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研究生(外文):Po-yen Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Landing Gear Impact Stress
指導教授(外文):Chih-I Chu
外文關鍵詞:flexible strutlanding gearlanding stabilityrigid strutdynamic anslysis
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本研究主要在於探討主起落架的腳架剛體轉變成撓性體情況下,飛機受到著陸撞擊時動態行為研究,對腳架而言是否有足夠的抵抗能力及吸收衝擊。本文以Partan為前處理器,將腳架進行網格劃分,藉由模態分析後,運用模態疊加的方式,將剛性腳架轉換成撓性腳架。再運用Adams軟體,進行動態模擬分析,相較於其他有限元素軟體,雖然必須使用兩套軟體來做運算,但也節省了許多運算時間。在理論方面,解說了撓形體形成數學相關式。在Level Landing方面使用不同模態數、不同著陸速度、不同腳架厚度、腳架靜態與動態分析差別、剛體與撓性體的差別,並且探討Cross Wind Landing角度影響、Level Landing與Cross Wind Landing差別,從分析中觀察起落架在受到正向或側向衝擊條件下動態行為下,求得結果進行比較。結果中顯示增加著陸速度以及腳架厚度都會使撞擊力增加,當厚度太厚,腳架韌性降低變形量也縮減,雖然應力減少可是卻造成腳架無法吸收衝擊能量。若將動態撞擊力代到靜態分析中得出應力結果遠比動態分析還要來的大,因此設計腳架不能只單靠於靜態分析結果去斷定,還要借助於動態分析,否則會造成設計過量。
This research explores the dynamic impacts of replacing main gear’s strut from a rigid body to a flexible body on air crafts’ landing stability. The objective used Partan’s modal analysis theory to superpose the transformation of landing gears from ridged strut to flexible strut. The objective also used Adams’ software to carry out dynamic simulation analysis. There are two reasons for using a combination of Partan’s and Adam’s theories instead of the conventional Finite element analysis approach. First, this approach takes less time to run. Second, it enables a multi-level analysis by taking differences in landing speed, landing gear thickness, and dynamic or static state of the landing gear into consideration. Vis this approach, The objective was able to compare the how the use of flexible or rigid strut affect cross wind landing and level landing under the circumstances or normal or lateral impact. The result indicates that the increase of landing gear thickness combined with higher landing speed can lead to higher impact and thus reduce aircrafts’ landing stability. As thickness increases, landing gear will become less flexible and therefore decrease its ability to absorb landing impact. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings
are addressed at the concluding part of this thesis.
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 3
1.2 文獻回顧與研究方法 4
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 撓性體機構理論 6
2.1 撓性體模態分析和綜合方法 6
2.2 模態應力回復分析原理 9
第三章 飛機建立與分析 12
3.1 模型建立 14
3.1.1 飛機與起落架模型 14
3.1.2 腳架動態分析FEM模型建立 16
3.1.3 腳架靜態分析FEM模型建立 18
3.2 Level Landing情形分析 19
3.2.1 模態數量影響 19
3.2.2 著陸速度的影響 21
3.2.3 不同腳架厚度影響 27
3.2.4 剛體腳架與撓性腳架的差別 33
3.2.5 腳架靜態與動態分析探討 34
3.3 Cross Wind Landing分析 40
3.3.1 Cross Wind Landing角度影響 40
3.3.2 Level Landing與Cross Wind Landing差別 46
第四章 結論與未來展望 49
4.1 結論 49
4.2 未來展望 52
參考文獻 53
符號彙整 55
附錄A 接觸係數 57
附錄B Level Landing動態模擬過程 58
附錄C 不同速度、厚度下腳架Z方向變形量 60
附錄D Cross Wind Landing動態模擬過程 62
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