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研究生(外文):Nguyen Vu Thanh Tuyen
論文名稱:Orientation towards Application of Festivals of Cham People to Tours for Tourism Development in Ninh Thuan
論文名稱(外文):Orientation towards Application of Festivals of Cham People to Tours for Tourism Development in Ninh Thuan
指導教授(外文):Chien-Chung Lin
中文關鍵詞:TourismFestival TourFestival-Related FactorQuantity of Tourists
外文關鍵詞:TourismFestival TourFestival-Related FactorQuantity of Tourists
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Tourism has become a service industry of great importance in the world because of the values it brings about such as practically and specifically its profit for the economy. A festival provides newness, freshness and changes, which sustains local interest in a destination and enhances its appeals to visitors. If these two elements, tourism and festival are combined into a festival tour, it will attract more visitors to a destination, thereby increasing economic-social benefits for that place.
While the advantages of festival tours are easily seen and approved, Ninh Thuan has not paid much attention to the potentials of festivals in order to gain more benefits for it. Consequently, this research is done with a view to collecting empirical data and presenting some suggestions for tourism development of the province, increasing economic advantages and improving the image of Ninh Thuan.
The research method used is quantitative research method with research instrument of questionnaire. Then, statistics software SPSP is used to turn collated data into meaningful information and confirm some hypotheses posed before survey conduct. The reliability or validity of some questions are tested; the festival-related factors that affect the quality of the tour and how the quality of the tour influence the amount of tourists are tested. Also, through this statistics software, the relationship between demographic information and interest or demand of tourists was found out. Regression analysis was also run in order to find the most influential festival related-factor to the quality of the tour.
The findings are to help confirm the hypotheses posed before the survey conduct and to assert the suggestions on exploitation of festivals to tours in order to develop tourism in Ninh Thuan, which helps improving other associated issues such as image of the province, maintaining and improving cultural values and promoting its economy.

Tourism has become a service industry of great importance in the world because of the values it brings about such as practically and specifically its profit for the economy. A festival provides newness, freshness and changes, which sustains local interest in a destination and enhances its appeals to visitors. If these two elements, tourism and festival are combined into a festival tour, it will attract more visitors to a destination, thereby increasing economic-social benefits for that place.
While the advantages of festival tours are easily seen and approved, Ninh Thuan has not paid much attention to the potentials of festivals in order to gain more benefits for it. Consequently, this research is done with a view to collecting empirical data and presenting some suggestions for tourism development of the province, increasing economic advantages and improving the image of Ninh Thuan.
The research method used is quantitative research method with research instrument of questionnaire. Then, statistics software SPSP is used to turn collated data into meaningful information and confirm some hypotheses posed before survey conduct. The reliability or validity of some questions are tested; the festival-related factors that affect the quality of the tour and how the quality of the tour influence the amount of tourists are tested. Also, through this statistics software, the relationship between demographic information and interest or demand of tourists was found out. Regression analysis was also run in order to find the most influential festival related-factor to the quality of the tour.
The findings are to help confirm the hypotheses posed before the survey conduct and to assert the suggestions on exploitation of festivals to tours in order to develop tourism in Ninh Thuan, which helps improving other associated issues such as image of the province, maintaining and improving cultural values and promoting its economy.

Contents III
Tables V
Figures VII
Chapter1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Contributions 2
1.3 Research Questions and Research Procedures 2
1.4 Research Scopes 4
1.5 Definition of Terms 4
1.5.1 Tourism. 4
1.5.2 Festival. 5
1.5.3 Festival tourism. 7
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Previous Studies on Tourism 8
2.2 Relationship between Festivals and Tourism 10
2.3 Overview of Ninh Thuan Province 11
2.3.1 Overview of Ninh Thuan Province. 11
2.3.2 Some Typical Festivals of Cham People in Ninh Thuan Province. 14
2.4 Potential and Orientation of Festival Integration in Ninh Thuan for Tourism Development 16
2.4.1 Potential of Festival Integration in Ninh Thuan for Tourism. Development 16
2.4.2 Orientation of Festival Integration in Ninh Thuan for Tourism. Development 18
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 26
3.1 Research Framework 27
3.2 Research Questions and Associated Hypotheses 28
3.3 Subjects and Sampling 31
3.4 Questionnaire Development 31
3.5 Data Collection 32
3.6 Data Analysis 32
3.7 Research Procedure 33
Chapter 4 Data Analysis 36
4.1 Sample Background Information 36
4.2 Reliability Analysis 38
4.3 Factor Analysis 46
4.4 One-way ANOVA 49
4.5 Crosstabs 51
4.6 Regression Analysis 54
Chapter 5 Conclusions 57
5.1 Solutions and Recommendations to Tourists Attraction 57
5.1.1 Management. 57
5.1.2 Marketing strategy. 58
5.1.3 Infrastructure. 59
5.1.4 Capital. 60
5.1.5 Human resources. 61
5.1.6 Festival-related Factors. 61
5.2 Implications and Implementation 62
5.2.1 The Choice of the theme. 62
5.2.2 Achievements of the thesis. 62
5.2.3 The Limitations of the research. 63
5.2.4 Thesis expansion orientation. 63
References 64
Appendix 1 71
Appendix 2 76

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