中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 誌謝 III Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Chapter 2: Literature review 3 2.1 Intrapartum-related mortality 3 2.2 Intrapartum-related neonatal mortality 3 2.2.1 Epidemiology 4 2.3 Intrapartum stillbirths 4 2.3.1 Epidemiology 5 2.4 Intrapartum-related maternal mortality 5 2.4.1 Epidemiology 5 2.5 Home delivery versus Health facility delivery 5 2.6 Use of health facility delivery 6 2.7 Determinants of utilization of obstetric care 8 2.8 Country profile 10 2.9 Health Policies in Kenya 12 2.10 Background of Rachuonyo District: 14 2.11 Summarize the main problem(s) in Rachuonyo District: 15 Chapter 3: Broad Research Question 16 3.1 Broad Research Objective 16 3.2 Research Target Population 16 3.3 Specific Research Question 16 3.4 Specific Research Objective 16 Chapter 4: Materials and Methods 17 4.1 Study Area 17 4.2 Study Population 18 4.3 Research Design 18 4.4 Sampling Design and Focus Group Discussion 18 4.5 Study personnel and Data colleting Process 19 4.6 Data Analysis 20 4.6.1 Quantitative 20 4.6.2 Qualitative 22 4.7 Questionnaire Design and Pilot study 22 Chapter 5: Result 24 5.1 Demographic Data 24 5.1.1 Use of antenatal care (ANC) services 24 5.1.2 Use of skilled care at delivery 24 5.2 Distribution of demographic among difference delivery place 25 5.2.1 Use of antenatal care (ANC) services 25 5.2.2 Use of skilled care at delivery 25 5.3 Distribution of demographic among difference sub-locations 26 5.3.1 Use of antenatal care (ANC) services 26 5.3.2 Use of skilled care at delivery 27 5.4 Determinants of skilled care at delivery 27 Chapter 6: Discussion 29 Chapter 7: Limitation 38 Chapter 8: Conclusions 39 Chapter 9: Recommendation 40 Chapter 10: References 41 List of map figure, tables and annexes 43 Figure 1: Africa Map and Kenya location 43 Figure 2: Kenya National Map 43 Figure 3: Nyanza Provincial Map 44 Figure 4: Kenya National Health Sector Strategic Plan (NHSSP-II) 44 Figure 5: The Rachuonyo District Map, and the location of Rachuonyo District Hospital₁, Ober Health Center₂, God Ber Dispensary₃ and Omiro Dispensary₄. 45 Figure 6: Sampling design 45 Figure 7: The distribution of utilization rate of health facility delivery and skilled birth attendant in difference level 45 Table 1. Demographic data and basic information of interviewed women 47 Table 2: Distribution of demographic and antenatal care elements of delivery care in Rachuonyo District 49 Table 3: Distribution of demographic, antenatal care elements and information knowing status of delivery care in Rachuonyo District 50 Table 4: Unadjusted odd ratio (OR) and 95% CI on utilization of obstetric care in Rachuonyo District, Western Kenya. 52 Table 5: Adjusted odd ratio (OR) and 95% CI on utilization of obstetric care in Rachuonyo District, Western Kenya. 53 Appendix A 54 Appendix B 59