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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Extractive Separation of Aromatic and Aliphatic Compounds Mixture Systems Using Ionic Liquids
外文關鍵詞:liquid-liquid equilibriumionic liquidaromatic compoundsaliphatic compoundscloud-point method
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本研究探討利用離子液體取代傳統溶劑分離芳香族與脂肪族混合系統之液液相平衡的影響。使用雲點法量測離子液體(1-乙基-3-甲基咪唑啉雙(三氟甲基磺基)亞胺、1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑啉雙(三氟甲基磺基)亞胺、1-辛基-3-甲基咪唑啉雙(三氟甲基磺基)亞胺) + 脂肪族 (正已烷、正庚烷、正辛烷) + 芳香族 (甲苯) 三成份混合系統在常壓下及溫度283.15K與313.15K之液液相平衡數據。
所有系統皆為Type II之液液相平衡行為。在奇數碳脂肪族系統,兩液相共存區隨溫度增加逐漸增加,在偶數碳脂肪族系統中,兩液相共存區隨溫度增加逐漸縮小。離子液體的相平衡數據對化工分離程序非常重要。這些數據的建立,除了對離子液體萃取劑的萃取能力與選擇有更加明確的資料可使用外,並且對萃取分離芳香族與脂肪族建立新的技術。


The objective of this study is to investigate the effects on the liquid-liquid phase
equilibrium (LLE) behavior for replacement of traditional solvents in the separation of
aromatic and aliphatic compounds by ionic liquids. Liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) data were measured for the ternary mixtures of ionic liquids (1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [EMIM+][NTf2-], 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [BMIM+][NTf2-], 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [OMIM+][NTf2-]) + aliphatic compounds (n-Hexane, n-Heptane, n-Octane) + aromatic compound (Toluene) at temperatures 283.15 K and 313.15 K under atmospheric pressure through the use of the cloud point methods. All the investigated ternary systems behave as Type II of LLE. In the heptane mixture system, the areas of two-liquid-phase region increase with increasing temperature for the ternary system. In the hexane and octane mixture systems, the areas of two-liquid-phase region decrease with increasing temperature for the ternary system. To apply these ionic liquids in the chemical separation process, phase equilibrium data are very important. From those data, we will be able to obtain the information of the extractive efficiency of ionic liquid extractants and to establish the new extractive separation technology of aromatic and aliphatic mixtures.

Keywords:liquid-liquid equilibrium, ionic liquid, aromatic compounds , aliphatic compounds cloud-point method.


摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1石油概述 3
2-1-1芳香族 3
2-2萃取 4
2-2-1 溶劑萃取概述 4
2-3特殊蒸餾技術 5
2-3-1 共沸蒸餾概述 5
2-3-2 萃取蒸餾概述 6
2-4離子液體 6
2-4-1 離子液體種類 7
2-4-2 離子液體應用 9
2-5 液液相平衡原理及量測 12
第三章 實驗 14
3-1 實驗藥品 14
3-2 實驗儀器設備 16
3-2-1 實驗設備圖 17
3-3液液相平衡量測裝置 17
3-4實驗前置處理 19
3-4-1恆溫循環水槽溫度校正 19
3-4-2 雲點法液液相平衡實驗分析步驟 19
第四章 實驗結果與討論 22
4-1 液液相平衡量測結果 22
4-1-1 再現性測試 22
4-1-2 數據量測結果 22
第五章 綜合結論 44
5-1結論 44
5-2建議與未來延續方向 45
參考文獻 46
符號說明 48
作者簡介 49


【圖3-1】相平衡裝置設備圖 17
【圖3-2】雲點法液液相平衡裝置示意圖 18
【圖3-3】分析法液液相平衡裝置示意圖 19
【圖3-4】雲點法液液相平衡流程圖 21
【圖4-1】Types of ternary liquid-liquid equilibria. 23
【圖4-2】Liquid-liquid equilibrium phase diagram for water (1) + 2-Propanol (2) + Ethyl acetate (3) at 283.15 K and 323.15 K 37
【圖4-3】Liquid-liquid equilibrium phase diagram for 2-methybutane (1) + 2-methyl -2-propanol (2) + water (3) at 293.15 K 38
【圖4-4】 Liquid-liquid equilibrium phase diagram for [BMIM+][NTf2-] (1) + Toluene (2) + Heptane (3) at 283.15 K and 313.15 K 39
【圖4-5】 Liquid-liquid equilibrium phase diagram for [EMIM+][NTf2-] (1) + Toluene (2) + Heptane (3) at 283.15 K and 313.15 K 40
【圖4-6】 Liquid-liquid equilibrium phase diagram for [OMIM+][NTf2-] (1) + Toluene (2) + Heptane (3) at 283.15 K and 313.15 K 41
【圖4-7】 Liquid-liquid equilibrium phase diagram for [OMIM+][NTf2-] (1) + Toluene (2) + Hexane (3) at 283.15 K and 313.15 K 42
【圖4-8】 Liquid-liquid equilibrium phase diagram for [OMIM+][NTf2-] (1) + Toluene (2) + Octane (3) at 283.15 K and 313.15 K 43


【表2-1】五種分離芳香族與脂肪族混合系統的技術 4
【表2-2】目前離子液體產品種類(以IOLITEC Company 2010年產品目錄為基準) 8
【表2-3】目前文獻資料庫已有之芳香族/脂肪族/離子液體混合液液相平衡系統 11
【表4-1】LLE data for Water (1) + 2-popanol (2) + Ethyl acetate (3) at atmospheric pressure. 25
【表4-2】LLE data for 2-Methylbutane (1) + 2-Methyl-2-propanol (2) +Water (3) at atmospheric pressure 26
【表4-3】LLE data for [BMIM+][NTf2-](1) + Toluene(2) + Heptane(3) at atmospheric pressure 27
【表4-4】LLE data for [BMIM+][NTf2-](1) + Toluene(2) + Heptane (3) at atmospheric pressure (續) 28
【表4-5】LLE data for [EMIM+][NTf2-](1) + Toluene(2) + Heptane (3) at atmospheric pressure 29
【表4-6】LLE data for [EMIM+][NTf2-](1) + Toluene(2) + Heptane (3) at atmospheric pressure (續) 30
【表4-7】LLE data for [OMIM+][NTf2-](1) + Toluene(2) + Heptane (3) at atmospheric pressure (續) 31
【表4-8】LLE data for [OMIM+][NTf2-](1) + Toluene(2) + Heptane(3) at atmospheric pressure (續) 32
【表4-9】LLE data for [OMIM+][NTf2-](1) + Toluene(2) + Hexane(3) at atmospheric pressure 33
【表4-10】LLE data for [OMIM+][NTf2-](1) + Toluene(2) + Hexane(3) at atmospheric pressure(續) 34
【表4-11】LLE data for [OMIM+][NTf2-](1) + Toluene(2) + Octane(3) at atmospheric pressure 35
【表4-12】LLE data for [OMIM+][NTf2-](1) + Toluene(2) + Octane (3) at atmospheric pressure(續) 36


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