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論文名稱(外文):Three-dimensional solutions of functionally graded piezo-thermo-elastic material circular hollow cylinders under thermal loads using the modifies Pagano method
指導教授(外文):Chih-Ping Wu
中文關鍵詞:古典 Pagano 法三維解析解焦電彈耦合分析熱傳導功能性梯度材料
外文關鍵詞:the Pagano method3D solutionscoupled piezo-thermo-elastic effectsheat conductionfunctionally graded materialcylinders
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本文以改良 Pagano 方法探討一簡支承、功能性梯度焦電彈材料中空多層疊合圓柱殼在溫度載重作用下的三維耦合行為。文中考慮四種不同的側向邊界條件,且功能性材料殼的材料性質沿著厚度方向為非均質,且依指數律分佈。以往Pagano 方法多用來分析多層疊合複合材料殼、板,經過改良後可用來分析功能性梯度焦電彈材料多層疊合圓柱殼。改良之處包括:以Reissner混合變分原理替代以位移為主變數之虛位移原理、將系統方程式的複數型解轉換成對應的實數型解、採用連續近似法與發展傳遞矩陣法使其能夠適用於功能性材料殼的熱傳導分析和焦電彈耦合分析。本文亦探討材料梯度指標、半徑-厚度比和各層間的厚度比等各參數的變異對耦合行為中各場量變數的影響。
A modified Pagano method is developed for the three-dimensional (3D) coupled analysis of simply-supported, functionally graded piezo-thermo-elastic material (FGPM) circular hollow sandwich cylinders under thermal loads, in which four different surface conditions are considered. The material properties of each individual layer, constituting the cylinders, are regarded as heterogeneous through the thickness coordinate in this formulation, and then specified to obey an exponent-law dependent on this. The Pagano method, conventionally used for the analysis of laminated composite plates and shells, is modified to be feasible for the study of FGPM sandwich cylinders. The modifications include that a displacement-based formulation is replaced by a mixed formulation, a set of the complex-valued solutions of the system equations is transferred to the corresponding set of real-valued solutions, a successive approximation method is introduced in this analysis, and a propagator matrix method is developed and applied for the heat conduction and coupled piezo-thermo-elastic analyses of the FGPM sandwich cylinders. A parametric study of the influence of the radius-to-thickness ratio, thickness ratio for each layer, surface conditions, and material-property gradient index on assorted field variables, induced in the FGPM sandwich cylinders, is undertaken.
中文摘要 .......................................................... I
英文摘要 .......................................................... II
誌謝 ............................................................. III
目錄 ............................................................. IV
表目錄 ........................................................... VI
圖目錄 .......................................................... VII
第一章 緒論...................................................... 1
第二章 三維焦電彈力學基本方程式 ................................. 7
2.1 基本方程式 .................................................. 7
2.2 無因次化 ................................................... 10
第三章 改良Pagano 法 ........................................... 15
3.1 雙傅立葉級數展開法 ......................................... 15
3.2 齊性與非齊性線性方程組理論 ................................. 16
3.2.1 齊性線性方程系統 ....................................... 16
3.2.2 非齊性線性方程系統 ..................................... 18
3.3 連續近似法 ................................................. 18
3.4 傳遞矩陣法 ................................................. 20
3.4.1 熱傳導分析.............................................. 21
3.4.2 焦電彈耦合分析 ......................................... 22
第四章 數值範例 ................................................ 24
4.1 單層之均質焦電彈材料圓柱殼 ................................. 24
4.2 多層疊合焦電彈材料圓柱殼 ................................... 25
4.3 多層疊合功能性梯度焦電彈材料圓柱殼 ........................ 27
第五章 結論..................................................... 30
參考文獻 ......................................................... 31
表 ............................................................... 36
圖 ............................................................... 41
附錄 A .......................................................... 49
附錄 B .......................................................... 50
自述 ............................................................. 51
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