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研究生(外文):Wu Hsin-Hua
論文名稱(外文):Study on the improvement of residential heat environment for using Phenolic Resin as heat insulation of construction material
指導教授(外文):Sung Wen-Pei
外文關鍵詞:Passive DesignPhenolic ResinHeat Insulationenergy conservatioemissions reductions
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誘導式設計(Passive Design)之概念,是以計畫、配置、外殼、植栽等建築及景觀設計,進而減緩熱對環境影響,達到節能減碳之效果。本研究以酚醛物質為隔熱材,進行模組試驗,除探討其特性與隔熱保溫效果外,亦搭配不同的實驗因子,進行相關評估與分析。研究目的:(1)以本建材為隔熱材,進行模組試驗(pilot test),探討本建材於冬夏季之防冷與隔熱效果;(2)以不同的實驗條件(自然通風、強制通風、噴霧和遮陽),分析相關實驗條件對於隔熱降溫的影響;(3)進行綜合實驗條件比較,探討最佳化。實驗結果顯示:當採用良好的隔熱方式,能有效的阻止熱由外傳遞至室內;夏季,溫度較高之屋頂相對室內達到降低5-6℃之隔熱效果,東西側牆面也有8-10℃之隔熱效應。於夜晚及清晨,室內溫度則較室外牆面高約2-3℃,顯示本建材具有隔熱與保暖之效果;冬季,牆內外溫差介於4-7℃,顯示冬季其保暖之特性。強制通風能有效利用空氣流動帶走熱量,進而降低建築室內溫差變化。中午12 點時,強制通風藉由空氣流動,降低屋頂升溫對建築內部影響。由於實驗屋西側無開窗,因此除強制通風、噴霧與遮陽實驗條件外,下午室內溫度變化皆呈現西高東低的情形,外遮陽效果又較噴霧效果佳。對於東側牆面隔熱以外遮陽之降溫方式具有最好之效果(6℃);強制通風則於西側牆面的降溫有最好之效果(6 ℃);外遮陽條件則可使牆面較快降溫。
The concept of Passive Design is applied the methodology of architectural and landscape design, including planning, configuration, envelope of building and plant to reduce the heat influence of environment and reach the goal of energy-saving purpose. In this study, the phenolic resin substances is used as insulation material of building, the pilot study is proceed to investigate the physical characteristics and the effect of heat insulation and keep warm of this material also with various experimental factors to assess and analyze their diffusion range. The purposes of this study are: (1) this kind of phenolic resin as insulation material is established as modularization test set-up (pilot test) to investigate the heat insulation and keep warm effect on summer and winter respectively; (2) this construction material is matched with natural ventilation, forced ventilation, spray and sunshade to analyze the heat insulation effect; (3) these integrated tests are mutually compared with their heat insulation effect to find the optimal combination. These tested results reveal that this heat insulation method can prevent the heat transmitted from the outdoor to the indoor effectively. In summer, the temperature of indoor is lower than the temperature of roof about 5-6℃ and the temperature of east and west wall about 8-10℃ respectively. At night and dawn, the indoor temperature is higher than outdoor about 2-3°C. In winter, the indoor temperature is higher than outdoor about 4-7°C. These phenomena indicate that this kind construction material provides with the heat insulation and keep warn effect. Otherwise, the forced ventilation method gives rise to air perturbation motion to bring heat away, then, the temperature of this building can be reduced. Especially, this method can lower the influence of raising the temperature on roof to cause the indoor temperature lifted. According to the west side of the experimental house without windows, indoor temperature changes exhibit that the temperature of west side is higher than that of east side except experimental conditions with forced ventilation, spray with sunshade at the afternoon. The effect of reducing temperature of sunshade is better than that of spray method. Especially, the heat insulation effect of east wall, installed with sunshade, provides with the best heat insulation effect about 6℃. Otherwise, the heat insulation effect of west wall, installed with forced ventilation , provides with the best heat insulation effect about 6℃. The sunshade method can reduce the temperature of wall quickly.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1熱環境 4
2.3 建築傳熱及建築外牆分類 4
2.3.1熱傳理論 4
2.3.2常用建築外牆材料 5
2.4 隔熱建材 7
第三章實驗架構及方法 18
3.1實驗地點 19
3.2隔熱建材─酚醛板 20
3.3實驗監測設備 23
3.4實驗方法 25
3.4.1冬夏季酚醛保溫隔熱措施 25
3.4.2通風(自然通風和強制通風) 26
3.4.3遮陽 26
3.4.4噴霧 27
第四章 結果與討論 29
4.1冬夏季酚醛保溫隔熱措施之分析 29
4.2自然通風 30
4.3強制通風 34
4.4噴霧 37
4.5遮陽 40
4.6自然通風、強制通風、噴霧及遮陽 44
第五章 結論與建議 47
參考文獻 49
附錄 52

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