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論文名稱(外文):The measurement of atmospheric DC electric field by Sounding Balloon
指導教授(外文):Bing-Chih Chen
外文關鍵詞:Electric field measurementSounding balloonLightningTransient Luminous Event
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The atmospheric electric field plays an important role in the theoretical models of the global electric circuit and the various types of the transient luminous events. In this thesis work, we develop a new experiment method to have an in-situ measurement of the vertical electric field up to the altitude of 30km to explore its spatial and temporal variation and the charge distribution. A lightweight electric field meter (EFM) is developed to measure the potential difference between two probes with a fixed distance and the electric field is derived directly by its definition. An in-lab facility with two parallel slabs to produce uniform electric field is designed carefully for the purpose of the calibration and test of the EFM. The metrological balloon is used as the flight carrier to deliver a 1kg-class payload to 30km height. We also develop compact and lightweight aviation electronics to obtain ambient metrological parameters. The results of the flight in May 31, 2012 are analyzed and reported in this thesis. The electric field meter flied over a growing convection system and measured the vertical electric field as well as ambient temperature, humidity, and magnetic field vector successfully. An exponential-decaying background electric field with altitude is observed. And we also identify several layer-distributed charges in different height, and the electric field become electrically neutral in the turbulent zone due the difficulty of the charge separation. A significantly variation of the electric field is also identified in the proximity of the convection system.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章簡介 1
1.1大域電路 1
1.2 雲對地閃電的產生機制 2
1.3高空短暫發光現象 6
1.3.1紅色精靈 7
1.3.2淘氣精靈 9
1.3.3藍色噴流與巨大噴流 12
1.3.4總結 14
1.4 大氣垂直電場與測量 15
1.5論文結構 16
第二章 高空量測平台-探空氣球 17
2.1 大氣層探索簡介 17
2.2 探空氣球簡介 18
2.3 中央處理器單元-Arduino 22
2.4 輔助探測器簡介 22
2.4.1全球定位系統 23
2.4.2三軸磁力計 24
2.4.3三軸加速度計 26
2.4.4溫度計 28
2.4.5溼度計 29
2.5 無線通訊傳輸 29
2.6 電力系統 33
2.7 飛行酬載箱體 33
2.8 航路預測與規劃 34
2.9 飛行實驗科學酬載 35
第三章 大氣直流電場量測計 38
3.1電場量測計簡介 38
3.1.1 雙探針與硬體設計 38
3.1.2 電路設計 41
3.1.3二級訊號放大與濾波 43
3.2 平板校正電場 46
3.3 儀器測試與結果 50
第四章 利用探空氣球進行大氣直流電場量測 53
4.1 2012年5月31日大氣直流電場量測實驗 53
4.1.1實驗概述 53
4.1.2 磁力計資料分析 56
4.1.3 溫、溼度計資料 57
4.1.4電場量測計(EFM)資料 60
4.1.5大氣垂直電位變化 72
4.2 總結 73
第五章 結論與未來展望 74
5.1 結論 74
5.2 未來展望 74
參考文獻 78

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