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研究生(外文):Chang-Yin Chang
論文名稱(外文):Study on the motorcycle engine fueled with hydrogen-rich gas produced from methanol by an exhaust heat recycling reformer
指導教授(外文):Rong-Fang Horng
外文關鍵詞:Hydrogen-rich gas enginePipe reformerMotorcycle enginePollution emissionsThermal efficiency
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This study was to investigate the hydrogen-rich gas produced from methanol reforming by exhaust heat recovery on the exhaust emissions and performance of engine. Hydrogen-rich gas was introduced into the engine to improve the fuel consumption and exhaust emissions.
The experiments can be divided into four stages. The first phase of experiments is to derive the basic data of the original engine. The parameters studied included engine speed of 2000-6500rpm and the throttle openings. From the results, the original engine operating air-fuel ratio, fuel injection duration and exhaust emissions could be obtained. In the second stage, the simulation gas of premixed hydrogen-carbon dioxide was introduced into the engine, and a series of experiments were carried out. The feeding flow rate included 5, 10, and 15L/min with the molar fraction of 75%-hydrogen and 25%-carbon dioxide. The tested engine speeds were 4000rpm, 5000rpm and 6000rpm; and the throttle openings were 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3.
In the third stage, the reformer was installed in the exhaust pipe to utilize the waste heat of the engine to supply the energy required for methanol reforming, and partial oxidation was used to produce hydrogen-rich gas. The parameters, including O2/C (Oxygen/methanol molar) ratio, are experimented, and the best reforming parameters will be obtained. The best parameters obtained in the last stage would be applied to the fourth stage. That is, the best O2/C ratio of 0.3 with the flow rate of 3, 6, 9c.c/min for reforming was employed. The tested engine speeds were 4000rpm, 5000rpm and 6000rpm; and the throttle openings were 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3. The hydrogen-rich gas introduced into the engine was to improve the lean limit and fuel economy.
Among the series of experiments, many results were obtained. In the simulation gas experiments, it was found that CO, HC emissions, fuel consumption and thermal efficiency were improved as compared to the original engine. However, NOx emission increased, and the brake power decreased due to the reduction of volumetric efficiency. The trends by introducing the hydrogen-rich gas produced from the pipe reformer into the engine were similar to those of simulation gas experiments. However, there were differences between these two conditions because the compositions of the gases were not the same.

中文摘要 -------- i
英文摘要 --------- iii
誌謝 -------- v
目錄 -------- vi
表目錄 -------- viii
圖目錄 -------- ix
符號說明 -------- xiii
一、 緒論------- 1
1.1 前言------ 1
1.2 國內外文獻回顧---- 2
1.2.1 國內文獻回顧------- 2
1.2.2 國外文獻回顧------ 5
1.3 研究動機與目的------ 8
1.4 實驗架構-------- 9
二、 實驗相關理論------ 10
2.1 氫氣之特性與應用------ 10
2.2 重組產氫的方式------- 10
2.3 重組法的優缺點--- 11
2.4 引擎的廢氣排放------- 12
2.4.1 一氧化碳-------- 13
2.4.2 碳氫化合物---- 13
2.4.3 氮氧化物------ 14
三、 實驗設備與方法----- 15
3.1 溫度的檢測方式------- 15
3.2 實驗設備之基本原理------ 16
3.3 原車的引擎基礎數據實驗------- 18
3.4 模擬氣體導入實驗---- 19
3.5 重組器之產出氣體實驗------- 20
3.6 產出之富氫氣體導入實驗---- 21
3.7 實驗所用之其他設備------- 22
3.8 實驗所用之計算公式---- 22
3.8.1 引擎相關計算公式------ 22
3.8.2 重組相關計算公式-------- 23
四、 實驗結果與討論------------- 46
4.1 原車基礎數據實驗的結果與討論------- 46
4.2 模擬氣體導入對引擎的影響------- 48
4.3 重組器之產出氣體的結果與討論---- 59
4.4 富氫氣體導入對引擎的實驗測試------ 67
4.5 重組產氫之能量損失--------- 79
4.6 重組器與引擎排氣管內氣體溫度比較----- 81
五、 結論及未來研究方向與建議---------- 83
5.1 結論-------- 83
5.1.1 原車的基礎數據實驗結論------- 83
5.1.2 模擬氣體導入實驗結論------ 83
5.1.3 重組器之產出氣體實驗結論--------- 84
5.1.4 富氫氣體導入實驗結論------- 84
5.2 未來研究方向與建議------- 84
參考文獻 --------- 85
附錄一 模擬氣體導入實驗之數據圖補充--------- 89
附錄二 富氫氣體導入實驗之數據圖補充--------- 95

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