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研究生(外文):Yu-Chieh Huang
論文名稱(外文):SI Characteristics and EMI Effect Analysis of High-Speed Connectors and Design Improvement Technique
指導教授(外文):Han-Nien Lin
  • 被引用被引用:5
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近年來,網路的連線速度需求越來越高,雖然目前已經有光纖技術可以提供更高速的頻寬,但是在光纖端進入伺服器之後依然需要轉成電的形式傳送,因此在光轉電機制後與伺服器連接的高速連接器則扮演著重要的角色。本論文針對10 Gbps的雙層SFP+進行訊號完整性的模擬與量測。傳輸模態是使用差模傳輸對,使用網路分析儀量測其差模之輸入返回係數以及插入係數後,使用TDR 儀量測其差模阻抗觀察其阻抗變化或抖動劇烈的原因。接著對高速連接器的傳導端子做各種模擬分析並提出調整塑膠片挖空部分的大小與調整端子的尺寸,使高速連接器之差模阻抗符合規範標準。
The demanding for high speed network communications explodes in recent years for Internet applications. Although the optical fibre deployed already provides broader bandwidth for high speed applications, the transceivers are still in need to convert optical signal into electrical signal for front-end of server computer. In this thesis, we investigate the signal integrity (SI) analysis for 10 Gbps two-layered SFP+ connector with EM simulation and measurement. Since the differential pair transmission is applied to SFP+ connector, we measure its differential mode (DM) reflection and transmission coefficients with network analyser first. We then observe the variation of DM impedance and analyse the cause of impedance discontinuity by the utilization of TDR measurement. Finally, we will propose modified connecter structure by changing pin width to improve the signal integrity.
In this thesis, the simulation analysis of the electromagnetic field its high-speed connectors, high-speed connection in the S-parameters of the worst frequency point do the xz, yz and xy three dimensional electromagnetic field radiation distribution, and thus be able to tell this SFP+ high speed connector in which part of the EMI generated from the most serious.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 章節概述 3
第二章 高速連接器基礎原理介紹 4
2.1 前言 4
2.2 特性阻抗 4
2.3 差模訊號 7
2.4 串音干擾 11
2.5 連接器結構效應 13
2.5.1 壓接式焊腳 14
2.5.2 SFP+規範介紹 18
第三章 SFP+高速連接器設計參數之效應及改善技術 23
3.1 前言 23
3.2 長直條傳輸線中間挖空塑膠模擬分析 23
3.3 端子分段挖塑膠模擬分析 25
3.4 轉角設計效應分析 30
3.4.1 轉角設計挖塑膠分析 35
3.4.2 轉角設計技術改善分析 39
第四章 SFP+高速連接器的量測配置與模擬比較分析 51
4.1 量測配置說明 51
4.2 SFP+高速連接器量測與模擬結果比較分析 54
4.3 訊號完整性對電磁干擾之效應影響 62
第五章 結論 70
參考文獻 71
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