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論文名稱(外文):Ergonomics-oriented Schoolchildren’s Pointing Device Development Model
指導教授(外文):Hsin-His Lai
外文關鍵詞:pointing deviceschoolchildrenproduct designmodel developmentESPDDMSDPD
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Due to the increased popularity of information technology, information devices have infiltrated all aspects of life. They have even changed the way schoolchildren learn and play games. Pointing devices are the most common devices used to interact with computers and information equipment. The design of ergonomic products for children is complicated by children’s physical characteristics. Few designers are willing to invest in this type of development. Designers require an effective procedure for the development of pointing devices designed specifically for schoolchildren.
This study constructed a product development model, ESPDDM (Ergonomics-oriented Schoolchildren’s Pointing Device Development Model) and created a new pointing device based on this model for verification.
ESPDDM consists of three main phases. The first phase guides development teams in the establishment of design principles related to pointing devices for schoolchildren. This phase includes four sub-phases: collection and analysis of existing products, selection of representative products, a usability test, and establishment of design requirements. The second phase focuses on product development. It includes four sub-phases: rough sketching, three-dimensional modeling, crafting and styling of mockups, and construction of a functional prototype. Verification and evaluation is performed during the last phase. This includes determination of participants, organization of apparatus, planning of experimental procedures, and production of an evaluation report. We employed this development model in our creation of the Sand Draw Pointing Device (SDPD) for verification.
We based the SDPD on the motions children use to draw in sand. We converted these motions into a method used to control onscreen cursors. The primary structure of the system consists of a parallel moving panel upon which cursor motion signals that correspond to the user’s motions are created. In operational performance and physiological measurement, this device demonstrated superior performance to a conventional mouse. This proves that the development procedures employed in ESPDDM were effective.
Abstract I
Acknowledgement IV
Contents V
List of Figures VIII
List of Tables X
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and background 1
1.2 Research purpose 3
1.3 Organization of the dissertation 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Ergonomically-oriented product design 8
2.1.1 Major trends in ergonomics research 8
2.1.2 Ergonomic product design based on different perspectives 10
2.2 Considerations for children’s use of information technology 12
2.2.1 Children's exposure to information technology 12
2.2.2 Ergonomic considerations for children’s use of information technology 14
2.2.3 Developmental progress of children 16
2.3 Design issues of children’s pointing device 19
2.3.1 Types of interaction that employ pointing devices 19
2.3.2 Design issues of the user interface 22
2.3.3 Form and dimensions of the pointing devices 23
Chapter 3 Implementation Procedures 25
3.1 ESPDDM(Ergonomics-oriented Schoolchildren’s Pointing Device Development Model) 25
3.2 Establishment of design requirements 28
3.2.1 Collection and analysis of existing products 28
3.2.2 Selection of representative products 29
3.2.3 Usability test 30
3.2.4 Determination of design requirements 30
3.3. Conceptual design developments 32
3.3.1 Draft proposal 32
3.3.2 3D modeling 33
3.3.3 Crafting of styling mockups 33
3.3.4 Construction of a functional prototype 34
3.4 Ergonomic evaluation of design prototype 35
3.4.1 Determination of participants 35
3.4.2 Organization of the apparatus 36
3.4.3 Planning of experimental procedures 37 Operational performance 37 Physiological measurement 38 Participants’ subjective feelings 38
3.4.4 Evaluation report 39
Chapter 4 Design 40
4.1 Product scope 40
4.1.1 Collection and analysis of existing products 40
4.1.2 Selection of representative products 44
4.2 Novelty of the design 46
4.2.1 Usability test 46
4.2.2 Establishment of design requirements 48
4.3 Conceptual design development 50
4.3.1 Design Alternatives 50 Concept 50 Features 51 Core 52
4.3.2 3D modeling 52
4.3.3 Styling mockups 54
4.3.4 Functional prototype 55
Chapter 5 Evaluation 58
5.1 Organization 58
5.1.1 Determination of participants 58
5.1.2 Apparatus 59
5.2 Experimental procedures 62
5.2.1 Aiming task 62
5.2.2 Moving task 63
5.2.3 Posture analysis 65
5.2.4 Participants’ subjective satisfaction 66
5.3 Experimental results 68
5.3.1 Aiming task results 68 Distance results 68 Direction results 69
5.3.2 Moving task results 70 Direction results 72 Diagonal and crosswise motion results 73 Circularity and linear operations 74
5.3.3 Posture analysis results 75 Horizontal movements 76 Vertical movements 78
5.3.4 User Satisfaction 80 Participants’ satisfaction during operation 80 Participants’ satisfaction with physiological feelings 83
5.4 Discussion and conclusions based on SDPD evaluation 86
5.4.1 Discussion 86 Aiming task 86 Moving task 87 Posture 88 Satisfaction 89
5.4.2 Conclusions 90
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Suggestions 91
6.1 Conclusions 91
6.2 Suggestions 93
References 94
Appendix I:Data for performance verification of SDPD 100
Appendix II: Sheets for subjective preference rating 114

Fig. 1. Research structure of this study. 5
Fig. 2. The three phases of ESPDDM 26
Fig. 3. Typical pointing devices.. 42
Fig. 4. Five selected representative samples for usability test. 44
Fig. 5. Concept of SDPD, drawing in the sand. 51
Fig. 6. Three way 2d view and 3D model of the SDPD. 53
Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of the method of operation. 54
Fig. 8. Exploded drawing of SDPD. 56
Fig. 9. Experimental setup. 60
Fig. 10. Setting of different targets in the aiming task. 62
Fig. 11. Contour of the moving task. 64
Fig. 12. Angle of wrist. 65
Fig. 13. Aiming task results for distance. 69
Fig. 14. Aiming task result for direction. 70
Fig. 15. Turns during trajectorys. 71
Fig. 16. Wrist position during horizontal movements. 75
Fig. 17. Wrist position during vertical movements. 76
Fig. 18. Participants’ satisfaction during aiming task. 80
Fig. 19. Participants’ satisfaction during moving task. 81
Fig. 20. Participants’ satisfaction during handling task. 82
Fig. 21. Participants’ satisfaction with performance. 82
Fig. 22. Participants’ satisfaction with thumb comfort. 83
Fig. 23. Participants’ satisfaction with index finger comfort. 84
Fig. 24. Participants’ satisfaction with middle finger comfort. 85
Fig. 25. Participants’ satisfaction with wrist comfort. 85

Table 1 Comparison of five types of pointing devices. 45
Table 2 Summary of the results of the usability test 48
Table 3 Mean clicking time of aiming task 68
Table 4 Number of turns during trajectories in all directions 71
Table 5 Number of turns during trajectories in diagonal and crosswise motions 73
Table 6 Number of turns during circular and linear trajectories 74
Table 7 Horizontal movements 76
Table 8 Horizontal movements in comparison to rest position 77
Table 9 Vertical movements 79
Table 10 Vertical movements in comparison to rest position 79
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