during online shopping. Therefore, brand loyalty is a critical strategic thrust for suppliers in trying to gain advantages in this competitive market environment.
This study hypothesizes that social intelligence is the antecedent of online conformity behavior. Furthermore, different product categories may have different effects on consumers’ attitudes; so this study uses the product categories as the moderator variables. This study aims to investigate the relationship between social intelligence and online conformity behavior with respect to brand loyalty, and whether this relationship will be difference in four different product categories.
The questionnaires are administered through an online survey in Taiwan, and this study focuses on consumers who have experience with online shopping. A product category pretest and full questionnaire pretest are conducted.
This study finds that social intelligence positively affects online informational conformity and online normative conformity. Furthermore, both online informational conformity and online normative conformity positively affect endogenous brand loyalty and exogenous brand loyalty. It will help the companies to adopt marketing strategies if they have a better understanding of consumers’ preferences in different product categories.
I. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Purpose 3
1.3 Research procedure: 3
II. Literature Review and Hypotheses 5
2.1 Social Intelligence 5
2.2 Conformity 9
2.3 Brand Loyalty 16
2.4 Product categories 20
2.5 Online reference groups 24
III. Research Methodology 26
3.1 Conceptual Framework 26
3.2 Operational Definitions 27
3.2.1 Social intelligence 27
3.2.2 Conformity 28
3.2.3 Brand Loyalty 31
3.3 Research Scope 33
3.4 Sampling Method 34
3.5 Questionnaire design 35
3.5.1 Product category pretest 35
3.5.2 Questionnaire pretest 38
3.5.3 Questionnaire design 38
3.6 Analysis Method 39
3.6.1 Descriptive statistics 39
3.6.2 Item analysis 39
3.6.3 Test of homogeneity 40
3.6.4 Reliability 40
3.6.5 Validity 40
3.6.6 SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) 41
IV. Data Analysis and Empirical Results 42
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 42
4.2 Test of homogeneity 47
4.3 Validity analysis 49
4.4 Reliability Analysis 52
4.5 Correlation Analysis 54
4.6 Hypotheses Test 55
4.6.1 Path Analysis 56
4.6.2 Multi-group comparison 59
4.6.3 Summary 62
V. Discussion and Suggestion 64
5.1 Discussion and Conclusion 64
5.2 Managerial Implication 67
5.3 Limitations and Future Research 69
References 71
Appendix: 76
1. Product Category Pretest (English Version) 76
2. Product Category Pretest (Chinese Version) 78
3. Pretest questionnaire (English version) 80
4. Pretest questionnaire (Chinese version) 84
5. T-Test for questionnaire pretest 88
6. Formal questionnaire (English version) 95
7. Formal questionnaire (Chinese version) 99
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