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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Healing Digital Game of Smart Phone
指導教授(外文):Meng-Dar Shieh
外文關鍵詞:SmartphoneDigital gameHealing StyleCluster analysisFactor analysisNeural network analysis
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Depression is very common mental illness in modern society. The continuous and rapid development of the scientific and technological civilization brings more source of pressure. The accumulated pressures usually lead to physical and mental illness, if without proper way to vent.
The mobile phone is the device that most close to users at present. The interaction becomes evident between users and their products because the new generation smartphone provide the devices with touch screen and orientation-aware functionality. This mode for operational behavior and platform mode create plenty of novel types of digital games, which are coupled with emerge of the open development platform. The so-called healing digital games cannot be excluded. This sort of healing games has the greater interaction than the common healing products. When we explore of healing digital games, this kind of digital games offers more interactive elements sample.
This research, mainly focused on the games on a platform of smartphones, uses open-ended questionnaire to collect digital game samples. Collect interactive elements samples by expert focus analysis with KJ method. Then, analyze interactive elements and image words from healing digital games’ samples by Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis. Finally, analyze the relation between the two using Artificial Neural Network Analysis. Finally, acquire the design criteria mode between interactive elements and image words.
In this paper, mixes of different interactive modes will affect the players' feeling in the digital game for the healing imagery. However, it is not necessarily be able to bring better healing style feeling as players, when the game has higher interactive functions.

摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
附件表 IX
一 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景及動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍及限制 3
1.4 研究架構與流程 4
二 文獻探討 6
2.1 療癒系 6
2.2 智慧型手機 11
2.3 數位遊戲 14
2.4 類神經網路 24
2.4.1類神經網路應用 28
2.4.2應用類神經網路於產品設計之探討 29
三 研究理論 31
3.1 因素分析 (Factor Analysis) 31
3.2 集群分析 (Cluster Analysis) 35
3.3 類神經網路(NN) 37
3.4 問卷調查 41
四 研究方法與步驟 43
4.1 研究步驟 43
4.2 療癒系遊戲樣本蒐集 44
4.3 互動元素蒐集 45
4.4 療癒系意象語彙蒐集 48
4.5 意象語彙因素分析 49
4.6 遊戲樣本集群分析 53
4.7 類神經網路編碼 58
4.8 類神經網路分析 59
五 結論與展望 64
5.1 研究結果與貢獻 64
5.2 未來展望 65
參考文獻 66

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