The task of automatic electricity dispatch for Taiwan Power Company includes Center Dispatch Control Center (CDCC)、Area Dispatch Control Center (ADCC) and Distribution Dispatch Control Center (DDCC) three centers which monitor and control the system operation of 345kV、161kV/69kV、22kV/11kV voltage levels. Computer server of Dispatch and Control Center plays the key role of automatic system automations. Remote Terminal Units (RTU) are installed in substations which communicate with the computer server of Dispatch and Control Center by computer network. The function of RTU includes gathering system’s data and performing the remote instructions that received from control centers. For automatic electricity dispatches engineering, RTU acquires the states and analog data in the substation then transmitting the data to the main computer of Dispatch and Control Center. At the same time, RTU will perform the automatic operations according to the control signals from control centers. For the purpose of transmitting and receiving data, the communication Protocol should be developed for RTU and main computer. In this thesis, improving the performance of data transmission speed and communication reliability for new SCADA system is discussed.