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論文名稱(外文):The Business Level Strategy of the Mass Customization of Flash Drive:
外文關鍵詞:Mass customizationFlash driveBusiness level strategy
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Due to the drastic changes of marketing environment, the marketing strategies in an enterprise cannot just be limited in the development of functions of products. The product values that consumers need are multi-dimensional. The consumption characteristics amongst consumers are also quite different. Under such circumstances, many new concepts of marketing come out. Mass customization is one of the emerging approaches that deliver the value to consumers. The purpose of the thesis is to understand more about the mass customization and then study the most optimal business level strategies in the flash drive industry.

Through extensive literature review, this paper studies the details of customization. Then, through the case study of a well-known flash drive manufacturer, i.e. A Company, the relationship between the business level mass-customization strategy and the financial performance is investigated. The financial performances of three mass-customization strategies are compared. The finding of this paper is that the low cost strategy is the most suitable strategy for the flash drive mass-customization strategy for A Company.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與研究目的 3
1.3 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 客製化(Customization) 5
2.2 大量客製化(Mass Customization) 6
2.3 事業層級策略(Business Level Strategy) 8
2.3.1成本領導策略(Cost Leadership) 8
2.3.2差異化策略(Differentiation) 9
2.3.3集中化策略(Focus) 9
2.4 事業層級策略其特性 10
2.4.1成本領導策略特性 11
2.4.2差異化策略特性 11
2.4.3集中化策略特性 12
2.5 客製化隨身碟 13

第三章 個案公司簡介 15
3.1 關於A公司 15
3.2 A公司的歷史沿革 16
3.3 為何選擇A公司 21
第四章 研究方法 25
4.1 研究架構 25
4.2 研究步驟 25
4.3 研究設計 26
4.4 研究限制 28
第五章 個案分析 29
5.1 A公司正常品與客製化商品績效分析 29
5.2 三種事業層級策略找出A公司的客製化隨身碟 31
5.2.1成本領導策略 31
5.2.2差異化策略 32
5.2.3集中化策略 32
第六章 結論與建議 35
6.1 結論 35
6.2 管理意涵 35
6.3 後續研究與建議 36
6.3.1個案資料限制 36
6.3.2對大量客製化隨身碟產業建議 36
參考文獻 37


表2.1 大量客製化之定義 7
表2.2 產品/市場/特異能力與一般性競爭策略 13
表5.1 2008年全球隨身碟產品營收市占率排行 29
表5.2 2008~2010A公司營收與營收比例 30
表5.3 隨身碟產品營收成長率 30
表5.4 Co-Logo隨身碟產品績效 31
表5.5 同客戶Re-order Co-Logo隨身碟產品績效 31
表5.6 12生肖隨身碟產品績效 32
表5.7 同客戶Re-order 12生肖隨身碟產品績效 32
表5.8 特殊化隨身碟產品績效 33
表5.9 同客戶Re-order特殊化生肖隨身碟產品績效 33


圖1.1 研究流程圖 4
圖4.1 研究設計圖 27
圖5.1 隨身碟產品營收成長圖 30
圖5.2 銷售成長率比較圖 33
圖5.3 利潤成長率比較圖 34
圖5.4 同客戶Re-order成長率比較圖 34

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