Rapid developments of the transportation facilities in Taiwan area, transportation safety becomes important issue. Bridge engineering acts the key role for entire transportation network. In the life span of bridge, it starts from planning, design, construction and the later service stage. Each stage influences the life span of the bridge. Taiwan situates in East-Asia area, nature diaster occurs, frequently, such as, heavy rainfall, earthquake and even tai-fen attacks within the island-wise limite land space, it is commonly over use the slope land which increased the threat of the people who live in the area. In order to improve the integrity of the transportation system and maintain certain level of economic activities in the society, it is obvious that the bridge elements play the critical role in the transportation network. In this investigation is particular to look at the Degree, Extent, Relevancy and Urgency (DERU) method which is used to evaluate the bridge serviceability including 21 items check followed public access road maintain manual and bridge management information system (BMI system). Within the examining procedure each structural parts of the bridge are included, for example the damaged locations, cracks and defect elements. All necessary record are considered to be taken in a systematic way. After site investigation within this research, in the total of 449 bridges are included which situate in the most area of Hsin-Chu county. The preliminary stage of the investigation is to proceed the routine check prior the on site check and data interpretate results have come out. It is clear that there are three stages for the evaluation works. Latter stage is to show the bridge safety ranking table allowing government authority to prepare service budge for long term maintenance. It is also worth to aware that in the site investigation of the bridge water, seismic and damage bearability are the main issue to be checked. Based on the important rate of the bridge element and data are interpretated in certain ranking in order to find out the most 10 weak condition bridge which are subjected to perform further instrument test measuring the crack length as well as deep foundation condition to verify the over-all bridge condition. This data is finally to be used for determine the public founding preparation.