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研究生(外文):Chun-Hao Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Photovoltaic Generation and Its Storage Energy System in Small-scale Air-conditioners
指導教授(外文):Kuei-Hsiang Chao
外文關鍵詞:photovoltaic (PV) generation systemmaximum power point tracking (MPPT)bidirectional DC-DC converterextension theorysoft-switchingpower management strategy
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本論文主要目的在於從事一獨立型太陽光電發電系統之電力轉換器及系統電能管理之研究,並以小型空調機作為所提系統之負載進行其性能測試。所提系統架構包含一最大功率追蹤控制器、雙向升降壓型轉換器及電能管理系統。為進一步提升所提系統之性能,本論文針對最大功率追蹤控制器,提出一具有良好適應性之最大功率追蹤控制法,此方法係結合可拓理論(extension theory)與傳統擾動觀察法,使在最大功率追蹤過程中,可藉由可拓類別之辨識而自動調整追蹤步階之大小,進而達到良好之追蹤動態響應及穩態響應性能。此外,為降低所提可拓最大功率追蹤法於權重值選定上之複雜度,本論文亦發展一基於粒子群演算法之權重值最佳化決定流程,藉此作為可拓方法之權重值選定的依據。
其次,為進一步提升所提太陽光電發電系統之電能轉換效率,本論文亦研發一具有軟性切換功能之雙向升降壓型轉換器,此轉換器只需於傳統硬性切換式架構上,輔接一共振支路並藉由簡單之開關元件觸發策略,即可達到零電壓切換之功能,進而提升電能轉換之效能。最後,本論文以所提之智慧型最大功率追蹤控制器及雙向升降壓型軟性切換式轉換器組立一獨立型太陽光電發電系統,並供電至小型空調機。而為了妥善利用太陽光電發電系統之電能,亦提出一電能管理策略,並以可程式化系統晶片(programmable system-on-chip, PSoC)加以實現後,進行系統實際測試。所提電路架構及電能管理策略均經由一些模擬及實測結果驗証其有效性。

The main purpose of this thesis is to study power converters of a stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) power generation system and the power management system for small-scale air-conditioners. The proposed system structure includes a maximum power tracking (MPPT) controller, a bidirectional buck-boost converter and a power management system. To further improve the performance of the proposed system, an adaptive MPPT method with the combination of the extension theory and traditional perturbation and observation method was presented so that the step size of the maximum power tracking can be automatically adjusted using the identified extension category so as to achieve good dynamic and steady-state response of a stand-alone photovoltaic power generation system. In addition, to reduce the complexity of the proposed maximum power point tracking method based on extension theory in the weighting selection, an optimal decision process for the weight value based on the particle swarm optimizer was also developed.
Moreover, to further increase the conversion efficiency of the proposed photovoltaic generation power system, a bidirectional buck-boost converter with soft-switching technique was also developed in this study. The proposed soft-switching converter can achieve zero-voltage-switching function by augmenting a resonance branch in traditional converter and a simple modified switch trigger strategy, and thus, the efficiency of power converter can be greatly increased. Finally, the proposed intelligent MPPT controller and bidirectional soft- switching buck-boost converter were assembled together to form a stand-alone PV generation system that supplies power for the small-scale air-conditioner. For better using the energy from the PV power generation system, a power management strategy was also proposed in this study. The proposed power management strategy was implemented by the programmable system chip for actual testing. The proposed circuit architecture and power management strategy were verified by some simulation and experimental results.

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文大綱 4
第二章 太陽光電應用於小型空調機之架構 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 太陽光電發電系統 6
2.2.1 太陽能電池之特性 6
2.2.2 獨立型太陽光電發電系統之供電型式 11
2.2.3 既有太陽光電發電系統之最大功率追蹤法 14
2.3 空調機系統 21
2.4 磷酸鋰鐵電池之特性 23
第三章 智慧型太陽光電發電系統之最大功率追蹤法拓理論 25
3.1 前言 25
3.2 智慧型最大功率追蹤法 26
3.2.1 可拓理論 26 可拓物元概念 26 可拓數學 29
3.2.2 最大功率追蹤法之可拓物元建立 33
3.2.3 最大功率追蹤法之動態信號分析及特徵值選定 34
3.2.4 可拓物元模型之經典域與節域 36
3.3 智慧型權重值最佳化法 39
3.3.1 粒子群演算法 40
3.3.2 基於粒子群演算法之權重值最佳化 41
3.4 智慧型最大功率追蹤法之實現 47
3.4.1 可程式化系統晶片之介紹 47
3.4.2 直流/直流升壓型轉換器電路設計 51
3.5 模擬結果 60
3.6 實測結果 68
第四章 雙向升降壓型軟性切換式轉換器 76
4.1 前言 76
4.2 雙向升降壓型硬性切換式轉換器之電路原理分析 77
4.3 雙向升降壓型軟性切換式轉換器操作模式分析 83
4.4 雙向升降壓型軟性切換式轉換器之元件設計 102
4.5 模擬結果 104
4.6 實測結果 117
第五章 以太陽光電供電小型空調機之電能管理系統 131
5.1 前言 131
5.2 直流供電之電能管理架構 131
5.3 應用於電能調節之蓄電池容量設計 133
5.4 模擬結果 135
5.5 實測結果 142
第六章 結論 154
6.1 總結 154
6.2 未來研究方向 154
參考文獻 156
作者簡介 164

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