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研究生(外文):Wen-Wang Wu
論文名稱(外文):Study of Influence of Injection-Molding Conditions on Shear Effect and Finished Surface Quality of Plastic Parts
指導教授(外文):Chung-Ching Huang
外文關鍵詞:high injection speedthin-wallsurfaceon-line measurementshear effect
  • 被引用被引用:16
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In recent years, computing, Communication and Consumer Electronics industry is changing rapidly and requires an increased demand for thin-wall product. Thin-wall injection molding process requires high injection speed during filling stage and high packing pressure during the packing/holding stage. The high injection speed will be made high shear rate at region near wall of injection mold. Consequently, the molecular chain will be broken because of excessive molecular chain stretching. Moreover, high shear rate will lead to potential for shear degradation due to high shear heating. The effect of high shear rate can be found in mechanical and aesthetical properties of thin-wall product such as scraped surface.
This study investigates influence of injection molding processing conditions on the melt shear effect and the finished surface qualities of Light Guide Plate (LGP) such as roughness, gloss, and hardness property. In this work, an amorphous polycarbonate (PC) was injected into the 6-inches LGP two plate injection mold system with cavity thickness of 1 mm. The on-line measurement shear effect system created to obtain the shear rate, and shear stress where a pressure transducer was installed at location which is near gate, and a temperature sensor was located far from gate into the two plate injection mold system. Time interval between the pressure and temperature sensors was used to calculate shear rate, shear stress and viscosity of flow in-mold. This study can be found out an optimal injection molding process parameter by using Taguchi method. The surface hardness of LGP was measured by scratch test. The surface roughness of LGP is tested by FORM TALYSURF from Taylor Hobson Precision. And the gloss of LGP is assessed by gloss meter.
As the results show that the injection speed and the mold temperature are two key factors which influenced on the surface qualities of the plastic products. The Taguchi method also show that the packing pressure is significantly effected on the surface hardness of plastic parts about 72%, and the injection speed is highly influenced on the surface roughness about 72.22%. Furthermore, the multi-factors Taguchi method is presented injection speed and packing pressure is significantly influenced on surface qualities of plastic products about 38.42%, and 33.42% respectively.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表 目 錄 vii
圖 目 錄 ix
符 號 說 明 xiii
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 文獻回顧 4
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 基 本 原 理 6
2.1 射出成形 6
2.2 薄壁射出成形 9
2.2.1 薄壁成形的問題 9
2.3 充填過程塑膠流動行為 9
2.4 模內感測原理 10
2.5 表面粗糙度 13
2.6 光澤度 16
第三章 建立剪切效應量測系統與實驗計畫 18
3.1 剪切效應量測系統設計 18
3.1.1 剪切效應計算原理 21
3.2 CAE模流分析 22
3.2.1 CAE模擬結果 24
3.2.2 壓力與溫度擷取點的位置 26
3.3 實驗計畫法 28
3.3.1 田口方法 28
3.3.2 單因子與選擇直交表 29
3.3.3 計算S/N比 31
3.3.4 變異數分析(Analysis Of Variance, ANOVA) 32
3.3.5 確認與預測 34
3.4 多目標田口 34
3.4.1正規化 34
第四章 參數成型實驗與成品檢測 36
4.1 實驗流程 36
4.2 實驗材料與設備 38
4.2.1 實驗材料 38
4.2.2 實驗設備 39
4.3 成品檢測 44
第五章 結果與討論 48
5.1 製程條件對剪切及成品表面的影響 48
5.2 田口實驗對成品表面最佳化設計 72
5.3 多目標田口實驗最佳化設計 76
第六章 結論 80
6.1結論 80
6.2未來研究發展 80
參考文獻 81
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