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研究生(外文):Ching-Rong Ling
論文名稱(外文):Design of an Optical Lens for Uniform LED Illumination with Simulation and Experiment Verification
指導教授(外文):Ku-Chin Lin
外文關鍵詞:Optical lensUniform illuminationLED
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本文探討簡易LED均光透鏡設計及光學模擬驗證,本設計法可應用於辦公室天花板燈及廣告燈箱,其需求良好光均勻性之呈現及照明。本研究使用SolidWorks 3D軟體繪製透鏡,另使用TracePro分析軟體進行光學模擬,再藉由模擬結果及基礎光學觀念以完成設計本透鏡,並達良好之均光產出。
本研究已完成一具天花板燈製作,本燈具尺寸大小為600x600x120 mm3,共使用4顆多晶LED燈,每顆LED耗電10瓦,其尺寸大小為ψ39mm。本研究共設計兩款透鏡,其目標平面300x300 mm2照明範圍內,須呈均光照度分佈,因須配合光源尺寸,本透鏡底部尺寸均設計為50x50mm2,其中,第一款透鏡之整體外形呈金字塔形,其頂部具球體內凹,第二款之整體外形呈倒金字塔形,其頂部具拋物體內凹。兩款透鏡經光軌跡模擬比較結果顯示,前者光投射範圍為265x265mm2,後者光投射範圍為285x285 mm2,後者較前者得呈現較佳光照度均勻性。本研究僅針對第一款透鏡做實作,實驗驗證結果顯示,其光投射範圍與模擬者吻合,其照度分佈呈良好之目測均勻性。

This study explores an intuitive and simple design methodology for an optical lens for LED uniform illumination and the associated simulation and experimental verification. The methodology can be applied to design a lens of uniform illumination for office lighting and lighting boxes of advertisement where good uniformity of illumination may be demanded. This study uses the SolidWorks software for the 3D plotting and designing of the lenses. The lens data in a file format are then read into the TracePro software for ray-tracing and optical simulation. The simulation results are feedback for modification of the lens re-design until a satisfactory design and good uniformity of illumination are achieved.
This study has completed design and fabrication of a ceiling lighting device. The device has a dimension of 600x600x120 mm3. It uses 4 LED units, each of which has multiple chips and power consumption of 10 watt. An LED unit has a size of ψ39mm. Two lenses are designed in this study. The illumination target is designed of 300x300 mm2 rectangular area on a plane. To comply with the size of the LED units, the lens bottoms are fixed to be 50x50 mm2 in the design. One of the designed lenses has a pyramid shape with concave spherical surface on the top of the pyramid, while the other has an upside-down pyramid shape with concave parabolic surface on the top.
Simulations for the above designed lenses have been conducted. The results show that the lenses redirect the LED light rays onto an area of 265x265 mm2 and 285x285 mm2, respectively. The latter generates a better uniformity than the former. Fabrication of the lens of a pyramid shape with concave spherical surface and the associated experimental verification are included in this study. Good matching on the illumination areas between simulation and experiment is achieved. The illumination under the fabricated lens exhibits good uniformity by the naked-eye observation.

目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表 目 錄 vii
圖 目 錄 viii
符 號 說 明 xi
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 2
1.2文獻回顧 3
第二章 常用LED光場分佈設計法 6
2.1光反射設計法 6
2.2光折射設計法 8
2.2.1費馬原理 (Fermat principle) 8
2.2.2折射定律(司乃耳定律)(Snell''s Law) 9
2.3光散射設計法 10
第三章 簡易LED均光透鏡設計 11
3.1透鏡設計流程 11
3.2本研究透鏡設計例及模擬驗證-均光天花板燈 13
3.2.1 TracePro光學模擬分析之相關設定 14
3.2.2第一款均光透鏡與模擬分析結果 16
3.2.3第二款均光透鏡與模擬分析結果 21
第四章 簡易LED均光透鏡製作及實驗驗證 32
4.1天花板燈設計及製作 32
4.2均光透鏡製作 35
4.3實驗驗證 39
第五章 結論與未來展望 45
5.1結論 45
5.2未來展望 46
參 考 文 獻 47

參 考 文 獻
[11]謝志鐸,“光學擴散板光學模型之研究”, 國立中央大學,碩士論文,2008。

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