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論文名稱:以離子交換樹脂承載奈米金屬 薄膜對水中2,4-二氯酚脫氯之研究
外文關鍵詞:24-dichlorophenolion exchange resinnano bimetalliccolumn test
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以進一步研究調查固定式反應器的可行性。從結果的觀察,批次反應器中使用奈米雙金屬鐵樹脂對2,4-DCP溶液可完全脫氯,而產生酚和氯離子。觀察中最佳攪拌速度在200 rpm。2,4-DCP溶液的pH值影響脫氯效率顯著;於pH 6 在20分時高脫氯效率可以達到91%。提高反應溫度到60℃可以提高脫氯效率。最好鐵鎳比例為42.5 mgFe 9.8mgNi/g-resin。動力學研究顯示脫氯反應,此偽一級反應。在批次反應器中2-氯酚,2,4-二氯酚和2,4,6-三氯酚與奈米雙金屬鐵樹脂進行了混合測試,在反應時間20分鐘,2,4,6-三氯酚脫氯效率可以達到70%以上。在於固定式管住實驗,反應流通量1.1mL/min-cm2為最佳;管柱溫度控制的最佳操作範圍為20到25℃。

In this study, a synthesized cation exchange resin supported nano zero valent iron (NZVI) complex forming NZVI-resin was proposed for the dechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP), taking into account reaction time, 2,4-DCP initial concentration, pH, mixing speed, reaction temperature and composition of nickel and iron. Further investigation on
feasibility study to the real case, the fixed column type reactor was introduced into this study. From results, the successful dechlorination of the 2,4-DCP solution to produce phenol and chloride ions was observed using a bimetallic NZVI-resin in batch reactor. The best mixing speed was observed at 200 rpm. Solution pH affects the 2,4-DCP dechlorination efficiency significantly. A high dechlorination efficiency of 91% can be reached in 20 min at pH 6, while only about 20% dechlorination at acidic pH 2. Increasing the reaction temperature up to 60℃ can enhance the dechlorination rate. The best iron to nickel ratio was 42.5 mgFe 9.8 mgNi/g-resin. The kinetic studies showed that the dechlorination reaction followed pseudo-first order reaction. A mixture of 2-chlorophenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol was tested in the batch IV
reactor with addition of bimetallic NZVI-resin. The 2,4,6-TCD dechlorination efficiency in 20 min can be reached 70%. For fixed bed column reactor with flow rate of 5 mL/min, breakthrough volume of 2100 mL was observed. Temperature regime from 20 to 25℃ was the best performance for this column operation.
圖目錄................................................... X
1-1 研究緣起.............................................1
1-2 研究目的.............................................2
2-1 氯酚類有機污染物.....................................4
2-1-1 氯酚之來源及基本性質..............................4
2-1-2 氯酚毒性及水質標準................................8
2-1-3 氯酚類有機物處理方法.............................11
2-2 奈米零價金屬處理技術及簡介..........................13
2-2-1 奈米材料與奈米科技之發展緣起.....................13
2-2-2 奈米金屬材料製備方法.............................14
2-2-3 奈米鐵之還原機制與影響因子.......................14
2-2-4 奈米鐵之應用與複合金屬(bimetallic)之相關研究.....25
2-3 離子交換樹脂........................................27
2-3-1 離子交換樹脂種類.................................27
2-3-2 離子交換原理與吸附平衡理論.......................29
2-3-3 管柱離子交換.....................................33
2-3-4 離子交換樹脂之應用與相關研究.....................35第三章實驗材料設備與方法.................................37
3-1 實驗材料與設備......................................37
3-1-1 實驗藥品與材料...................................37
3-1-2 實驗設備.........................................39
3-1-3 分析儀器.........................................39
3-2 實驗流程與方法......................................43
3-2-1 實驗流程架構.....................................43
3-2-2 實驗裝置........................................ 46
3-2-3 實驗方法.........................................47
4-1 樹脂承載奈米零價金屬薄膜特性分析....................57
4-2 樹脂承載奈米零價金屬薄膜還原反應....................63
4-2-1 2,4-二氯酚之轉換.................................63
4-2-2 不同金屬比例之影響...............................67
4-2-3 改變2,4-二氯酚初濃度之影響.......................71
4-2-4 2,4-二氯酚溶液初始酸鹼值之影響...................77
4-2-5 改變攪拌速率對反應之影響.........................82
4-2-6 改變溫度對反應之影響.............................90
4-3 樹脂承載奈米零價金屬對2,4,6-三氯酚之脫氯影響........95
4-4 樹脂承載奈米零價金屬薄膜固定床管柱試驗..............98
4-4-1 2,4-二氯酚對管柱之影響...........................98
4-4-2 2,4-二氯酚初始酸鹼值對管柱之影響................102
4-4-3 改變2,4-二氯酚溫度對管柱之影響..................106
4-4-4 改變2,4-二氯酚流量對管柱之影響..................111
4-5 樹脂承載奈米零價金屬薄膜還原反應整合TiO2/UV反應.... 114
5-1 結論...............................................116
5-2 未來方向與建議.....................................119

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