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論文名稱(外文):A Pricing Strategy for Hybrid Remanufacturing Firms with Consideration of Consumer Preferences
指導教授(外文):Yeu-Shiang Huang
外文關鍵詞:remanufacturinghybrid systemgreen consumerpricing
  • 被引用被引用:4
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Due to the awareness of the eco-friendly issue is gradually important to customers, more manufacturers begin to remanufacture end-of-life products, and then sell new and remanufactured products in the market simultaneously, such a production system is often called“hybrid system with remanufacturing.”Manufacturers with hybrid systems have to consider the internal competition between their new and remanufactured products. In general, consumers tend to value a remanufactured product less than a new one. However, as the green segment of the market become larger, more consumers would be willing to purchase remanufactured products, and the pricing strategy for both new and remanufactured products thus becomes important. In this paper, a manufacturer sells both new and remanufactured products with different price, with consideration of the competition between the two products and the associated production costs. The external competition is also considered, since there exists some competitive products with similar function in the market. Whether a product has eco-friendly images will the affect consumer behavior. The market consist of heterogeneous consumers, Among them, the preferences of green consumers arw investigated. By considering the demand of different type of products, a pricing model is proposed to maximize the overall profit of the market which can suggest the optimal pricing strategy for manufacturers with hybrid. In the aspect of demand, it can provide a quantity model to understand the effect that the consumer behavior on price, and the aspect of competition, it gives some suggestions to prevent the threat of competitors entering the market.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 2
第三節、研究目的 3
第四節、研究範圍及重要性 4
第五節、研究流程 4
第六節、論文架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節、產品再生 7
第二節、綠色市場與顧客 11
第三節、新產品與再製品定價決策 14
第三章 混和生產系統產品最佳定價策略 20
第一節 問題描述 20
第二節 研究架構 22
第三節 研究步驟 24
第四節 混和生產系統模式建構 27
第四章 問題應用與分析 47
第一節 新產品與再製品價格差距大 47
第二節 新產品與再製品價格差距小 53
第三節 實例說明與敏感度分析 62
第五章 結論與建議 71
第一節 研究貢獻 71
第二節 研究限制 72
第三節 未來研究方向 72
參考文獻 74
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