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研究生(外文):Te-Kuo Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Study on variable-damper multi-function heat pump air conditioner
指導教授(外文):Chai-kunag ChenKing-Lang WangChen, Wen-Lih
外文關鍵詞:Four-way valvevariable-dampermulti-functionheat pumpair conditioner
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Traditional air-conditioner with heating and cooling functions uses the four-way valve to change the refrigerant flow direction to generate heating and cooling functions. The indoor heat exchanger is used as the evaporator at hot weather and is become as the condenser at cold weather. The thermal energy from the condenser must equal to the consumption of the work generated by compressor and the thermal energy absorbed by the evaporator. Thus, in order to match the energy balance, the surface area of condenser is approximately 1.2~1.3 times of that of evaporator. The products used for such as Taiwan''s tropical climate, air-conditioner is focused on the cooling function design; the outdoor heat exchanger must be greater than the indoor heat exchanger, so its cooling function is with expected high-performance when it is applied at hot days, but not for its heating function. On the contrary, the products used for colder regions, air-conditioner is focused on the heating function design; the indoor heat exchanger must be greater than the outdoor heat exchanger, so its heating function used at cold days is with expected high-performance, but not for its cooling function. The above products are also easier fault due to its design.
The present study is to fabricate a “variable-damper multi-function heat pump air conditioner”. The internal region of its outer box is divided into the upper and lower spaces, the swing upper and lower doors are set inside to change the wind directions, separately. And there are air outlets and air inlets located to the upper and lower spaces, individually. Meanwhile, the evaporator and condenser, belonging to refrigeration system, are set on both sides the lower space. Accordingly, through the control the proper operations of refrigeration system and fans, as well as under the transforming combination of the swing upper and lower doors, it can obtain the better heating and cooling performances compared with four-way valve type air-conditioner and without its shortcomings. At the same time, the extra functions can be obtained; such as, the fast outdoor air ventilation with cooling卅heating function; the compressor is switched off and only operating the fans to introduce proper-temperature outside air for energy-saving air-conditioning; heating function is operated with
dehumidification in cold-wet sessions.

摘 要 i
誌 謝 v
目 錄 vii
表目錄 xi
圖目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 四通閥冷暖氣機工作原理與缺失 5
2.1 四通閥冷暖氣機之原理與缺失 5
2.2 不用四通閥冷暖氣機之先前技術 8
2.3 不用四通閥冷暖氣機之先前技術的缺點 12
第三章 可變風門之多功能熱泵式空調機之專利構想 13
3.1 實施方式 17
3.2 熱天開冷氣 18
3.3 冷天開暖氣 19
3.4 熱天室內快速全換氣兼具冷氣功能或純快速全換氣功能 21
3.5 冷天室內快速全換氣兼具暖氣功能或純快速全換氣功能 22
3.6 單一風扇運轉引入室外空氣作較安靜正壓潔淨的節能空調 23
第四章 原型機設計、製作與測試儀器 25
4.1 可變風門之多功能熱泵式空調機系統元件之選用 26
4.1.1 冷煤之選用 26
4.1.2 壓縮機之選用 28
4.1.3 冷凝器之選用 29
4.1.4 蒸發器之選用 30
4.1.5 毛細管之選用 30
4.1.6 抽、送風設備之選用 32
4.2 原型機製作 34
4.2.1 主要元件初步佈置與安裝 34
4.2.2 冷凝器及蒸發器組裝施工 35
4.2.3 壓縮機組裝及施工 36
4.2.4 橫流風扇組裝施工 36
4.2.5 可變風門機構與驅動系統組裝及施工 37
4.2.6 毛細管與冷媒管路安裝工作 40
4.2.7 冷媒系統探漏及執行抽真空作業 40
4.2.8 執行冷媒充填及試車 41
4.3 實機功能測試用之儀器與儀表 42
4.3.1 風速計 42
4.3.2 紅外線熱顯像儀 43
4.3.3 非接觸式紅外線測溫槍 44
4.3.4 電源監測器 45
第五章 結果與討論 47
5.1 可變風門機構切換冷暖氣功能運轉測試 49
5.2 暖氣功能及進風口回風測試 50
5.2.1 暖氣功能實機測試 50
5.2.2 暖氣模式時進風口回風風速測試 53
5.3 冷氣功能及進風口回風測試 54
5.3.1 冷氣功能實機測試 54
5.3.2 冷氣模式時進風口回風風速測試 54
5.4 全外氣換氣功能實機測試 56
第六章 結論與未來展望 59
參考文獻 63
附錄1 R-410A冷媒飽和性質表 65
附錄2 R-410A冷媒壓焓圖 67
附錄3 41T068-A4-BMDD迴轉式壓縮機詳細規格 68
附錄4 冷凝器與蒸發器所用之橫流式風扇詳細規格表 72

[2]International Energy Agency (IEA), World Energy Outlook 2008.
[4]經濟部統計處,「100年工業生產統計年報」, 2012年3月。
[5]TrendGo research,「2011年生活家電產業研究分析報告」,http:// www.trendgo.com.tw,2011年9月。
[8]黃景良、周煥銘,「不用四通閥而具冷暖氣機功能之方法和設備」,中華民國發明專利第167051號,專利權期限: 91年10月21日至111年1月10日。
[11]張樂法 編著,「高EER空調機設計與試驗講集」

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