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論文名稱:適合盲人之 Android 快速應用程式啟動介面
論文名稱(外文):Efficient Android Application Launcher for the Blind
指導教授(外文):Ting-Wei Hou
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在 2011 年智慧型手機的出貨量首次超越個人電腦,隨著智慧型手機的迅速 發展,在現今的生活中使用智慧型手機的機率更是越來越高,為了降低盲人接觸 智慧型手機時所出現的門檻,本論文致力於研發一個可以幫助盲人,提供一個方 便的操作環境和介面。
本論文以盲人使用智慧型手機的需求為中心,在 Android 平台中實作一個結 合觸摸、手勢、聲音三種感應方式的應用程式啟動器,應用這三種主要的元素, 建構出一個可以提升盲人操控效率之應用程式啟動介面。而本研究也提出了三個 創新之處其中包含了,(1) Quick Jump:跳脫傳統啟動方式和使用者介面進行功 能上的啟動、(2) Voice Navigation:在 Quick Jump 介面下,為盲人增加一層應用 程式說明導覽,讓盲人不會再誤觸其他無關應用程式,也能對應用程式多一層了 解、(3) Tip & Pad:在手指觸控下,多了兩種可以辨別的單指手指控制。
This study focuses on developing a convenient and efficient user interface for the blind users with Android smartphones. We first present and discuss the basic requirements for a blind user having an Android smart phone. Then, to fulfill these requirements, we design and implement a new application launcher that combines three new interactive methods: (1) Quick Jump: an innovative user interface with application activation that is totally different from existing graphical user interfaces, (2) Voice Navigation: an application navigation system with voice under the interface of Quick Jump not only can prevent the application from mis-activating but also bring a user more information of the applications, (3) Tip & Pad: using the tip or pad of an finger to identify and control access modes.
摘要 ......................... I
ABSTRACT .................II
誌謝 ............................. III
目錄 .............................. IV
表目錄........................... VI
圖目錄......................... VII
CHAPTER 1 緒論..................................... 1
1.1 盲人行動應用現況 ................................. 1
1.2 研究動機.............................................. 2
1.3 章節概要......................................... 3
CHAPTER 2 背景....................................... 4
2.1 Android 平台簡介 ...................................... 4
2.2 Text-to-Speech (TTS)............................ 5
2.3 Eyes-Free Shell 介紹 ............................. 6
2.4 TalkBack 介紹.................................. 8
2.5 Eyes-Free Keyboard 介紹 .............................. 8
2.6 相關研究........................................... 9
CHAPTER 3 系統架構與設計..................................11
3.1 設計概念和需求 ....................................... 11
3.2 Head-Down Free Shell................................. 12
3.3 Quick Jump..................................... 14
3.4 Voice Navigation ........................................... 16
3.5 Tip & Pad 操控方式......................................... 17
3.6 Voice Input..................................... 19
CHAPTER 4 實作與結果評估..............................20
4.1 開發環境介紹 ....................................... 20
4.2 實作成果................................. 21
4.2.1 Head-Down Free Shell 實作成果 ...............21
4.2.2 Quick Jump 實作成果........................22
4.2.3 VoiceN avigation 實作成果.........................24
4.2.4 Tip & Pad 實作成果.............................25
4.2.5 Voice Input 實作成果............................27
4.3 測試評估............................... 29
4.3.1 使用情境............................. 29
4.3.2 學習時間 .................................32
4.3.3 使用者問卷 .................................33
CHAPTER 5 結論與未來工作...........................35
參考文獻 ................................37
附錄 ............................................39
[1] C. Harrison, J. Schwarz, and S.E. Hudson, “TapSense: Enhancing Finger Interaction on Touch Surfaces, In Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on User interface Software and Technology (Santa Barbara, California, UIST '11. ACM, New York, pp.627-636, October 2011.
[2] T.V. Raman, C.L. Chen, “Eyes-Free User Interfaces, Computer, volume 55, issue 10, pp. 100-101, 2008.
[3] Chin-Yang Lin, Ting-Wei Hou and Chih-Wei Hsu, Study and Porting Text To Speech Engine for Android Platform, Proceedings of 2011 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies (DLT-2011), B2-4(P75), July 7-8, 2011.
[4] 蔡淳宇, 設計與實作適合視障人士之 Android 應用程式框架, 國立成功大學 工程科學系碩士論文, July 2011.
[5] Apple, Siri, http://www.apple.com/iphone/features/siri.html, (accessed 2012/06/23)
[6] Eclipse, http://www.eclipse.org/, (accessed 2012/06/23) [7] Android Development Tools,
http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/eclipse-adt.html (accessed 2012/06/23) [8] 中華電信盲人應用開發 (盲用 APP 視障生活大便利),
http://www.cna.com.tw/News/aHEL/201206020086.aspx, (accessed 2012/06/23) [9] Apple VoiceOver, http://www.apple.com/tw/accessibility/voiceover/, (accessed
[10] Android SDK, http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html (accessed
[11] Hindi Text-to-Speech (TTS) System, Graphics and Intelligence based Script
Technology (GIST), http://pune.cdac.in/html/gist/research-areas/speechtech.aspx,
(accessed 2012/06/23)
[12] Android, http://www.android.com/, (accessed 2012/06/23) [13] xShortcut, appschinyang,
(accessed 2012/06/23) [14] Talkback,
http://eyes-free.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/documentation/android_access/servic es.html, (accessed 2012/06/24)
[15] Eyes-Free Shell, http://www.access-board.gov/sec508/guide/act.htm, (accessed 2012/06/24)
[16] Section 508, http://www.access-board.gov/sec508/guide/act.htm, (accessed 2012/06/24)
[17] Eyes-Free Keyboard,
hod.latin, (accessed 2012/06/24) [18] SVOX Text To Speech Engine,
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.svox.classic, (accessed
[19] Mobile Accessibility, http://www.codefactory.es/en/products.asp?id=415,
(accessed 2012/06/25)
[20] Chin-Yang Lin, Cheng-Liang Lin, and Ting-Wei Hou, “A Graph-based
Approach for Automatic Service Activation and Deactivation on the OSGi Platform, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, volume 55, issue 3, pp. 1271-1279, August, 2009.
[21] Kuo-Yi Chen, Chin-Yang Lin, Tien-Yan Ma and Ting-Wei Hou, “A Power-saving Technique for the OSGi Platform, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, volume E95-D, No.5, pp. 1417-1426, May, 2012.
[22] Tien-Yan Ma, Chin-Yang Lin, Shu-Wei Hsu, Che-Wei Hu and Ting-Wei Hou, “Automatic Brightness Control of the Handheld Device Display with Low Illumination, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE 2012), pp. 382-385, May 25-27, 2012.
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