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研究生(外文):Yu-Syuan Liang
論文名稱:應用Kano與IPA模式探討主題樂園遊樂區服務品質屬性 -以月眉育樂世界為例
論文名稱(外文):A Discussion on Service Quality Attribute of Recreational Area in Theme Park Based on Kano and IPA Mode—A Case of Yamay Recreational World
指導教授(外文):Wen-Ming Wu
外文關鍵詞:Theme ParkService QualityKano modelImportant-Performace Analysis
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本研究針對月眉育樂世界探索樂園遊樂區的遊客為分析對象,並就該樂園遊樂區提供之各項服務進行調查。以消費者的角度探討遊客對服務品質的看法是否存在二維品質特性,並歸納出五種不同品質特性。以重要度-績效分析(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)方法了解遊客對服務品質之重要度與滿意程度,再透過對劍湖山世界之滿意度比較做修正性的IPA 探討,最後將結合Kano模式與P-IPA作交叉分析,來檢視月眉育樂世界提供服務品質之競爭優劣勢,決定改善服務屬性的順序與擬定改善方案,期望能為主題樂園遊憩服務提供一種改善品質的方向,以做為未來加強服務品質之參考。

With the change of people’s lifestyle and increase of national income, leisure and recreational activities have become an important part in people’s daily life. At the modern time, theme park not only simply offers recreational facilities in its operational direction and service, but also multiple leisure and recreational services. Therefore, theme park has become a choice for tourists in leisure and recreation. If operators of theme parks want to meet the satisfaction of customers, they have to learn their evaluation to the service quality of theme park.
The study takes customers of recreational area in Discovery Land of Yamay Recreational World as the analysis subjects and makes an investigation on various services provided in the recreational area. The study explores whether customers’ viewpoints on the service quality have two-dimension quality features from the perspective of customers and concludes five different quality features. Moreover, it learns customers’ importance and satisfaction on the service quality with the method of Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and makes revised IPA discussion based the satisfaction contrast on Jianshanhu World. At last, it makes a cross analysis by combining Kana mode and revised IPA to check the competitive edge of service quality provided by Yamay Recreational World, decide to improve the sequence of service attributes and draw up the improvement planning. The author expects this study can provide a direction of improving quality of the recreational service of theme park as the reference of enhancing quality in the future.
The study results show that there are 8 quality attributes requiring to continue to keep the major competitive edge sources in the first quartile, 5 requiring to reduce the excessive resource investment in the second quartile, 4 in the secondary disadvantage of third quartile. If resource is limited, the quality attributes in the fourth quartile need to be improved as soon as possible. Moreover, enterprises need to try their best to invest more resource to improve the 5 quality attributes in the fourth quartile.

誌謝 i
中文摘要 v
Abstract vii
目錄 ix
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究流程 5
二、文獻探討 6
2.1 主題樂園的介紹 6
2.1.1主題樂園的定義 6
2.1.2主題樂園的型態與分類 10
2.2 服務品質的概念 12
2.2.1 服務品質定義 12
2.2.2 服務品質期望與認知的差距 14
2.2.3 服務品質之衡量 17
2.2.4 服務品質之相關研究 18
2.3 Kano二維品質模式 19
2.3.1 二維品質模式 19
2.3.2二維品質模式之歸類 21
2.3.3二維品質改善指標 21
2.4 重要度-績效分析法 22
三、研究方法 24
3.1 研究架構 24
3.2 問卷設計 25
3.3 資料分析方法 27
3.4 預試與信度分析 28
四、資料分析與討論 29
4.1問卷回收與樣本結構 29
4.1.1正式問卷發放與回收 29
4.1.2 樣本結構分析 29
4.2 信度與效度分析 32
4.2.1信度分析 32
4.2.2效度分析 33
4.3 Kano二維品質屬性分析 34
4.3.1Kano服務品質屬性歸類 34
4.3.2 Better-Worse係數分析 36
4.4 IPA重要度-績效分析法 39
4.4.1 IPA 重要表現程度績效分析 39
4.5 Kano二維品質模式結合IPA與修正IPA的分析 45
五、結論與建議 49
5.1研究結論與建議 49
5.1未來之後續研究方向 50
參考文獻 51
附錄一 56

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1. [18] 呂文琴、藍淑娟,2004,主題樂園遊客消費型態之探討-以花蓮地區為例,大漢學報,19期,頁213~232。
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3. [23] 翁崇雄,1998,期望服務與服務績效影響服務品質評量之研究,台大管理論叢,9卷,1期,頁153~176。
4. [24] 高大剛,2000,博物館服務品質與顧客滿意之研究─以國立自然科學博物館為例,博物館學季刊,頁105~129。
5. [25] 高瑞新、葉勝雄,2006,領導行為、組織氣氛與服務品質關聯性之實證研究-以高雄港務警察局為例,工研院創新與科技管理研討會,新竹:中華大學。
6. [27] 陳文錦,1999,兩岸休閒遊憩與主題樂園發展之初探,造園季刊,39期,頁67~72。
7. [28] 陳明邦,1995,服務品質的管理,品質管制月刊,31卷,11期,頁16~19。
8. [29] 陳俊卿譯,狩野紀昭、瀨樂信彥、高橋文夫、新一著,1985,有魅力的品質與應該有的品質(Attractive quality and must-be quality),品質管制月刊,21卷,5期,頁33~41,譯自《日本品質雜誌》,14卷,2期。
9. [30] 陳靜芳、徐木蘭,1994,台灣地區民營遊樂園營運績效衡量構面之探討,中華林學季刊,20卷,2期,頁55~68。
10. [33] 楊文廣、何秉燦、李素箱,2008,台灣主題遊樂園發展現況探討,朝陽科技大學,朝陽學報。
11. [37] 蔡文正,2005,應用服務品質缺口理論建立與評估中醫醫療服務品質指標,中醫藥年報,23卷,3期,頁241-302。
12. [38] 賴其勛、邴傑民、李雅雯,2001,服務品質與購後行為意圖關係之研究-以台中百貨業為例,企業管理學報,49期,頁135~158。