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論文名稱(外文):Effect of Various Refund Policies on the Railway System Operators’ Profit
指導教授(外文):Yung-Hsiang Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Refund policyCustomer valuationSelling strategyEconomic refund model
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Full refund and easy cancellation procedure are offered in Taiwan railway systems. Comparing the refund policies with Japan, France and Korea, and industries in airlines and retails, this study aims to modify refund policies for the railway industries. Offering a thorough refund policy can make passengers plan their schedules carefully for customers. Otherwise, it can avoid wasting seat resources and reduce no-shows for railway companies.
This study separates two selling periods as advance and spot, and implements a refund model for advance selling period. Considering in customer valuation, fare class, ticket purchasing and cancellation time, and the hassle cost. At first, this study distinguishes two valuation customers on choosing ticket purchasing time and alternatives. Refunds are given according to customers’ valuation. Also, various ticket selling and resell strategies are discussed. Last, this study establishes spot refund policies in exponential functions according to cancellation time and cancellation rate.
Under given conditions, this study discovers that more refunds are given to high valuation customers and high fare classes under advance refund policy. And refunds are given according to the cancellation time on spot refund policy. The railway company will adopt the selling strategies on high resell price, high valuation customers and low cancellation rate for high profits.
Table of Contents I
List of Tables III
List of Figures V
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 5
1.3 Research Scope and Subjects 6
1.4 Research Framework 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Refund Policies in Various Countries’ Railway Industries 8
2.1.1 Japan 9
2.1.2 Korea 12
2.1.3 France 13
2.1.4 Taiwan 14
2.1.5 Summary 15
2.2 Characteristics of Various Industries in the Refund Policies 16
2.2.1 Retail Industries 16
2.2.2 Airline Industries 18
2.2.3 Relative Literature on the Model Construction 19
2.2.4 The Difference in this Study 23
2.3 Summary 27
Chapter 3 Methodology 29
3.1 Problem Definition 29
3.2 Research Model 30
3.2.1 Variables Assumption 31
3.2.2 Refund Policies in the Advance Selling Period 32
3.2.3 Refund Policies in the Spot Selling Period 43
3.3 Summary 45
Chapter 4 Numerical Example 46
4.1 Model Demonstration under One Seat Capacity 46
4.1.1 The Value of Key Factors 46
4.1.2 Data analysis 53
4.1.3 Fixed Price under One Seat Capacity 56
4.1.4 Sensitive Analysis 56
4.1.5 Brief Summary 59
4.2 Model Demonstration under Full Seat Capacity 60
4.2.1 Profit in each Case 61
4.2.2 Fixed Price under Full Capacity 66
4.2.3 Sensitive Analysis 68
4.3 Comparing the Refund Policies with Other Countries 71
4.3.1 Profit in each Country with the Refund Policy 72
4.3.2 Analysis 72
4.4 Spot Refund Policies in Full Seat Capacity 74
4.4.1 Spot Refund Policies in Case 1 76
4.4.2 Spot Refund Policies in Case 2 79
4.4.3 Spot Refund Policies in Case 3 and 4 81
4.4.4 Brief Summary 83
4.5 Summary 84
Chapter 5 Conclusion 86
5.1 Findings 86
5.2 Contributions 87
5.2.1 Academic Contributions 87
5.2.2 Managerial Implication 89
5.3 Limitations and Future Research 90
Appendix 91
Appendix 1:Notations 91
Appendix 2 : Revenue under fixed price with one seat capacity 93
Appendix 3 : Prices of each fare class under each case in full seat capacity 95
Appendix 4 : Revenue under each case in full seat capacity 101
Appendix 5 : Revenue under the refund policy in each country 103
Appendix 6: The refund rate under the spot refund policy 105
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