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論文名稱(外文):Robot-less Operating Model Formulation and Simulation Analysis of TFT-LCD Factory
外文關鍵詞:Panel Handling SystemTFT-LCDExtendSim SimulationEffectiveness Analysis
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台灣自1998 年開始展開跨世紀的大型TFT-LCD 投資,TFT-LCD產業開始快速發展,TFT-LCD不論是在陣列(Array)製程、組立(Cell)製程或模組(Module)製程都相當複雜,因客戶的需求使得面板尺吋多樣化,現有的Robot為主的運輸機台、分類機台、包裝機台系統已經無法負荷,並成為系統上之瓶頸機台。在面板產業中,機台設備之總資產也佔大部分,且廠內自動化的程度高,對於設備之稼動率也成為實務界非常關注議題之一。現有的TFT製程是以一條龍式的生產模式,在機台配置和產能規劃缺乏彈性,在機台換線時的前置時間過長使得機台閒置造成過度的浪費。本研究針對整個面板廠的運輸機台、分類機台、包裝機台替換成佶新科技所研發出之PHS(Panel Handling System)系統進而取代Robot系統,以提高設備稼動率,改變其傳輸方式以利節省不必要的傳輸時間,達到產能平衡。

本研究建立一個虛擬工廠以整廠性規劃角度進行效率評估,針對TFT-LCD Array段、CF段、Cell段、Module段等各段搬送系統,由Robot替換成PHS傳送系統。PHS傳送系統(PHS-T)、分類系統(PHS-S),Cell段出貨Packer、Module段入料Unpacker改成PHS Packer/Unpacker(PHS-PUP)。對於此兩種不同的搬運設備進行產出量(Throughput)、、等候時間(Waiting Time)、總生產成本(Total Production Cost)做為兩者搬運設備的生產效益評估,以利比較PHS系統與Robot Station之差異。

Taiwan started a huge investment on TFT-LCD since 1988, the industry began develop rapidly. It has a very complex manufacture in Array, Cell or Module process. Differ panel appear due to customer’s demand, the recent Robot transport machine, sort machine, packer is unable to function and became an inappropriate machine of the system. In the panel industry, the total assets of the machine equipment has a large part of it, and the high level of the automation of the factory and its utilization is one of the most concern issue in this industry. The recent TFT making process is a straight production mode, lack of flexibility in machine organization and production rate. Long preparation time for setting machine cause unused waste. This research is focusing on elevation of the utilization when Robot system is switch into Panel Handling System for panel factory on transport machine, sort machine and packer, change its transport way to save the unnecessary transfer time, and achieve the line balance.
This research is making an efficiency assessment based on a virtual factory and in a whole plant planning view, focusing on TFT-LCD Array section, CF section, Cell section and Module section were replaced from Robots into PHS system including PHS transport (PHS-T), PHS-Sort (PHS-S), PHS packer and un-packer(PHS-PUP). An experiment design based on throughput, waiting time and total production cost assessment is proposed to compare differences of PHS system and Robot Station.

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 研究背景與目的 1
1.1 TFT-LCD產業介紹 1
1.2研究目的及範圍 3
1.3研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 TFT-LCD 製程介紹 7
2.1.1 TFT-LCD Array段製程描述 7
2.1.2 TFT-LCD CF製程描述 8
2.1.3 TFT-LCD Cell段製程描述 9
2.1.4 TFT-LCD Module段製程描述 10
2.2搬運設備之介紹 11
2.2.1 Panel Handling station (PHS)之介紹 11
2.2.2搬運設備說明 16
2.3 TFT-LCD搬運系統介紹 19
2.4液晶面板Cell廠加工機台特性 22
2.5系統模擬相關文獻 22
2.6排程相關文獻 23
第三章 研究方法與架構 24
3.1研究問題 24
3.2假設條件 25
3.3成本參數 25
3.4研究架構 27
3.5績效指標 27
3.6研究工具 28
第四章 個案探討 29
4.1實驗目的 30
4.2案例說明 30
4.2.1案例背景 30
4.2.2模擬參數設定 32
4.3實驗架構 36
4.4實驗結果與分析 38
4.4.1實驗結果探討-產出量 40
4.4.2實驗結果探討-等候時間 42
4.4.3實驗結果探討-總生產成本 44
第五章 結論與建議 50
5.1結論 50
5.2建議 51
參考文獻 52
附錄一 Robot模擬系統 56
附錄二 PHS模擬系統 60
附錄三 ExtendSim模擬模式之說明 64
Array模組與CF模組 64
Cell模組 64
Module模組 64

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