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研究生(外文):Jyun-Hao Pan
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of the Operation Parameters on Diesel Engine Performances, Combustion Characteristics and Exhaust Emission Improvement
指導教授(外文):Tser-Son Wu
外文關鍵詞:Hydrogen Rich GasOxygen Rich GasHydrogen/Oxygen Rich GasExhaus Gas Recirculation System
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研究結果顯示:市售超級柴油摻配不同比例之氫氣、富氧、氫氧混合氣時其最高汽缸壓力皆低於市售超級柴油(SD),超級柴油添加氫氣時最高汽缸壓力有提前的趨勢,在各轉速額定負載下導入廢氣再循環率(EGR)10%具有最佳燃燒壓力改善效果。制動燃油能量消耗比方面: 1500rpm 100N-m EGR0%富氧柴油有最佳的改善率,約比SD減少3.54%。NOx排放方面:氫氣導入越多時會有下降的趨勢,其中以EGR20%配合氫氣預混合比6%有最佳改善率,約比SD減少47.13%,在黑煙排放方面:EGR0%時,氫氧柴油有較佳改善效果,其排放值低於SD約21.43%-50%,在微粒排放方面:加入氧氣4%改善效果最好,其PM10改善值約可比SD減少78.94%,PM2.5改善值約可比SD減少78.66%。產氫機在1500rpm 100Nm及2100rpm 100Nm時導入渦輪後端有最佳的bsec表現與SD相比最高可改善0.53%及1.63%。

The effects of auxiliary gas on diesel engine performance and pollution improvement were investigated. Experimental were conducted on various oxygen-rich gas, hydrogen-rich gas, hydrogen / oxygen rich gas mixture, exhaust gas recirculation rate and variety engine load conditions. The engine performances and emissions were measured under steady state conditions and the particulate matter(PM) PM10 and PM2.5 were also tests.
The experimental results showed that the maximum combustion pressure of fossil super diesel(SD) blending different proportions of hydrogen, oxygen, hydrogen/oxygen mixed gas were lower than SD. The trend of maximum combustion pressure would be advanced for hydrogen-rich fuel and import EGR10% would improve the combustion pressure. The brake specific enegy consumption testing result showed that at 1500rpm 100N-m EGR0%, oxygen-rich fuel had about 3.54% fuel economic than SD fuel. For NOx emissions tests, hydrogen-rich fuel would reduce NOx emissions. Hydrogen-rich with 6% and EGR20% intake air would have about 47.13% NOX reduction than SD fuel. In terms of smoke emissions: when EGR0%, hydrogen/oxygen mixed Gas diesel has the good improvement effect, its emissions value is lower than SD approximately 21.43%-50%. In terms of particulate emissions of oxygen-rich 4% the PM10 and PM2.5 had maximum reduction benefit about 78.94% and 78.66% than SD fuel results. Hydrogen Generators when 1500rpm 100Nm and 2100rpm 100Nm inducts behind the turbine wheel to have the best bsec performance with SD compares highest may improve 0.53% and 1.63%.

摘 要 I
Abstract III
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
符號說明 XVII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 4
1.3研究方法 6
1.3.1穩態分析研究方面: 7
1.3.2微粒試驗: 7
第二章 參考文獻 8
第三章 實驗設備與方法 17
3.1實驗設備 17
3.2實驗油品說明 30
3.2.1富氧空氣輔助: 31
3.2.2氫氣輔助燃燒: 32
3.2.3氫氧輔助燃燒: 33
3.3廢氣再循環系統: 35
3.4微粒採集系統 36
3.4.1懸浮微粒分徑採樣裝置: 36
3.5實驗方法 38
3.5.1穩態分析參數 38
3.5.2穩態實驗步驟 39
3.5.3微粒採集 42
3.5.4微粒試驗採集實驗步驟 42
第四章 結果與討論 45
4.1 穩態引擎性能比較 45
4.1.1汽缸燃燒壓力分析 45
4.1.2制動燃油能量消耗比 68
4.2 穩態引擎汙染排放比較 75
4.2.1 NOX汙染排放濃度 75
4.2.2黑煙不透光率 78
4.2.3微粒試驗 81
4.3 水解富氫氣體於引擎穩態性能、汙染排放比較 85
4.3.1汽缸燃燒壓力分析 85
4.3.2水解富氫氣體之制動燃油能量消耗比 88
4.3.3 水解富氫氣體之NOX汙染排放濃度 90
第五章 結論 91
5-1引擎性能分析 91
5.2引擎汙染排放分析 92
5.3水解富氫氣體之性能排放汙染分析 92
5.4檢討與建議 92
參考文獻 94

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