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論文名稱(外文):Finite Element Analysis on the Mechanical Behavior of Sharp-notched SUS304 Stainless Steel Circular Tube under Cyclic Bending
指導教授(外文):Wen-Feng Pan
外文關鍵詞:Finite element analysissharp-notchedcyclic bending
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本研究主要是以有限元素軟體ANSYS14.0分析不同深度的尖銳凹槽SUS304不鏽鋼圓管,承受對稱曲度控制循環彎曲負載的下的力學行為,其中包含有彎矩-曲度及橢圓化-曲度的關係。循環彎曲的曲度控制在+0.1 至-0.1 m-1之間,而尖銳凹槽的深度考慮0.2、0.4、0.6、0.8和1.0 mm。
根據Lee [1]的實驗結果顯示,尖銳SUS304不鏽鋼圓管在對稱曲度控制循環彎曲下的彎矩-曲度關係,呈現隨著循環次數的增加漸趨於穩定的現象,且凹槽深度越深迴圈會越小。至於橢圓化-曲度關係則呈現棘齒、不對稱和成長的趨勢,且凹槽深度越深不對稱的情形會越明顯,橢圓化成長速度也會越快。經由ANSYS分析和實驗結果比較後發現,模擬數值雖與實驗值有些許差異,但兩者的趨勢幾乎相同。

In this study, the finite element software is used to analyze the mechanical behavior of the sharp-notched SUS 304 stainless steel tubes with different notch depths (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 mm) under curvature-controlled symmetrical cyclic bending. The behavior includes the moment – curvature and ovalization – curvature relationship. The controlled curvature of the cyclic bending is from +0.1 to -0.1 m-1.
According to the experimental data from Lee [1], the relationship of moment – curvature shows gradually steady with the number of cycle for sharp-notched SUS304 stainless steel tubes under curvature-controlled symmetrical cyclic bending. The deeper the notch, the smaller is the loop. For the relationship of the ovalization – curvature, it exhibits the ratcheting, unsymmetrical and increasing phenomenon. The deeper the notch, the unsymmetrical phenomenon is more obvious and the growth speed of the ovalization is faster. Through the comparison between the ANASYS analysis and experimental data, little difference is found. But the trend is almost the same.

第一章 緒論1
1-2 文獻回顧2
1-3 論文內容11
第二章 理論基礎12
2-1 有限元素分析法12
2-2 塑性理論基礎16
2-3 ANSYS簡介【28】【29】21
2-3-1 前處理(Preprocessor)模組22
2-3-2 分析計算(Solution)模組24
2-3-3 後處理器(Postprocessor)模組25
2-4 ANSYS Workbench GUI介面簡介26
第三章 ANSYS之模型建立與分析31
3-2 幾何模型之建立33
3-3-1 元素設定36
3-3-2 網格分割38
3-3-3 邊界條件設定 39
3-3-4 負載方式41
3-4 求解過程43
第四章 ANSYS分析結果45
4-2 彎矩與曲度關係46
4-2-1 實驗結果46
4-2-2 ANSYS分析結果50
4-3 橢圓化與曲度關係53
4-3-1 實驗結果53
4-3-2 ANSYS分析結果57
第五章 結論60
參 考 文 獻62

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