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研究生(外文):Shou-Jr Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study and Implementation of Applying Data Mining on Dermatologic Diseases
指導教授(外文):Wen-Yen Wang
外文關鍵詞:Time-Gap Sequential PatternAtopic dermatitisskin of comorbidity
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本研究旨在建立一個預測系統,於研究中使用中央健康保險局所累積的國人就診紀錄,結合中央氣象局的資料當作探勘資料,並作為實驗資料;本研究針對異位性皮膚炎疾病(Atopic dermatitis)建立一個對應的預測系統,並將關聯法則與TGSP(Time-Gap Sequential Pattern)演算法結合改良出一ARTGSP(Association Rules on Time-Gap Sequential Pattern)演算法,然後將ARTGSP演算法導入本預測系統,並透過Zigbee感測器所測到的使用者環境溫度、濕度,每隔一段時間預測系統自動使用ARTGSP演算法來運算,預測是否會發病與幾天內發病,並警告提醒使用者改善可能的致病因素,讓使用者可避免相關皮膚共患疾病的發生。

Prevention is better than cure is the primary prevention of disease sick need to experience life in the human life process, so if by a prediction mechanism to inform users in advance a total of suffering from the imminent possibility of the disease, allowing users to improve may pathogenic environmental factors, and so be able to avoid the probability of suffering from the skin of comorbidity, but also eliminates the incidence of unnecessary pain and money to spend.
This study aims to establish a projection system to study people accumulated by the Central Health Insurance Bureau is used in medical records, combined with the Central Weather Bureau data as exploration of data, experimental data and as; this disease studies for Atopic Dermatitis established a corresponding forecast system, and associated rules and TGSP(Time-Gap Sequential Pattern) algorithm improved ARTGSP(Association Rules on Time-Gap Sequential Pattern) algorithm, and then import the ARTGSP algorithm for forecast system and user environment logging through Zigbee sensor temperature and humidity, every period of time automatically using ARTGSP algorithm for forecast system operation, predict onset and disease within a few days, and warning the user to improve the possible risk factors, Allow users to avoid the occurrence of comorbid diseases of the skin.

誌謝 ------------------------------------------------iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------iv
表目錄 ------------------------------------------------vi
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------viii
一、 緒論--------------------------------------------1
1.1 研究背景--------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究動機----------------------------------------2
1.3 研究目的----------------------------------------2
1.4 論文貢獻--------------------------------------- 2
1.5 論文架構----------------------------------------3
二、 文獻探討----------------------------------------4
2.1 皮膚過敏----------------------------------------4
2.1.1 皮膚過敏症狀簡介--------------------------------4
2.1.2 過敏皮膚症狀之關聯性--------------------------- 5
2.2 資料探勘--------------------------------------- 5
2.2.1 資料探勘簡介----------------------------------- 5
2.2.2 關聯法則--------------------------------------- 8
2.2.3 TGSP演算法------------------------------------- 9
三、 研究方法--------------------------------------- 12
3.1 資料來源--------------------------------------- 12
3.2 資料前作業------------------------------------- 14
3.2.1 資料清除--------------------------------------- 14
3.2.2 資料整合--------------------------------------- 14
3.2.3 資料選擇--------------------------------------- 15
3.2.4 資料轉換--------------------------------------- 16
3.3 探勘方法--------------------------------------- 17
3.3.1 關聯法則--------------------------------------- 18
3.3.2 TGSP演算法------------------------------------- 28
3.3.3 ARTGSP演算法----------------------------------- 42
四、 實驗結果與分析--------------------------------- 58
4.1 預測模式比較分析------------------------------- 58
五、 系統建置--------------------------------------- 68
5.1 實作系統架構----------------------------------- 68
5.2 伺服平台--------------------------------------- 70
5.3 Weka設定--------------------------------------- 70
5.4 感測器----------------------------------------- 72
5.5 實作結果--------------------------------------- 74
六、 結論與建議------------------------------------- 75
參考文獻------- --------------------------------------- 76
附錄一 ----------------------------------------------- 80
附錄二 ----------------------------------------------- 83
附錄三 ----------------------------------------------- 86
附錄四 ----------------------------------------------- 92

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