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研究生:Nguyen Manh Ha
研究生(外文):Nguyen Manh Ha
論文名稱(外文):Improving the Management System of Construction Investment Projects undertaken by the General Staff, Ministry of Defense of Vietnam
指導教授(外文):Dr. Dang Van DongDr. Ming-Kun Lin
口試委員(外文):Dang Van DongChia Chi TsanTo Tuan Anh
外文關鍵詞:Improving Management Systems Projects of Capital Construction investment
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Construction works in the military have a long tradition, but thrive only in recent times, the economic management mechanism innovation and Vietnam have many changes in all aspects. At present construction needs are great, but in fact, process management, quality and efficient management of construction projects is very limited and difficult. Situation may stem from many different causes, but mainly due to the incomplete structure management, process management is not tight, not high professionalism and quality of staff in the management of the construction project did not meet the actual requirements.
Project: "To improve the management system construction project in the General Staff - Department of Defense" focus on a theoretical basis for the management of investment projects in construction, analysis causes the implementation of capital construction investment inefficiencies and propose some solutions to improve the management system of capital construction investment in the General Staff - Department of Defense. The study included the main content :
- Introduction to research (Reason selected topic, research question, scope of research, structural studies)
- Rationale for investment management mechanism construction.
- Research methods, research data sources: General assessment of investment in construction of the General Staff - Department of Defense.
- Data analysis: Analysis and evaluation of the actual management of investment projects for construction of the General Staff - Department of Defense.
- Proposed: A number of measures to improve the management system construction project in the General Staff - Department of Defense
Research results and solutions proposed in the dissertation complete the system of management of construction projects in the General Staff - Department of Defense has many contributions to the theory and practice.

Abstract…..…... i
Acknowledgements iii
1. Rationale viii
2. Research Objectives viii
3. Subject and Scope of Study ix
4. Research Methods ix
5. Previous Studies About the Management and Administration of Investment Projects ix
6. New Points of the Thesis xi
7. Structure of the Thesis xii
1.1 Definition, position and roles of construction investment 1
1.1.1 Definition of construction investment 1
1.1.2 Position and roles of construction investment in the economy 1
1.2 Definition of Investment Project and Construction Investment Project Management 2
1.2.1 Definition of construction investment project 2
1.2.2 Features of construction investment projects. 2
1.2.3 Implementation phases of a construction investment project. 3
1.3 Forms of project implementation management 5
1.3.1 The investor directly manages the project. 6
1.3.2 The investor hires the project management to consulting agency: 6
1.4 Parties involved in the construction investment projects. 7
1.4.1 Authorized person of the investment decision- making process 8
1.4.2 Investor 8
1.4.3 Construction investment consultants 9
1.4.4 Construction companies 9
1.4.5 State management agency in charge of construction investment 9
1.4.6 The relationships among investors and stakeholders 10
1.5 Construction investment project management 10
1.5.1 Project scope management 10
1.5.2 Project time management 10
1.5.3 Project cost management 11
1.5.4 Management of estimated budget norms, price and construction price index 13
1.5.5 Project quality management 15
1.5.6 Human resource management 16
1.5.7 Management of safety and environmental sanity 16
1.5.8 Communication management 16
1.5.9 Risk management 16
1.5.10 Project procurement management 16
2.1 The legal environment of management processes in construction investment projects. 17
2.1.1 Legal documents for managing the investment projects 17
2.1.2 Some shortcomings of the current legal documents system for construction investment management 20
2.2 The current situation of management processes in construction investment projects at the General Staff. 21
2.2.1 The particular characteristics of construction investment project management at the General Staff: 21
2.2.2 Management mechanism in different periods 23
2.3 Some shortcomings in the relationship between the state management agencies and the investors 27
2.3.1 Relation between the General Staff and investors 28
2.3.2 Shortcomings in the relation between state management agency – investor – and project management unit 28
2.4 Investment project management capability of investors in the General Staff. 29
2.4.1 Pre-investment phase 29
2.4.2 Investment phase. 31
2.4.3 Operational phase 36
3.1 The demand for construction investment in the General Staff in the next few years 38
3.2 Principles of developing solutions to improve the effectiveness of construction investment management 42
3.2.1 Solutions must be developed based on the investment capital utilization efficiency 42
3.2.2 Solutions must be developed based on the analysis on the current shortcomings. 42
3.3 Suggested solutions for finalizing the management system of investment projects for construction works undertaken by the General Staff. 43
3.3.1 Improvement of legal framework and management procedures for construction investment projects 43
3.3.2 Innovation of construction invested capital planning 44
3.3.3 Improvement of the quality of validation, appraisal and approval of investment projects 47
3.3.4 Improvement of tendering quality 50
3.3.5 Innovation of invested capital payment and settlement 51
3.3.6 Improving the management of construction works. 52
3.3.7 Improvement of professional capacity of PMU staff 53
3.3.8 Completion of the management structure of high consistency for formulation, execution and administration processes of construction projects 54
Conclusion 56
Reference 58

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