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論文名稱(外文):Hyperbolic Phase-Change Heat Transfer Problems By Using Hybrid Laplace Transfer Method
指導教授(外文):Long-Sun Chao
外文關鍵詞:LaserNon-FourierPhase change
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∂θ(δ,0)/∂β及(∂^2 θ(δ,0))/(∂^2 δ)為造成數值結果不穩定之原因,因此,本文在處理溫度線性疊代運算時,利用拉氏轉換法搭配控制體積法及有限差分法之數值解反推求得∂θ(δ,0)/∂β及(∂^2 θ(δ,0))/(∂^2 δ)作為修正值,再帶數值回疊代運算,有效解決在時間疊代造成的震盪問題,並進一步計算較複雜的雷射熱源問題。

As technology advances, the heat transfer behavior on a micro scale has graduallybeen taken seriously. There is not muchresearch about the micro-scale non-Fourier phase change heat transfer problems.The main focus of this paper is to use the hybrid Laplace transform method to investigate Fourier and non-Fourier phase change heat transfer problems.
Hybrid Laplace transform method is used in the research, with one using Riemann sum approximation based on inverse Laplace transform method and the other using the same Riemann sum approximation and control volume method.The temperature recovery method is applied to solve numerical problem of latent heat in phase-change.To solve non-Fourier heat transfer laser problems, study focuses on the application of hybrid numerical method and the instability ensued from iteration.
∂θ(δ,0)/∂β and (∂^2 θ(δ,0))/(∂^2 δ)can lead to unstable numerical results.As a result, Laplace transform methodis applied alone with control volume method and the finite difference method to acquire modified differential term. Then comes the iteration that effectively resolves the oscillated problem. Without the oscillation, the more complicated laser heat source issue can be addressed.
Using the proposed method of this thesis to calculate the non –Fourier heat transfer problems can obtain anaccurate result and solve more complicated non-Fourier phase change problem.Applying the hybrid Laplace transform method together with temperature recovery method can solve the Steven problemaccurately.
The non-Fourier dual phase laser heat source phase change problem involves two processes: the melting and solidification.In melting, part of the laser energy is absorbed by latent heat, making a relatively higher point in temperature than the point that does not consider phase change.On the other hand, in solidification, the release of latent heat mitigates the thermal diffusion. That makes a relatively higher point in temperature than the point that does not consider phase change.

3-1 混合逆拉氏轉換之數值方法..................................16
3-1-1 有限差分法...........................................16
3-2 雙相差模式有雷射熱源.....................................21
4-1 非傅立葉熱傳(熱波模式)時間疊代.............................36
4-2 非傅立葉熱傳(雙相差模式)時間疊代...........................37
4-3 非傅立葉熱傳(雙相差模式有雷射熱源)時間疊代...................37
5-1 溫度回復法(凝固問題).....................................42
5-2 運用溫度回復法求解史蒂芬問題...............................43
5-3 溫度回復法(融化問題)...................................45
5-4 史蒂芬問題熱波模式.......................................47
5-5 史蒂芬問題雙相差模式.....................................48
5-6 雙相差模式雷射熱源潛熱效應................................49

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